Jan. 20th, 2020



Hi guys! We had an event for January that I wanted to repost, just because it's supposed to continue through February however we didn't have much response but also know that the calendar gets buried pretty quick. So, please comment here if you have a character that would want to participate in this one way or another. (Also, feel free to go back to the calendar and claim any prizes that haven't been nabbed already.)

Do you have dancing experience? Are you a local celebrity that would like to dance? Then come on down to Jazz House for auditions for Dunhaven's own version of Dancing With the Stars! The dancing will start in February, with those chosen to be the expert dancers and celebrities having a few weeks to prepare. Each weekly competition will even be shown live on the town's public access channel, if you can't make it down to watch! Though there will be scores given by the judges, there won't be any eliminations, with the couples dancing each week in February to showcase the talent that the town has and just have fun! Feel free to volunteer any dancers (should have some dance experience) or local celebrities (politicians, radio DJs, business owners, that sort of thing) that you might have that would be interested in this; everyone will get to participate and if there's an uneven number, we'll assign some NPCs.

DANCERS: Tori English, Evan Meadows


Jan. 17th, 2020



Miles has a new journal!

~hugger ----> ~petertingle :3

Jan. 14th, 2020



Hi gang! I'm Whit. I think I know most of you, but for those I am just meeting - I have two dumb cats, I work for NASA at the Marshall Space Flight Center, and I would probably die to get a decent ramen place in this godforsaken hellhole. My job is pretty demanding and has me travel a decent amount, so I am planning on waiting a while to make sure I can handle one character before expanding my list despite all of my desires to the contrary. Andrea has been instructed to babysit me in this regard.

This here is Theo Salazar! He's Preston's little brother and uncle to Sofia and Elias, and if you're into linguistics, you may be enrolled in one of the classes he teaches at the University of Dunhaven (he just started teaching this semester - a 101 class and two 200s). He's only been in town for about two weeks now, so he's brand spankin' new in all regards. He's a nerd but an easy-going one; he enjoys esoteric texts and dimestore novels both. He's fairly quiet, but not socially anxious, and makes friends easily so he'll definitely be popping up in comments and whatnot getting to know his Dunhaven neighbors. He's heard the ~rumors~ about this place after all, and finds Dunhaven's whole rep fascinating. Consider him not having speaking up on social media IC; I've decided he's a Luddite and he waited a little bit to buy a new laptop after his old one died (tragic tea-spilling accident that may or may not be based on Real Life Events). At any rate, assume that his family bugged him until he got a laptop and a social media account. He's mostly a nice guy! I say "mostly" because he does have commitment issues and has a nasty side if you're not nice to his loved ones, but no one's perfect etc etc.

His ~past life~ was Thurvishar D'Lorus from The Chorus of Dragons series by Jenn Lyons, which are all excellent bricks. There will be five books in the series, and two have been released; Thurvishar had a bunch of "SURPRISE!!!" moments in the first book so I'll keep it vague to avoid spoilers and just say: Thurvishar D'Lorus is from one of the royal families of a vast empire. He's both a talented wizard and a dick. How dickish? Like, charming dick or totally reprehensible dick-dick? You'll have to read the books and ~find out~. (Seriously, they're great, with lots of twists and turns and shades-of-grey characters. Thurvishar is one of three POV characters, and he writes snarky footnotes correcting the other two POV characters when they screw up their history/mythology/linguistics/cultural assumptions. He is literally the "well actually" guy. Delightful stuff.)

I want everything! In particular, I'd like to figure out the Salazar family, since he'll know them and their SOs, and if any university student is in his classes I should probably know that too. THANK YOU. <3
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Jan. 13th, 2020



HELLO FRIENDS I binge read the raven cycle books and now here we are. This is Alexis (can call her Alex, that's fine) - she is the counterpart to Adam Parrish, who is a complicated combination of independence, angst and slytherin ambition. She's part of the girl crew with Mo, Cerys, Hannah and Jane?? She grew up in a poor and abusive household and got out of that with the help of her friends, and is now on her 5th year at Dunhaven University. She was class of 2015 at Athena Academy, NOT a rich kid but was one of the really intelligent and gifted ones who worked her ass off.

She lives in a studio apartment above the local church (but doesn't really attend herself, cause she's usually working), has worked at K Auto since she was 16 and has ambitions to do something great with her life. What, I have no idea. The books are very vague on what Adam actually studies for :P But she's pretty in-line with canon, so she has an affinity for some magic things - Jane's family has kinda adopted her in the sense that now they think they need to teach her all about tarot cards and she's just kinda been going along with it ?? She's trying not to be an asshole to people just cause they're nice to her.

ANYWAY yes, here she is. things??

Jan. 12th, 2020



Hi, all! It's Terri. As Jeanne already explained on her recent intro, we are all up in our feels about Alex's departure from GA, so we're bringing Jolex here to give them happiness since their lives are probably going to become a dumpster fire on the show.

This is Embry Marshall, who is going to be dreaming of Jo Wilson Karev. She has had a few medical-type dreams, but nothing specifically relating to Jo yet! She is the only daughter of the Marshall family, and the third eldest child! She is going to be 29 in March, and will shortly thereafter marry her fiance, Gideon Fischer.

Embry was kind of a child prodigy in academics, particularly in science and math. She skipped several grades and graduated Dunhaven High School in 2006 at fifteen as Salutatorian, just behind Angie Phillips. She had several college credits already under her belt when she left high school to attend Dunhaven University in the nursing program. She graduated as an RN after five semesters, just before she turned eighteen.

From there, she went to Philadelphia. She worked at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and attended the University of Pennsylvania to earn her certification as a nurse practitioner, specifically with a focus in being a midwife. She had a really horrible relationship when she was in Philly, and came home still pretty heartbroken, but she immediately focused on her work and she's a damn good midwife.

Em has been with Gideon since 2016, and after several failed proposals, they finally got engaged in 2018. She's actually pretty darn excited to be marrying him soon. She also has her eye on like ALL of you because she knows what happens during snow storms.

So yeah! She should be pretty well-connected all things considered. :) Throw what you have my way! I'm always up for bingos and plotting with any of mine!



After fully avoiding the show for fifteen years, I've recently fallen in love with Jo and Alex from Grey's Anatomy. It's entirely Terri's fault. But with the recent news that Alex's actor is leaving the show, we're (obviously) coming to DH to, yanno, mend our broken hearts.

So, this is GIDEON FISCHER, who is/will be dreaming of Alex Karev! He's going to be one of the oldest folk around, which I'm sort of excited for, since I haven't had a lot of interactions with that crowd yet. He's 38, originally from Baltimore, MD, and an Aurelius grad of 1998.

After Aurelius he moved to Boston for med school and then to Philly for his residency. He took a brief sabbatical while his mom was sick (and eventually passed), then came back to Dunhaven to work at Dunhaven General in late 2015.

If the journal name wasn't obvious, he's a pediatrician! So, blizzard babies, he'll be ready for y'all. ;)

Most of his connections to the town are likely going to come from his engagement to the youngest Marshall daughter, Embry. She's ten years younger than him (oops?), but they've been living together since 2016 and engaged since 2018. They're getting married this April!

The Fischer family is a new one to town, and I've left things fairly open in his family history if anyone wants to bring in siblings at some point!

You can see all of mine here, and you can see my bingo post here! As always, I'm happy to plot and play in any capacity. :)

♥ Jeanne

Jan. 11th, 2020



Ruby Atwater has a new face! She is now Shelley Hennig~ Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

Jan. 8th, 2020



Hi guys! We created two new resources, hopefully to help everyone out, both old and new players alike.

The first one is here, which details through significant events that have happened in game since we opened back in July 2017 aka eons ago. As you'll see, we included life changing events, such as marriages and babies, as well as some national events that would have been in the news, and finally some entries that people would have known about if they were on the network during that time. While characters can always just join the network when they're first picked up, that doesn't always have to be the case, so this is an easy way for them to be aware of what shenanigans might have cropped up on those anonymous posts that happen now and again.

The second resource is here and focuses on the differences between the real world and the world that Dunhaven exists in. As we've talked about before, we do like to err on the side of RP being a place for fun and most of us probably don't want to live through some of the BS we have to deal with in our real lives twice. There's a big note in there that details this further, but if you're ever wondering if some specific event that happens in our world also happens in theirs, please don't hesitate to contact one of us. We might need to have a discussion before coming to a decision, but we're happy to help.

Finally, we are but only human and there is a very good chance we missed a date somewhere. Please let us know if this is the case either here or in the mod dropbox. The same goes for the differences; if you have something in your character's background that requires a change to the world that is big enough that other characters would know or be affected by it, send us a blurb and we'll get it added.

OKAY, that is all! Thank you, friends! We appreciate each and every one of you and are so happy we have you here in this sandbox. We can't wait to see what sort of tomfoolery our characters get up to in 2020.


Jan. 2nd, 2020



Hello friends!

Jach here with probably my last character. Please say hi to the youngest Kane sibling, Maeve. She follows after [info]rescueyou and [info]madeforwar. She is currently sixteen (going on seventeen) and is a Junior at Athena Academy.

She is exceedingly shy and fairly awkward with people she doesn't know very well, so she likely won't have a TON of connections in town. She's lived here since she was about three, but is pretty sheltered and sticks very close to the people she knows. She suffers from a lot of anxiety and depression and doesn't open up easily. The most important people to her are her siblings (this includes you now, Dottie!) and her BFF Maggie Phillips.

She is very intelligent and is top of her class at the academy. She's also very creative and spends a lot of time drawing/painting/taking pictures/designing clothing/doing various crafts. She also works part time at the Dreamery, so you may have seen her there!

Her alter-ego is Queen Elsa from Frozen. Maeve has been dreaming about her for just about a year now, and has experienced most of Elsa's younger/teen years. She's very well aware of who Elsa is and has watched all the movies.

She hasn't acquired any of Elsa's powers yet, but that may be changing very soon. :3

Would love love LOVE if we could get some more high school aged characters in game for her and Maggie to interact with.

That's all for now! Happy New Year to everyone!
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Dec. 30th, 2019



Hello, friends! It's time for some holiday themed prompts for January and February! All of the prompts have been lifted from TV Tropes and they are all sort of related to this time of year in one way or another. Some might be a stretch, but what can you do. We looked for tropes that we felt left some open interpretation, so there is some wiggle room as to what the situations might be and hopefully give you all a bit more space to stretch your creative selves.

Under the cut, you'll see an example of the card, as well as a blank template for you to fill out and the list of prompts. We suggest entering the prompts in here, so you can randomize them and everyone's card will be a little different.

Finally, we're going to mix things up a little bit this time around. At the end of February, we're going to tally up all of the prompts are filled, do a good, old-fashioned randomizer, and whoever wins will get a small prize. (Probably something like a gift certificate for IJ or Amazon, whatever the winner's preference is.) For a prompt to be counted toward the number, however, it must be used for a log/thread/narrative and only one prompt can be counted per piece of writing. So, you are free to use multiple prompts for a piece of writing, but only one of the prompts will be counted toward your total.

Feel free to comment below to plan out your prompts and have fun! ❤️

More here! )



January Events!

January Events! )

Dec. 28th, 2019



Hi guys! One more thing to help us out with updating docs!

Could you please reply here with any dates of significant events that have happened in game since we opened in July 2017? This would include marriages and children being born, but also anything that people might have known about through the news, like everything that went down with Harrison Steele, or if it affected a bunch of people.

Thanks for your help!

Dec. 26th, 2019



hi it's me

AND THIS is Natalie Baldwin! Call her Nat. Or Natalie. Whatever floats your boat, really. She moonlights as Nott from Critical Role, but mostly she is your friendly, neighborhood mom friend and computer repair person.

Natalie is originally from Wisconsin (heck yeah) and lived there until 2010, when she abruptly moved to Dunhaven. The long and short of her history is that she grew up the youngest of four, with three older brothers that she has little to no relationship with. She met her late husband in high school (class of 2000) and they married young, after she found out she was pregnant early on in their college careers. She had a brief flirtation with hacking, before she went white hat and spent time as a computer security expert. Her husband passed away in 2010, which sort of flipped the switch on her dreams. Not long after, she took a job in DC and moved herself and her son to Dunhaven where she has been ever since! In 2015, she opened a computer repair shop in town, since there hadn't been one previously and she had made a name for herself as Tech Support for people in town. She's friendly, outgoing, and kind, if a bit quirky and tactlessly honest. She means well, most of the time. You can read more about her here! There are some spoilers for CR in there, but I have them marked, if you're worried about that.

Since she has been in town for nearly ten years, she should definitely have some connections! :3 She tends to collect people, especially those she can take care of, and is a total mom friend. Chase is her #1 adopted son, despite being not all that much younger than her, but she has definitely pulled in others. Her home is basically and open house for these people; during the holidays, for example, hers is the place to go if you have nowhere else to. Outside of that, I'd love some friends, people who might have been a failed dating attempt (she's only recently gotten back onto that scene), or people that might be connected to her son?

Also, she has a garage on her property that has been renovated to be a studio apartment! She has it on Airbnb, but it's available for rent if someone wants to live in it full time. If anyone is thinking of bringing someone in or someone already in game that might be interested in living there, let me knooow. She could also use a couple employees.

OH ALSO, she has been gone since late November! She's been back in Wisconsin, but she'll be returning basically when I introduce her IC. :3



December Check In!

It's time for a Check In!

As mentioned earlier, we were not asking for activity for the months of November and December due to the holidays and everyone across the board having plenty going on that kept them away from their computers! We do ask that you comment on the above link checking in, though. Thank you!

This check in will run through December 31, 2019.

Don't forget that we will be going back to our regularly scheduled activity checks come January. Let us know if you have any questions! ♥

Dec. 22nd, 2019



Hey guys! We are putting together a document that outlines all of the differences between our world and the one that Dunhaven exists in, just to allow everyone to be on the same page. However, we know that there are probably things that you guys have in character histories or family connections that we might have missed so this is your place to let us know. :3

Basically what we're looking for here would be things that make big changes that people would generally know about. So, things like Salazar Industries basically taking care of the Flint water crisis on their own and being the archnemesis of Elon Musk, Jun Li being one of the Virginia Senators, and so on. These could be things that your characters themselves have done or they could be relatives, like with Mica's father being a Mississippi Senator.

If you have any questions, just let us know!

Dec. 21st, 2019



Hi guys, just an update.

I'm home after a very whirlwind yet impossibly long week/weekend. We still don't have internet since that was just not even remotely a priority to fix this week, so it may be another week before we get a new modem/router thanks to the upcoming holiday.

So I'm here but still not as accessible as I'd like to be, but feel free to email or ping me on discord if you want to talk through anything character or plot wise. I may not respond immediately but I will respond. ♥️

Also I've seen the new Star Wars so if anyone wants to discuss it with me, I'm up for it.

Love you guys. Thanks so much for all of your patience and understanding.

Dec. 12th, 2019



Secret Santa Matches!

Hello friends! While Beth would have gone through and privately messaged each person as to who their Secret Santa was, that seems like a lot of work for me to do IC sooo here's another OOC post for you! Under the cut is the list of matches. Though I did use random.org to make the list, I went through and tried to make sure there weren't any obvious sibling or same player matches -- if I screwed up somewhere, please let me know and I can do some swaps. Also, if you had any specific requests for plot purposes, we can accommodate that, too.

In case it isn't clear, person on the left was matched with the person on the right to give a gift to. Obviously not everyone knows everyone else, so I like to think that Beth might have also gotten some tidbits from people, like favorite food/candy or a reasonable wish list to pass on.

Let me know if you have any questions! And feel free to use this post to plot, as needed.

List of Matches! )

Dec. 9th, 2019



Hey guys! If you had characters that you wanted to take part in the community Secret Santa that Beth mentioned here and you didn't reply IC, please comment on this entry by like... 5PM on 12/11 with the characters you'd like to be involved. We can just handwave and say they did comment or talked to her directly.


Dec. 7th, 2019



Hey guys! I'm making up a little auction list compilation for the Charity Gala. If your character works at/owns/etc a company or something in town and would like to donate an experience/gift card/item to the auction, please comment here and let me know! Can be worth any value, the more variety, the better! THANK YOU!

Dec. 4th, 2019




This is Matt and I decided I needed more social/extroverted characters so that I'd have more opportunities to interact with your characters instead of forcing poor Dandalorian outside of his comfort zone (also belatedly realizing I passed up on a good journal name).


First is Oscar Ford, this journal. He's actually been here in Dunhaven for 2 years! He's a manager over at Calm Waters, working for Nick, tends to frequent Stella's for lunches, and is otherwise largely charming and probably well-known for doing right by people as best he can. Ex-Coast Guard, sup vets! Never saw combat, though, but did a lot of search and rescue as well as border patrol.

Second up is Grace English, though she goes by a shortened version of her middle name these days - Tori. She's in the New York Ballet Company (corps, not principal) but is coming down here ASAP due to uhmmm problems at work. So you'll see her soon. She's sisters with Jules Hart and Sylvia English, who are already in game. She does not know Sylvia is here. But she's good-hearted, loyal, but snarky as fuck (sorry, blame the years she spent with her ex, Mica). She'll be your friend, tho, as long as you aren't a dick. Sorry, dicks. (not)

Okay! That's it! <3
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