Posts Tagged: '%21activity+check'

Sep. 30th, 2012


activity check (003): results.

→ Quick additional update: so that we're not piling on with extra posts -- because of the sign ups for repair help, the dorms will reopen for use by IC Day 32 (that's 11/18). Want it sooner? Get some other folks to sign up!

talanton academy
These are the characters that have been dropped from Talanton due to lack of replying to the Activity Check Post. Reclaiming is not an option, but if you would like a character back, you may reapply for no more than ONE character listed here per mun.
Kate Beckett ([info]stormfan1117)
Rose Tyler ([info]weshouldrun)
Suzanna Moon ([info]pinpoints)

If any of listed characters below would like to be put together with another single in order to have a roommate (after the repair of the dorms is completed), let us know!
Samuel Winchester
Rachel Berry
Santana Lopez
Cassandra Holmes
Johanna Mason
Daenerys Targaryen
Mackayla 'Mac' Lane

If you have any questions, or we've removed/missed a character accidentally, let us know here, or contact us on AIM/Plurk/PM.

Sep. 19th, 2012


bimonthly update 003! (AC/hmd/state of the you + game updates)

updates, plot clues, calendar )

Activity Check / HMD
! You have until 09/28 to complete AC.
! Threads from 07/28 and on count toward this AC.
! If you don't reply to this AC and are not on hiatus, you'll be removed from the game.
! Any characters accepted after 07/20 that haven't had at least a single thread with at least 5 comments from that character is on a warning. You have until 09/28 to achieve this or they will be removed from the game. It's been a month, enough time to determine whether this game is for you and if you have the time to put into it. We're slow, not immobile!

The form below counts as your HMD/AC requirement, and it's simple. Just let us know what your character(s) did the past month. We suggest linking to a few threads so that everyone else can see, but it's not necessary. In addition to that, please comment around. Let the other players know what you think they've been doing that was good, ask some questions about what they're up to, and if you want to let them know something they might be able to improve on, that's great too. And if you need an example of older AC's, you can always check the activity check tag.

Jul. 31st, 2012


activity check (002): results.

talanton academy
These are the characters that have been dropped from Talanton due to lack of replying to the Activity Check Post. Reclaiming is not an option, but if you would like a character back, you may reapply for no more than ONE character listed here per mun.

So clearly there were no dropped characters, but we still have some roommate-less characters. If any of listed characters below would like to be put together with another single in order to have a roommate, let us know!
Samuel Winchester
Cassandra Holmes
Johanna Mason
Daenerys Targaryen
Mackayla 'Mac' Lane

If you have any questions, or we've removed/missed a character accidentally, let us know here, or contact us on AIM/Plurk/PM.

Jul. 20th, 2012


bimonthly update 002! (AC/hmd/state of the you, game updates)

updates, plot clues, calendar )

Activity Check / HMD
! You have until 07/27 to complete AC
! If you don't reply to this AC and are not on hiatus, you'll be removed from the game.
! Any character that hasn't had at least a single thread with at least 5 comments from the character is on a warning. You have until 07/27 to achieve this or they will be removed from the game. It's been a month, enough time to determine whether this game is for you and if you have the time to put into it. We're slow, not immobile!
→ If you're on hiatus for the AC, but you find it helpful and still want to fill it out and comment around once you're back, feel free. In fact, that would be pretty darned awesome, actually.

The form below counts as your HMD/AC requirement, and it's simple. Just let us know what your character(s) did the past month. We suggest linking to a few threads so that everyone else can see, but it's not necessary. In addition to that, please comment around. Let the other players know what you think they've been doing that was good, ask some questions about what they're up to, and if you want to let them know something they might be able to improve on, that's great too.

May. 30th, 2012


activity check (001): results.

talanton academy
These are the characters that have been dropped from Talanton due to lack of replying to the Activity Check Post. Reclaiming is not an option, but if you would like a character back, you may reapply for no more than ONE character listed here per mun.
Brittany S. Pierce ([info]blondest)
Anna Milton ([info]onangelradio)
Claire Bennett ([info]antideath)
Cassie Blake ([info]completes)
Katniss Everdeen ([info]sparked)
Ben "Hawkeye" Pierce ([info]turnedsideways)

Due to the drops, these students will be left with single rooms and may gain new roommates depending on new applicants:
Donna Noble ([info]coolthebeans)
Lucy Locke ([info]mightbconcussed)
Idonae Young ([info]gold_ndelicious)
Rachel Berry ([info]like_tinkerbell)

If you have any questions, or we've removed a character accidentally, let us know here, or contact us on AIM/Plurk/PM.

May. 15th, 2012


monthly update 001! (AC/hmd/state of the you, game updates, calendar)

We're like a really clingy boyfriend, so: Happy One-Month Anniversary! This is going up a little later than we intended, but it's here now, so. Yay!

Activity and Posting
It looks like everyone is being awesome with threading and posts, but I've had a few of you check in with me to see if it's okay to post. It's always okay! If you find yourself done with whatever posts are up, go ahead and do something fresh. And if there are posts that you could tag a character into, that's awesome too. We don't judge AC based on how much you post (honestly just scroll down and you'll see how lenient we are). What we are looking for is pretty consistent tagging (you don't have to be fast! a few tags a week is fine!) with decent quality. If you find you're having trouble getting into the world, you can ask one of us or contact another player for ideas, or for help on how to get the most out of the game.

It's still a baby, having survived its first month, so you've all got a lot of say in what the game becomes. Don't be nervous about jumping in and posting!

updates + calendar )

Activity Check / HMD
! If you don't reply to this AC you'll be removed from the game.
! Any character that hasn't had at least a single thread with at least 5 comments from the character is on a warning. They have until 5/29 to achieve this or they will be removed from the game. It's been a month, enough time to determine whether this game is for you and if you have the time to put into it. We're slow, not immobile!
The form below counts as your HMD/AC requirement, and it's simple. Just let us know what your character(s) did the past month. We suggest linking to a few threads so that everyone else can see, but it's not necessary. In addition to that, please comment around. Let the other players know what you think they've been doing that was good, ask some questions about what they're up to, and if you want to let them know something they might be able to improve on, that's great too.