Posts Tagged: '%21mod'

Oct. 7th, 2012


karma/plotting post.

talanton academy
To help us jump-start earning Karma and at the same time do some plotting together, let's talk a little bit about what we all want to accomplish for our characters, and what we can do to help each other with that sort of thing.

You can use the form below or free style it: let us know if you've got plans for character development or plot within Talanton, along with giving us some ideas of what you can do to give other folks a hand. Give us and yourself an idea what kind of rewards would work best for you personally, and we'll try to collect things together and get going.
Goal: Really try to pick just one to focus on, so that you don't overwhelm yourself. Do you need to tag more/consistently? Does the character need to branch out and talk to more people? Maybe they need to learn some humility or gain some confidence. Give some detail -- how best could you accomplishment the goal (do you need a character who's very nice and understanding to befriend yours?) or would you like to see them try and fail at something and how?
Offer: What can you do to help another player? Either IC or OOC, remember. Icons, new CR, modified CR, etc
Best reward: What would you buy in the Karma Store (what is the most motivating)?
Reward suggestion: Name one thing you'd like to see in the store that isn't there (you can detail further something that's already there, too). Remember, you'll earn some points for this!
Anything else?

Oct. 1st, 2012


update: karma system release

Hello, folks! I'm sure you've all heard me talk about this at one point or another, and it's finally time for me to hit you all with it!

karma and YOU! )

Sep. 30th, 2012


activity check (003): results.

→ Quick additional update: so that we're not piling on with extra posts -- because of the sign ups for repair help, the dorms will reopen for use by IC Day 32 (that's 11/18). Want it sooner? Get some other folks to sign up!

talanton academy
These are the characters that have been dropped from Talanton due to lack of replying to the Activity Check Post. Reclaiming is not an option, but if you would like a character back, you may reapply for no more than ONE character listed here per mun.
Kate Beckett ([info]stormfan1117)
Rose Tyler ([info]weshouldrun)
Suzanna Moon ([info]pinpoints)

If any of listed characters below would like to be put together with another single in order to have a roommate (after the repair of the dorms is completed), let us know!
Samuel Winchester
Rachel Berry
Santana Lopez
Cassandra Holmes
Johanna Mason
Daenerys Targaryen
Mackayla 'Mac' Lane

If you have any questions, or we've removed/missed a character accidentally, let us know here, or contact us on AIM/Plurk/PM.

Sep. 23rd, 2012


a plot-flavored post

The dorm will eventually be fixed without help from students, but if nobody helps, it will not be fixed until the 42nd IC day. With the help of one student, the time that it is fixed in will drop by 2 days. (so, if 5 of you help, it will cut the repair time in half!). If enough of you sign up, the dorms could reasonably be fixed in a few days!

We've tried to break down the repair into sections so that there's less overlap and you guys can play together in little groups. They'll be starting a new stage at least every 2 IC days!
Stage One [Day 25 + 26]:
Clean up -- anyone with powers that would assist in safe removal of debris (or anyone willing to throw stuff into the slug dumpsters). So, anything to immobilize potential collapses, the ability to blast large debris out of the way, or to help eat away at blockage.

Johanna Mason
Dean Winchester
Haymitch Abernathy
River Tam
Lana Lang

Stage Two [Day 27 + 28]:
Framework repair -- replacing studs and load-bearing walls, windows, doors, etc -- anyone that can move large, heavy objects, hammer nails, measure things, etc.

Haymitch Abernathy
Lana Lang

Stage Three [Day 29 + 30]:
Wiring and inner-details -- electricity, plumbing, drywall and finishing, etc.

Joanna Harvelle
Lana Lang
Nikole Tesla

Stage Four [Day 31 + 32]:
Exterior finishing -- paint, roofing, etc.

River Tam
Lana Lang

Keep in mind while we don't expect you to play out everything, if you sign up for a few stages, you should be making use of it build CR and expand on your character's knowledge. There will be threads inside the day posts for these things, but you should feel free to post for them as well, if you'd like.

In addition, there are still two opportunities to take advantage of the continuing Oni plotting; they will always be available via a thread in the day posts for the duration of that IC day!

Sep. 19th, 2012


bimonthly update 003! (AC/hmd/state of the you + game updates)

updates, plot clues, calendar )

Activity Check / HMD
! You have until 09/28 to complete AC.
! Threads from 07/28 and on count toward this AC.
! If you don't reply to this AC and are not on hiatus, you'll be removed from the game.
! Any characters accepted after 07/20 that haven't had at least a single thread with at least 5 comments from that character is on a warning. You have until 09/28 to achieve this or they will be removed from the game. It's been a month, enough time to determine whether this game is for you and if you have the time to put into it. We're slow, not immobile!

The form below counts as your HMD/AC requirement, and it's simple. Just let us know what your character(s) did the past month. We suggest linking to a few threads so that everyone else can see, but it's not necessary. In addition to that, please comment around. Let the other players know what you think they've been doing that was good, ask some questions about what they're up to, and if you want to let them know something they might be able to improve on, that's great too. And if you need an example of older AC's, you can always check the activity check tag.

Sep. 11th, 2012


Two FAQ Updates!

An added step that's really just an attempt to make sure everyone's on the same page -- submissions to the bestiary will now undergo mod approval before the creature can be put into play. We'll take care of putting them up onto the wiki after approval, too.
• consider this policy in effect immediately, please!

death and death-like symptoms
Death is permanent, for those who have no way to be ressurrected. For those who are, there's a little snafu when they come back in that they will have lost their talisman -- they will be back in NYC for one day before they can receive a new talisman and return to the campus. You will not have to interact with or request one from an NPC, it can be completely handwaved.
• consider this policy in effect starting next ooc daystart, on 09/16

Sep. 4th, 2012


mod post: don't be a dick (and here's how!)


Updates to Rules - Power Levels + Godmoding vs Handwaving

We've received a few questions over the past month or so about students' abilities and how they might grow over their time at Talanton. The bitty system we're releasing has been ready for awhile, but we wanted to see how you as players handled the idea first, so that we could figure out if we needed to tailor any of it to gameplay as it naturally developed. Now that we're seeing more interest in it, both through OOC questions and IC play, we figure it's probably a good time to talk about power levels and lay down some policies outside of our blanket rule of "Don't be a Dick."

We hate ourselves for how long this is... )

Sep. 2nd, 2012


mod post: changes to the game

Two and a half weeks ago, we bugged you about things! Now we're going to go a little bit out of order from last time...
01. Mod Plurk
02. Wiki
03. Opening Up Plot Details
04. NPC Involvement (+Degree thereof!)
05. (Bonus!) Changes to the FAQ
Read more... )

Jul. 31st, 2012


activity check (002): results.

talanton academy
These are the characters that have been dropped from Talanton due to lack of replying to the Activity Check Post. Reclaiming is not an option, but if you would like a character back, you may reapply for no more than ONE character listed here per mun.

So clearly there were no dropped characters, but we still have some roommate-less characters. If any of listed characters below would like to be put together with another single in order to have a roommate, let us know!
Samuel Winchester
Cassandra Holmes
Johanna Mason
Daenerys Targaryen
Mackayla 'Mac' Lane

If you have any questions, or we've removed/missed a character accidentally, let us know here, or contact us on AIM/Plurk/PM.

Jul. 20th, 2012


bimonthly update 002! (AC/hmd/state of the you, game updates)

updates, plot clues, calendar )

Activity Check / HMD
! You have until 07/27 to complete AC
! If you don't reply to this AC and are not on hiatus, you'll be removed from the game.
! Any character that hasn't had at least a single thread with at least 5 comments from the character is on a warning. You have until 07/27 to achieve this or they will be removed from the game. It's been a month, enough time to determine whether this game is for you and if you have the time to put into it. We're slow, not immobile!
→ If you're on hiatus for the AC, but you find it helpful and still want to fill it out and comment around once you're back, feel free. In fact, that would be pretty darned awesome, actually.

The form below counts as your HMD/AC requirement, and it's simple. Just let us know what your character(s) did the past month. We suggest linking to a few threads so that everyone else can see, but it's not necessary. In addition to that, please comment around. Let the other players know what you think they've been doing that was good, ask some questions about what they're up to, and if you want to let them know something they might be able to improve on, that's great too.

Jul. 15th, 2012


a few updates...

WHOOPS. First off, why didn't you silly gooses yell at us and call us names when we missed a day start post last week? Eri starts a new job and everything goes to hell, apparently. Anyway, next time feel free to holler and in regard to any posts made during the actual Day 13, feel free to leave them as Day 12 posts if you want. We're going to just keep trucking and pretend that Day 13 got sucked into a black hole...any objections, give us a holler!

Now, it's been a little bit since we've checked in with you guys-- we wanted to let newbies get settled and see how everyone's fairing before jumping in and shaking things up, but now the students are coming up on two weeks at Talanton and we haven't really thrown anything crazy at you guys. How rude! But everyone seems to be blending in and getting comfy, which means we can let the proverbial feces hit the fan...

First, a note: The way we've been trying to let things unfold on Talanton is so that your characters' interactions and decisions directly involve the outcomes of each plot. If you try to reason with a monster, maybe you won't have to fight it to get it out of the cafeteria -- or maybe your character doesn't like talking and pisses it off enough that it goes into a rage and has to be put down; this is all up to you guys and each decision and outcome bears with it a different set of rewards and punishments! :D

I popped up a rudimentary TIME LINE and plot detail post. There are two threads under it: upcoming events (it says plots, and I'm full of fail but you get the idea...) and event suggestions. These should be fairly self-explanatory, yeah? Feel free to bombard us with q's and suggestions here or there. As far as the upcoming events I've got up there now, if you feel like we should be giving you more time to tag and post and play with them, don't hesitate to give us a holler. I just ballparked some stuff and they're definitely easily adaptable.

We added a blurb to the FAQ about the pendants that includes an image and its capabilities -- in case you like having a visual idea of what's hanging around your characters neck, you heathens. The blurb looks like this:
Do you mean these? They are what allow students and staff onto the Talanton campus! Simple as that. They are tied in with what powers the barrier that keeps Talanton between two worlds. They are gold and vary in sizes from being as small as a thumbnail to as large as Flava-Flav's clocks; your character wears the size they choose. Each one has Talanton's symbol on it, shown in the link above. If removed by the wearer, they will be unable to cross the threshold either to or from Talanton's campus.

And back around to an IC week ago, when we started the first major Plot Thread. It's still chugging along, but we've decided that the character involved had had memory suppressions, in order to explain their lack of talking about what happened afterward. I apologize for not making it clear; anything that happens in a designated plot-progression is fair game for your characters to blab about, guys. We don't want you to make anyone too uncomfortable to play within the parameters of what their character would do! So, we'll call this one another Eri-whoops and mark a note down for next time as a thing to NOT do. This goes for the threads we've been tagging into with the generic NPCs recently, too. I'm working on putting a bunch of crap together, so I'll be hitting those of you I've got tied up shortly. We're trying to find a good balance between keeping an element of surprise and choice on your parts and making sure you have enough info to backtag while moving forward in other threads. Any suggestions are welcome \o/

The BESTIARY is also open for business. We started you off with a couple of entries, but the rest will be up to you! Feel free to add whatever you like; even if it's not something a character has seen, this will help populate the forest and beyond it. There's a whole world past the forest with ecosystems and environments galore. Go crazy.

Jun. 26th, 2012


a few notes.

After a couple of drops, there are some roommates freed up. Any of you singles that want to combine, let us know! (yeah yeah that's a long shot, right?)

Also, there is an opening for the Defense teacher, if anyone is interested in filling it in. Let us know and we'll make an IC announcement at the next day start post this Sunday :)

Jun. 24th, 2012


a few changes...

Afternoon, folks!

Kristi and I have been making changes here and there and decided to do some things differently based on the pace of the game at this stage, and in order to make the structure and mechanics easier for everyone.

→ Talanton contacts teachers to work at the school, pretty much in the form of a phone call, letter, email, etc.
→ No one can enter the campus without a pendant. Family, friends, etc, may get into the old hotel with you but no further. Having said that, if you have a plot idea that would involve a powerful character breaking in, we'll definitely consider ways of getting around this. But please don't do it without chatting up Kristi or myself so that it doesn't become common and arbitrary.
→ Any characters entering the game that possess powers (be they genetic, or magical, etc.) will retain them. But please keep in mind the following:
- the character's full powers may stay instated. however, any students will be weaker than staff and staff NPCs. any staff will be weaker than NPC staff. this is not to say that were a student member to fight and npc staff member that they would lose. however, their chances are far reduced.
- you can use this structure to help with characterization! a big part of the lives of people who have discovered they have powers is learning to use them, and what has happened to the character in the past because of the powers. be creative, and remember that choosing an ability that fits with the character's history/personality can help with the process.

→ Guided plot threads are an experiment. Characters thread as usual, but using hints and guides from a mod that provides a checkpoint every so many comments, they're designed to reach a goal -- what that goal is depends on what the characters decide to do during the thread. We run these to start plots, to reveal important information about the world of Talanton and to throw characters together who might not otherwise have a reason to interact closely. They're starting off small, with just a few characters per thread. They aren't as intimidating as they look, and we want them to provide players with the sense that they have an effect on the world they're playing in. That alongside character development and building CR comes forward motion and worthwhile exploration. It may take a little getting used to. Narration and self-reflection on the character's parts is not discouraged, but it also demands a good amount of action, decision-making and communication between muns.

Activity Checks.
We've decided that bimonthly activity checks might work out better, given the 7:1 ratio between IC/OOC days. Everyone seems sufficiently active, in that you're all consistently tagging threads and we'd like to make sure you're not being penalized for that, so. Keep on trucking -- our second activity check will be on the third Friday of next month, July 20th.

We're setting both of these at 3 per application cycle.

Weekly NPC Posts.
To help everyone keep their days in line, we're going to start posting on Sundays to mark the start of a new day. These are pretty much your normal morning announcements over the loudspeakers at school. You can't reply directly to the Headmaster here, as it's not a conversation.

You can see the first one up now at the IC community. We're going to steer away from that dedicated bulletin board post in favor of this format -- so you're encouraged to comment to it with any announcements or mingles you'd like to make public.

In addition, you can use it to visit any NPCs office and have a chat!

Some things we'd love some feedback on:
→ Would you like a dedicated plot post?
→ Would you be interested us setting up more personally-geared plots?
→ Any questions, suggestions, or comments in general

May. 30th, 2012


activity check (001): results.

talanton academy
These are the characters that have been dropped from Talanton due to lack of replying to the Activity Check Post. Reclaiming is not an option, but if you would like a character back, you may reapply for no more than ONE character listed here per mun.
Brittany S. Pierce ([info]blondest)
Anna Milton ([info]onangelradio)
Claire Bennett ([info]antideath)
Cassie Blake ([info]completes)
Katniss Everdeen ([info]sparked)
Ben "Hawkeye" Pierce ([info]turnedsideways)

Due to the drops, these students will be left with single rooms and may gain new roommates depending on new applicants:
Donna Noble ([info]coolthebeans)
Lucy Locke ([info]mightbconcussed)
Idonae Young ([info]gold_ndelicious)
Rachel Berry ([info]like_tinkerbell)

If you have any questions, or we've removed a character accidentally, let us know here, or contact us on AIM/Plurk/PM.

May. 24th, 2012


Plot 01, Chapter 01 | OOC details post | please read thoroughly!

For the muns threading: )

For the rest of us: )

Confusing enough? If anyone has questions (not just the players of the lucky characters, mind you!) drop them in here for us! We'll be happy to hit pause if you guys get suddenly wicked confused about things, so don't be afraid to approach us with concerns.

May. 20th, 2012


official plot the first!

Plot #1: The Seedy Undercaboose
Chapter #1: Discovering Level 7

First off, a disclaimer! The first test-run of the mod-lead threads is scheduled to start at the end of the week, probably Friday or even Saturday if that ends up being better for everyone. The run down is fairly simple; we don't want to give too many details because of the flexible nature of the format, and we're not sure exactly what the completion of the thread will reveal.

This is one small piece of what's really a larger plot. Once things get to rolling, you'll be discovering major things and we'll have bigger stuff for everyone to participate in together. We're just trying this out to see if it helps as a catalyst. And if you guys end up disliking it, we can remove it and continue on as normal ;)
Who: Two characters (both students and staff are eligible!) and eventually an actual NPC
What: Discovering a previously unknown-about basement level, and potentially exploring what's in it. In the process, there will be opportunities for the characters to find item(s). You'll have continuous options to turn back or move on, and moving on generally yields both great risk and great reward. There will be minimal fighting, (unless you want to request some fisticuffs! that's ALWAYS an option) and more reliance on brainpower and exploration. We will provide a map of the space you're exploring, and there will be set areas that will yield predetermined loot (though we won't make that available to see on the maps).
Where: Right here, baby. Well, I mean in the log comm. Look this is only here to fill out the 5 W's (and the H, ugh, damn H).
When: Again, probably Friday/Saturday (26/27)
Why: Because, because, because, because, becaaaaaause. (Hopefully it'll be kind of fun?)
How: There is a sign-up comment below for volunteers! If you mean how as far as mechanics, go check out the RELEASE POST or the MAIN POST. And feel free to ask any further questions at any of the posts, including here.

We'll have a little more info for the chosen volunteers, but if you guys feel like you need more info than this in order to decide whether to volunteer, speak up! I'm not actively trying to be mysterious and weird, (I'm just naturally that way) and we have no problem giving you more to go on, we will not be annoyed by questions. This is a big time test-run and we don't want to ruin anyone's fun by being vague. We really want this to work, and to let the flexibility dictate what happens, but not at the expense of fun!

And if you're nervous about being a guinea pig because of the potential for god-moding and harm to your character, know that this plot won't yield any physical/emotional damage to any characters.

May. 15th, 2012


monthly update 001! (AC/hmd/state of the you, game updates, calendar)

We're like a really clingy boyfriend, so: Happy One-Month Anniversary! This is going up a little later than we intended, but it's here now, so. Yay!

Activity and Posting
It looks like everyone is being awesome with threading and posts, but I've had a few of you check in with me to see if it's okay to post. It's always okay! If you find yourself done with whatever posts are up, go ahead and do something fresh. And if there are posts that you could tag a character into, that's awesome too. We don't judge AC based on how much you post (honestly just scroll down and you'll see how lenient we are). What we are looking for is pretty consistent tagging (you don't have to be fast! a few tags a week is fine!) with decent quality. If you find you're having trouble getting into the world, you can ask one of us or contact another player for ideas, or for help on how to get the most out of the game.

It's still a baby, having survived its first month, so you've all got a lot of say in what the game becomes. Don't be nervous about jumping in and posting!

updates + calendar )

Activity Check / HMD
! If you don't reply to this AC you'll be removed from the game.
! Any character that hasn't had at least a single thread with at least 5 comments from the character is on a warning. They have until 5/29 to achieve this or they will be removed from the game. It's been a month, enough time to determine whether this game is for you and if you have the time to put into it. We're slow, not immobile!
The form below counts as your HMD/AC requirement, and it's simple. Just let us know what your character(s) did the past month. We suggest linking to a few threads so that everyone else can see, but it's not necessary. In addition to that, please comment around. Let the other players know what you think they've been doing that was good, ask some questions about what they're up to, and if you want to let them know something they might be able to improve on, that's great too.

May. 10th, 2012


beta feature: plot driving posts/threads

Hey guys! We'll have another post up this weekend about the past four weeks and where the game is at (aka you all rock and tag so much I could kiss you) but I thought this should be its own post, so we can hash through and keep things organized.

This post is to let you know that we're rolling out a new feature -- Mod Lead Plot Threads. There's a lot of info on the page along with an example of what this actually is. I tried to cover as much info about it as possible, but we all know I'm a bit of a ditz.

These won't be huge events, but what I'm thinking is that once in awhile we'll take a couple of volunteers (we could probably handle up to four characters, and I'd like not to double up on players, so everyone gets to play) through one of these in a post.

I wanted to develop something that would help us move plot along without having to hope that players are digging in and paying a craptop of attention, but that wouldn't be one of those lame plot things where I post with a ~mysterious~ NPC that just vagues it up on everyone before the shart hits the fan. Like the post is titled, this is all kind of a beta release which makes me sound equally nerdy and pompous but I wanted it to be clear that I'm looking for big time feedback. That said, the first couple that we do won't be major earth-shattering plot things. They'll matter, don't worry about that, but they'll be small and you guys should be brutal at me, so we can figure out where the weaknesses are!

I have a few more thread formats that I'm going to be working on examples for (say, two characters are exploring the forest and get split up -- things like mechanics and the best way to let you all get something out of these things) but we thought it was safe to unlock everything and let you guys have a gander. Feel free to give me any first-look thoughts or ideas about problems you might think come up. I'd love suggestions, too!

And now I return you to your regularly scheduled classes!

Apr. 24th, 2012


update: locations

The LOCATIONS post has been updated. It is a fairly ugly table set for now because I stared at it all for so long last night that I just couldn't take it anymore, but it is usable for the most part.

Please make use of the location addition feature! If you find yourself writing up a post and you think the place needs like, an archery field or whatever that would be called, that's super duper awesome and all we ask is that you comment to the post with the form so we can add it to the list so that everyone is consistent and aware of its existence. Take pity on your daffy mods?

At the top of the table, I've added a link to a Google Maps location for the school's address or whatever in NYC, so that you guys can use the actual shops and whatnot around it and not have to make up stuff. Under that, there is a shoddily and quickly drawn map of Talanton's Campus. I figure the football field makes it easy to keep some sort of scale in your brains? If not I can pop one in for you.

So, make sure you guys check on the locations post once in awhile -- hopefully things will be added and changed and made less ugly as time goes on! :)


Apr. 14th, 2012


Important Arrival & Pre Arrival stuff

So tomorrow we open and in order to facilitate that, Eri and I have come up with some things you need to know. This looks like a lot of info, so Eri broke in here and tried to organize it so you can skim and check things out. It's mostly common sense stuff and some world building, so don't freak out! And don't hesitate to ask us a bazillion questions and then watch us flail and discuss and figure out some sort of answers ;)

01. All Staff arrived a few days before the students. You guys have been getting class rooms ready, finishing up plans, getting the lay of the land and moving into your on-grounds apartments.
02. By the time students arrive, you have all met each other. Let me say this again: All the staff will have met by the time students arrive so there shouldn't be any OMG YOU WHORE IT'S YOU!!! from Cas and Anna when they see Ruby at the meet and greet.
03. HOWEVER, if you guys want to play this out, please, please, please feel MORE than free to toss up a closed post for Ruby, Cas and Anna that has the When: stamp of 'A couple of days before students arrive' on it. We won't make you guys handwave all the intros (unless you'd just rather and then that's up to you) we just want to have them predate the official 'opening' so to speak.
04. Staff has not met ANY of the students. If you're unsure as to who is staff and who isn't, check the taken list. Eri has done a beautiful job with it and has listed everyone's 'position' on it as well as other information you might want to know.
05. Staff members do not have room mates; they live in single rooms located in the same building as the student dorms.

01. Students have all arrived on the same day. Possibly you spent the night in a hotel in NYC but unless you have previously plotted and agreed upon it, none of you know each other.
02. You do not know the staff either (unless there's been a previously planned thing).
03. All students were handpicked by the Talanton NPC staff to attend. Some students received scholarships, allowance and travel arrangements while some students paid for all of this themselves. Perhaps you met a Representative of Talanton when he or she came to talk to your parents about the school, but you can't really remember the Representative. It's all a bit foggy.
04. If you would like for your student to have a 'job' at the school for extra money, toss something up in the ooc community and say 'Hey! My Kid wants a job! Preferably in the kitchen or where ever'. Students will be needed for the dining room, kitchen, library, stables, janitorial and groundskeeper, etc etc and so on.
05. Sometime today the teams list and the room mate list will be opened/updated up in [info]headmastered.
06. When students arrive icly they will 'pick' up room/team information up along with a Class Schedule. In their rooms they'll find a welcome packet which will be detailed on the mingle post.

01. Late, late tonight we'll put up an open mingle post and you'll mingle! There will be assigned threads for open exploration, room mate meetings and the dinner mingle. Reply to any of these (or, if none suit what you need to do, make your own!) and clarify status in your subjects:
-In dorm room. Door is open so come on in
-Action for NAME HERE
-Poking around the library: OPEN
-Etc etc and so on.

02. At this point you will all be free to do what you want post-wise. If you want to toss your own post up, have at it. Just make sure to use the header form you can find in the profile of [info]talanton so that we are clear where your student is located in the school and whether the post is open or closed.
03. A note about open and closed posts, so you don't get something you're not looking for:
-If the post is OPEN that means anyone can come in. Anyone includes teachers, students and other staff.
-If you would like a member of staff (particularly NPC staff) to come in and 'catch' your student or just chit chat to them or just meet them outside of classes, put that in the 'other notes' part of the header on your post. Say your student is drinking in his or her room and you WANT the student caught. Put in your 'other notes' Would love to have staff catch him! It might be a good idea to ping a mod by either @ing us on plurk or commenting on the NPC post to let us know or link us to where you need us.
-If a staff member like Castiel puts up a post for 'history' class and you tag your student in, be aware that Castiel can threadjack at any time. He's the teacher. Maybe he is oblivious enough to not see the major note passing going on in the back of the room but maybe that giant spit wad that Rose hit him in the forehead with last week has made him more aware.
-If a student puts up a 'history' class post, Castiel may also threadjack in this one. Really, unless you close the post, thread jacking is a go for students and teachers. You may be able to fool PC staff, but don't think that because you've closed something, the NPCs can't see what's going on...
-Do try to be respectful and don't hijack a thread entirely but hitting the cheerleader in the head with a spit wad instead of the geek is half the fun of spit wads. And if you're spitting spit wads or using powers in school, make sure to not god mod people unless you've previously discussed 'Hey Tim is going to hit Tony in the head with a spit wad!'

01.[info]talanton is where all the IC action happens. NPCs, staff and students will all address each other and be addressed there. This is where you make IC posts both closed and open. This is where we post mingles. This is where we post announcements from the Headmaster or other members of the NPC staff. This is where the PC Staff will post announcements and class posts get the point.
-Additionally, each month we will put up a BULLETIN BOARD. This is a public board and is an old fashioned cork board in the dining hall of the school. Anything you put on this board will be public knowledge from love notes to requests for study buddies to notifications for the comic book club meetings -- might be a good idea to track these posts.
-We will also put up a DORM BOARD. This is a dry erase whiteboard outside of each dorm room. That way if you want to leave a note for someone that isn't your room mate, you can just write it on their board. These will be public knowledge as they are OUTSIDE the dorm room. At the beginning of the month when the dorm board goes up (you can do this now if you want) you'll all make a thread in the dorm board post with your name in the subject: Santana's dorm board then if Brittany wants to leave a note for Santa on her dorm board, she just goes over there, leaves a comment and BOOM you get the notif.
-Lastly, if you need to communicate with a member of staff you can utilize the STAFF MAIL BOXES. Here you can leave messages or due homework, whatever you'd like!
-REMEMBER, outside of these boards and note passing ALL interaction between your characters is face to face. This doesn't include the occasional text or phone call that you make to your friend outside of class hours (or if you risk texting during class). We don't have a network or the internet or facebook.

02. [info]ditchingclass is the Out Of Character community. This is where plotting goes. This is where screwing around outside of IC goes. This is where hiatus goes as well as introductions. This is also where the AC will go. We'll get to more of that when it's relevant. This is also where MOD PLOTS will go. It's a good community to track.
03. [info]headmastered is the administrative journal and this is where you can find all the static information you need to know like FAQ, class schedules, npc staff roster, taken characters etc.

We don't care really. If you want to do action spam, toss up an action spam post. If you'd rather do prose, toss that up. Please try to stick with the style the poster puts up unless you have already asked if you can switch it. Mingles will be written out prose style but we're okay if you switch it to action spam in your individual thread.