Posts Tagged: 'player:+kris'

Jul. 19th, 2012



Hey guys. It's gradually come to my attention that, at least for my current activity level, I've spread myself too thin. I love the concept and I love this AU of the character but for now, I need to bow out just so I don't feel like I'm letting people down. I'm totally open to coming back one day, OR some sort of PSL with teenangst!Spike with any of you, but for now, I'm dropping. Thanks to all of you for the lovely times and clever character work. I am still on plurk at original_fine--feel free to drop or keep me there, as you wish! I'm so sorry--I wish I had more energy at the moment. <3


Apr. 9th, 2012



Hi! I'm Kris and I'm here against all better time-management instincts and I'll be playing Spike here. Or rather, William Pratt. Ahahaha. If you have any questions about his AU, let me know! Or you can read his application at his journal.

Right now I'm using Marsters, because I'm having a devil of a time getting my head around using anyone else, so I'm sorry about that! I realize he's like, twenty years too old playing ten years too old.