Posts Tagged: '%21mod'

Jun. 1st, 2020



Hey guys! Random housekeeping thing. If you have any recent college grads that are now moving onto grad school or beyond at the university, can you comment here? I just want to update a few of the reference pages. :)

Mar. 17th, 2020



Hello, friends!

As you all know, things are a bit turbulent in the real world right now. Because we want RP to be a relaxing place, much of that isn't bleeding into the world of Dunhaven, but we also know that it's very hard to escape and it can be draining and make it hard to focus.

Because of this, we've decided that we're going to waive activity for March and April, instead relying on check ins for activity, like we do during the holidays. Obviously we do hope to still see things going on IC and we'll have the calendar, prompt challenge, and events throughout those months, but we understand that RP is a hobby and other things come first. The last thing that we want is for Dunhaven to feel like a job; this is a creative escape, after all, and we don't want to lose the fun that comes with it. In the end, if we can ease one thing for you all, that's what we want to do.

So, in the meantime, please let us know if you have any questions, any plots that you'd like to see come up in game, or anything else. And know that we love and are thankful for each and every one of you. ❤️

Jamie & Kit

Jan. 8th, 2020



Hi guys! We created two new resources, hopefully to help everyone out, both old and new players alike.

The first one is here, which details through significant events that have happened in game since we opened back in July 2017 aka eons ago. As you'll see, we included life changing events, such as marriages and babies, as well as some national events that would have been in the news, and finally some entries that people would have known about if they were on the network during that time. While characters can always just join the network when they're first picked up, that doesn't always have to be the case, so this is an easy way for them to be aware of what shenanigans might have cropped up on those anonymous posts that happen now and again.

The second resource is here and focuses on the differences between the real world and the world that Dunhaven exists in. As we've talked about before, we do like to err on the side of RP being a place for fun and most of us probably don't want to live through some of the BS we have to deal with in our real lives twice. There's a big note in there that details this further, but if you're ever wondering if some specific event that happens in our world also happens in theirs, please don't hesitate to contact one of us. We might need to have a discussion before coming to a decision, but we're happy to help.

Finally, we are but only human and there is a very good chance we missed a date somewhere. Please let us know if this is the case either here or in the mod dropbox. The same goes for the differences; if you have something in your character's background that requires a change to the world that is big enough that other characters would know or be affected by it, send us a blurb and we'll get it added.

OKAY, that is all! Thank you, friends! We appreciate each and every one of you and are so happy we have you here in this sandbox. We can't wait to see what sort of tomfoolery our characters get up to in 2020.


Dec. 28th, 2019



Hi guys! One more thing to help us out with updating docs!

Could you please reply here with any dates of significant events that have happened in game since we opened in July 2017? This would include marriages and children being born, but also anything that people might have known about through the news, like everything that went down with Harrison Steele, or if it affected a bunch of people.

Thanks for your help!

Jul. 4th, 2019



July Events!

Posting a few days late, but such is life! ;) Like before, please stick to claiming one or two per player at first, then we'll open it up for more claiming in a week or so!

July Events! )
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Jun. 1st, 2019



June Events!

Hello friends! As you probably remember, we did make a list of different events that are taking place in June a few days ago. However, we've expanded that calendar some to include some new events, so we're reposting it here! As you'll see, there are some events that only effect a certain group of people, some that hit the whole town, and others that are for volunteers. For those that have volunteers, we ask that you only claim one or two each right away for your characters; after a couple of days, we'll open it up again so you can take more, but we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to claim stuff right off the bat.

As always, if you have any ideas for plots like this going forward, please let us know! We're always open to suggestions and love to get feedback from all of you.

June Events! )
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May. 29th, 2019



It's almost the end of the month! Please don't forget to hit up the activity check, if you haven't had the chance to do so already.

Onward, to June's events! As always, don't forget to let us know if you have any events to add to this month or any in the future, either something personal or if you have gamewide plots or events in mind that you'd like to explore. June Events! )

Apr. 28th, 2019



Since it's almost the end of the month already (how did that happen??), we are here with a reminder of events coming up in May! As always, if there is anything that you would like added, either a personal event, something one of your character's might be doing for their business, or a town wide event/festival/etc that you think would be fun to implement either this month or in the future, please let us know and we'll get it added!

Also, as a reminder, we still have the April & May Bingo going, which you can see here!

May Events! )

Oct. 31st, 2018



Tomorrow is November! When did that happen??

As a note, we will only be doing check ins during the months of November and December, to give everyone a break during the holidays so no stress has to be endured in making activity. Obviously you can be as active as your time allows, but don't worry if you find yourselves not having the time as your focus is elsewhere. ❤️

November is NaNoWriMo! If you're planning on participating, high five! Otherwise, if you're planning on doing the RP-centric RPWriMo, there are a few of us that are already dedicating November to logs and narratives to hit crazy word counts. Good luck and don't hesitate to reach out to others to hit those goals.

Finally, there aren't a whole ton of town events this month, so once again, feel free to let us know if you'd like to add anything to the calendar and we'll get that sorted! This can be smaller events, large town plots, or anything in between.

November Events! )

May. 31st, 2018



Hello, friends! May is over and we're onto June, so the events for the next month are under this cut, just so you have an idea of what's going on in town! As always, if there are any plots that you'd like to see in game, let us know!

Also, thanks so much for being wonderful, you guys! We ♥ you all!

June Events! )

Feb. 28th, 2018



Taking a cue from Chel and knowing that we have our own characters that could use some connections that might have been looked over, we decided to do this entry so people could ask for exactly that!
Comment below with the name of your character in the subject and then a brief summary as well as any specific lines you might want to fill, either by characters already in game or for someone to be lured into picking up. It might make things easier if you do a separate comment for each character, just to keep things nice and clean. Then go through and see if there's anything that you might be able to fill for someone else. ✌️

Dec. 27th, 2017



It's time for a Check In!

As mentioned earlier in the month, we were not asking for activity for the month of December due to the holidays and everyone across the board having plenty going on that kept them away from their computers! We do ask that you comment on the above linked check in, though. Thank you!

This check in will run through December 31, 2017.

Let us know if you have any questions! We will be going back to our regularly scheduled activity checks in January. Hope you all have had lovely holidays so far! ♥
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Dec. 4th, 2017



Hello friends!

We wanted to make a note to let everyone know that we won't be having an activity check for the month of December, given the holidays and all of the away from computer obligations that come with it. We will do a check in that you'll be required to respond to, but that's all. Consider it our gift to you. 🎄

Still, we do have some stuff going on in December! Again, we have all of the community events listed out here. The objects plot is still ongoing as well! And, of course, there's the prompt challenge that you can take part in.

As always, if you have any questions or plot suggestions, feel free to let us know!

Nov. 24th, 2017



Hello friends! There are a lot of little events coming up in December for the holidays in Dunhaven, so I thought I'd list them out in the OOC so everyone is on the same page for when holiday breaks for the schools start and all that other fun stuff. If you have any ideas for events to take place in the town, please let us know! We pulled from other small towns, both real and from books/TV/movies, but we're always open for more ideas to add to the annual events.

December Events! )
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November Activity Check

It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count. That's it! If you are still working on a log with a partner and the deadline comes up, feel free to post what you have as a placeholder and use that toward your activity.

This check will run through November 30, 2017.

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥
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Oct. 30th, 2017



Just a reminder about activity check! Remember that we're only accepting activity that was posted within October this month (if you need to do a placeholder with part of a log, that's fine!), so the check will officially close at midnight on October 31! 🎃

Oct. 25th, 2017



It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count. That's it! If you are still working on a log with a partner and the deadline comes up, feel free to post what you have as a placeholder and use that toward your activity.

This check will run through October 31, 2017. 🎃 👻

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥
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Oct. 21st, 2017



Happy Saturday, everyone! Just wanted to make two quick notes to you all.

The first is regarding activity! While we're not changing anything regarding what's accepted as activity or the amount required monthly, we did want to let everyone know that we are going to be running activity checks during the last week of the month, rather than the first week of the next month. For example, October's check will be running from 10/25-10/31, closing at midnight on the 31st. We won't be accepting pieces that are posted in the next month for last month's activity; we didn't mind doing this the last few months because everyone was settling into storylines and new characters, but since we've been up and running for several months now, we figured now was a good time to settle into a set schedule. 😊

Second, we're going to be raising the character limit to a hard fifteen. Rather than letting people pick up additional based on activity, we're just going to keep it at that. If you're struggling to meet activity, we may ask you to dial back, but we figure everyone knows what they can handle.

That's all! Let us know if you have any questions.

PS: Don't forget about the objects plot! Also, we'll do another prompt challenge for November/December, if you guys are interested in that. If you have any ideas for a particular theme for those months and in the future, please let us know!

Oct. 8th, 2017



Hi guys! Just a few housekeeping things, so you're all aware!

1. Activity for September is over!

2. As you can see here, we added a plage in the mod journal for general gossip and whatnot. This is the sort of gossip that would be passed by word of mouth, sometimes true, sometimes partially true, and sometimes way off. Feel free to make a comment on that page to let people know what sort of rumors might be going around about your character; if it involves another character, make sure you've got permission from that player, of course. Once it's on the page, it's open to be talked about in game. We'd suggest you perhaps tag that entry, so you get a notification when something is added.

3. The emoji prompt challenge goes through October, so feel free to jump on that if you haven't yet. You can find the prompts and the table here.

4. We're going to throw in a little plot for everyone! For those that have been in panfandom games before, we're going to be doing the rather popular Gift From Home plot, but with a twist. Your character can find or discover an object from home, but it must be something that would be natural to this world, so the Millenium Falcon and the Tardis aren't going to be showing up anytime soon. However, Juno could find a time turner at a shop in town or Vee could buy a suitcase for Remi that is very similar to Remus's. The characters might not realize that they recognize these objects right away or they could leave them with some odd feeling or trigger a memory for them. This plot is starting now and doesn't have any real end date, so have fun with this! Also, feel free to comment on this post to make any plot plans, if your object might effect someone else and so on.

Thanks for a great first couple of months, guys! We've had a great time playing with you and hope that you feel the same. If you have any questions, plot ideas, or snide remarks, feel free to let us know! 💗 💗 💗
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Aug. 30th, 2017



Activity Check!

It's time for an Activity Check!

The requirements, as outlined in the Rules/FAQ, are fairly simple. All you need is 1 log or narrative per character with no minimum word or paragraph count. That's it!

This check will run through September 9, 2017 which is not this Saturday but next Saturday.

As a note, typically only activity posted within the specified month may be used for check in. However, for our first check in, anything from the opening of the game through September 9 may be used, giving everyone just over an extra week to finish activity since we know a large part of this month was focused on app writing and trying to coordinate introducing characters with SLPs. Just note that any activity posted between September 1 and 9 used for this check in cannot be reused for September's check in.

Let us know if you have any questions! ♥
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