Posts Tagged: 'player:+eri'

Oct. 18th, 2012



state of the eriface.

Hey everyone, Eri here. With the fact that I'm starting a 2nd job soon and unable to drop another until November, I've been culling the herd here and there at other games, but I've been sitting on Talanton to try to decide who would be best to keep for the game's overall health. I apologize for being much less around than I have been in the past month or so.

That being said, I'm going to try to keep everyone for now, which I already know is going to be tough. But at the end of the year if my activity is woeful enough to be causing problems and be unmanageable, that's when you'll see me dropping things.

This is just a heads' up for you all; if you need me to get moving on a thread, or anything else, don't hesitate to give me a poke, toss a link my way, or we can do some handwaving, too.

Jun. 11th, 2012



Hola, my little chicas! Eri, again. I know, I'm sorry!

I'm doing a thing and deciding to declare a blackout hiatus to try to get out of whatever my funk is! Hopefully a short one, I'm shooting for about two weeks (6/11-6/24), but let's hope one will do. All my guys will be on autopilot, with godmodding ability to canonmates. (Though seeing as just a couple days will pass, I'm sure it's not necessary...)

I'll still be here if you guys need something modly from me, like if I need to fix something -- and for the ongoing plot thread, but I need to take a full break from RP otherwise! So don't hesitate to shoot me an email if you're having a problem.

I'll only be reachable via email (zombitard@gmail) if I need to pay attention to anything! Plurk won't do you any good!

Jun. 7th, 2012


dropping (4)

Hey everyone, Eri here! I think I'm the first official one to do this. I need to drop a few characters so I can focus a little better on the others! [info]commarogue (Faith Lehane), [info]coolthebeans (Donna Noble, [info]seek (Castiel) and [info]girlwhobeatyou (Irene Adler) are heading home. They'll have let their roomies friends and roomies know that their parents decided to pull them out for stupid parents-just-not-understanding reasons.

This isn't to say they won't ever show back up if I come around and no one else has brought them in. Otherwise, feel free to recruit folks to fill their spots :D
Also! This leaves Johanna Mason, Cassie Holmes and Piper McLean without roommates. Congratulations ;) If you guys want to consolidate them together (Miss Rachel Berry is roommateless too, so we can make it even!), give us a shout and we'll work something out.
I'm still around with Effie, Hardison, Santana and Jack!

eta: I'll do my best to keep trucking on any ongoing threads the dropped characters are involved in! It might be slow going, so if you'd like me to focus on something specifically, let me know \o/

May. 10th, 2012


beta feature: plot driving posts/threads

Hey guys! We'll have another post up this weekend about the past four weeks and where the game is at (aka you all rock and tag so much I could kiss you) but I thought this should be its own post, so we can hash through and keep things organized.

This post is to let you know that we're rolling out a new feature -- Mod Lead Plot Threads. There's a lot of info on the page along with an example of what this actually is. I tried to cover as much info about it as possible, but we all know I'm a bit of a ditz.

These won't be huge events, but what I'm thinking is that once in awhile we'll take a couple of volunteers (we could probably handle up to four characters, and I'd like not to double up on players, so everyone gets to play) through one of these in a post.

I wanted to develop something that would help us move plot along without having to hope that players are digging in and paying a craptop of attention, but that wouldn't be one of those lame plot things where I post with a ~mysterious~ NPC that just vagues it up on everyone before the shart hits the fan. Like the post is titled, this is all kind of a beta release which makes me sound equally nerdy and pompous but I wanted it to be clear that I'm looking for big time feedback. That said, the first couple that we do won't be major earth-shattering plot things. They'll matter, don't worry about that, but they'll be small and you guys should be brutal at me, so we can figure out where the weaknesses are!

I have a few more thread formats that I'm going to be working on examples for (say, two characters are exploring the forest and get split up -- things like mechanics and the best way to let you all get something out of these things) but we thought it was safe to unlock everything and let you guys have a gander. Feel free to give me any first-look thoughts or ideas about problems you might think come up. I'd love suggestions, too!

And now I return you to your regularly scheduled classes!

Apr. 11th, 2012



Hey everyone! I'm Eri, the more behind the scenes mod kind of thing that tries to make things pretty and then swears she's not going to play more than 2 characters and then apps in like...7? Buh. I have issues. We'll probably be pretty tortoisey though, right?

If you wanna know the stuff I'm working on/what's upcoming/etc, I've made you a handy list (which doubles as a TDL for me, shhh):
01. I've put together a quick SPREADSHEET. In it is a comprehensive list of characters, canons, teams, powers and players -- don't worry too much about the teams yet! They're just there to provide plot and stuff for your guys to talk about. The link to it is also at the bottom of the Taken Characters page. You can use this to sort by whichever column you're curious about -- by power or team, etc.

02. I'm also putting together a map of the campus, as well as collecting images and floorplans for the dorms and other stuff. We've found a really cool building concept we're going to steal from the artist and yadda yadda but for now we can imagination it, yeah?

03. Upcoming is more info on the teams and what they represent, revealing an optional experience points/levelling system (this is kind of in place of an AC, don't panic), and putting up a little more info on the NPCs. Please feel free to go forth and enable your friends to come joins casts; we have some of the popular ones growing and I think you guys can see it's not terribly difficult to put together an application and journal.

04. Make sure you friend [info]headmastered and then go fill out the form at the locked contact post! I'll probably link to these at the taken list, so it'll be nice to have everyone in there.

If you guys have any suggestions/questions so far, comment to a post, send [info]headmastered a PM, whatever. If you have plurk, feel free to add/@ us there if you aren't already -- technical/coding/gameworks suggestions/questions to me @ zombitard and gameplay and all the other actually important stuff to Kristi @ rageblackouts. We're ironing out kinks and bumps and all that good stuff.