Posts Tagged: 'player:+kristi'

Apr. 9th, 2012



Hi! I'm Kristi. I'm your mod and I'm also playing a lot of people:

Buffy Summers : Btvs : [info]destinyed
Sam Winchester : Supernatural : [info]puppyissues
Tim Riggins : Friday Night Lights : [info]badlifedecision
Lucy Locke : OC : [info]mightbconcussed
Cassie Holmes : Push : [info]youshouldlisten
Rose Tyler : Doctor Who : [info]weshouldrun
John Watson : Sherlock (BBC) : [info]notobvious

You can contact me (for Mod or character things) at or AIM rageiscute or plurk rageblackouts

Hrm...outside of that, I'm really glad you all are here and I'm excited to start playing!