Aug. 17th, 2012



i'm going to be on vacation from august 17 - august 26, and won't have an internet connection as i'm going to be out in the wilderness (well, a ocean front cabin in the middle of a forest /siiigh).

this will effect the spider and the dragon ;)

- kirsten

Aug. 15th, 2012



I'm sorry to say that Haruka has to go. :( I'd never played her before this game, and I'm just not getting her voice as well as I'd like. I will probably be back again sometime with another character that I know a bit better, heh. Thanks for having me for this brief time, anyway! You guys are fab, all of you.

soliciting opinions!

I know we said no big stuff this month, but we do have some businessy stuff to run by you all, if you'd take a moment to pipe up -- tell us things!

Things about these things:
01. Mod Plurk
02. Opening Up Plot Details
03. NPC Involvement (+Degree thereof!)
04. Wiki
Read more... )

Aug. 13th, 2012


[No Subject]

Hey, it's Emma here. I have to be taking a hiatus right about now to get ready for school and school type things and because I'm feeling insanely worn out.

I'll still be backtagging my current threads open, but my characters will be on autopilot for a few of weeks. Luckily Dean's already hurt, so he has an excuse.

Characters on hiatus include: Dean Winchester [here_tohelp], Johanna Mason [afraid_ofme], Joanna Beth Harvelle [from_theheart], Piper McLean [cute_andviolent], Haymitch Abernathy [havea_drink], and PJ Halliwell [stealthy_iamnot].

Aug. 9th, 2012



au backstory meme!

So! AU game means AU backstories are pretty important!

And, since everyone is technically now from the same world, those backstories are going to overlap whether our characters are from the same canon or not, thus we weave a rich tapestry or backstory blanket, if you will.

Basically, hi guys it's Gidget and I'm giving you an AU backstory interwtining meme because Eri was a nice mod who said I could. Fill it out and comment around and worm your characters into each other's lives like adorable and attractive worms of fortune.

Jul. 31st, 2012


activity check (002): results.

talanton academy
These are the characters that have been dropped from Talanton due to lack of replying to the Activity Check Post. Reclaiming is not an option, but if you would like a character back, you may reapply for no more than ONE character listed here per mun.

So clearly there were no dropped characters, but we still have some roommate-less characters. If any of listed characters below would like to be put together with another single in order to have a roommate, let us know!
Samuel Winchester
Cassandra Holmes
Johanna Mason
Daenerys Targaryen
Mackayla 'Mac' Lane

If you have any questions, or we've removed/missed a character accidentally, let us know here, or contact us on AIM/Plurk/PM.

Jul. 27th, 2012



hey guys.

after doing some thinking i've decided to temporarily drop esther and tina. rl has been getting crazier by the day and i don't have the time or energy to put into their characters. for consistencies sake, esther left for "family reasons" (aka torchwood) and um... tina just went home?

i do plan on canon reviewing torchwood at some point, so it is likely that esther may come back. and maybe tina at some point too.

i've still got tasha and dany. who love all the plots (well dany more than tasha because tasha is here for business reasons not fun - she'll be side eyeing everything). also you guys are awesome ♥

- kirsten

Jul. 20th, 2012


bimonthly update 002! (AC/hmd/state of the you, game updates)

updates, plot clues, calendar )

Activity Check / HMD
! You have until 07/27 to complete AC
! If you don't reply to this AC and are not on hiatus, you'll be removed from the game.
! Any character that hasn't had at least a single thread with at least 5 comments from the character is on a warning. You have until 07/27 to achieve this or they will be removed from the game. It's been a month, enough time to determine whether this game is for you and if you have the time to put into it. We're slow, not immobile!
→ If you're on hiatus for the AC, but you find it helpful and still want to fill it out and comment around once you're back, feel free. In fact, that would be pretty darned awesome, actually.

The form below counts as your HMD/AC requirement, and it's simple. Just let us know what your character(s) did the past month. We suggest linking to a few threads so that everyone else can see, but it's not necessary. In addition to that, please comment around. Let the other players know what you think they've been doing that was good, ask some questions about what they're up to, and if you want to let them know something they might be able to improve on, that's great too.

Jul. 19th, 2012



Hey guys. It's gradually come to my attention that, at least for my current activity level, I've spread myself too thin. I love the concept and I love this AU of the character but for now, I need to bow out just so I don't feel like I'm letting people down. I'm totally open to coming back one day, OR some sort of PSL with teenangst!Spike with any of you, but for now, I'm dropping. Thanks to all of you for the lovely times and clever character work. I am still on plurk at original_fine--feel free to drop or keep me there, as you wish! I'm so sorry--I wish I had more energy at the moment. <3


[No Subject]

hey guys. unfortunetly i gotta call a hiatus. i have a lot of stuff going on irl right now, both with family matters and volunteering. it should hopefully only be a week (fingers crossed). if you need me hit me up on plurk.

- kirsten
(daenerys targaryen, esther drummond, natasha romanoff, tina cohen-chang)

Jul. 16th, 2012


Hiatus Time!!

July is always a crazy month for me. But now it's time for even less than spottiness for the month so it's hiatus time... officially!

July 16 - July 25

This goes for all my guys (and gal):
Eliot Spencer | Leverage | [info]distnctivestyle
Jericho Z. Barrons | Fever Series | [info]saturates_space
Rachel Berry | Glee | [info]like_tinkerbell

And I will see y'all when I get back! ♥

Jul. 15th, 2012


a few updates...

WHOOPS. First off, why didn't you silly gooses yell at us and call us names when we missed a day start post last week? Eri starts a new job and everything goes to hell, apparently. Anyway, next time feel free to holler and in regard to any posts made during the actual Day 13, feel free to leave them as Day 12 posts if you want. We're going to just keep trucking and pretend that Day 13 got sucked into a black hole...any objections, give us a holler!

Now, it's been a little bit since we've checked in with you guys-- we wanted to let newbies get settled and see how everyone's fairing before jumping in and shaking things up, but now the students are coming up on two weeks at Talanton and we haven't really thrown anything crazy at you guys. How rude! But everyone seems to be blending in and getting comfy, which means we can let the proverbial feces hit the fan...

First, a note: The way we've been trying to let things unfold on Talanton is so that your characters' interactions and decisions directly involve the outcomes of each plot. If you try to reason with a monster, maybe you won't have to fight it to get it out of the cafeteria -- or maybe your character doesn't like talking and pisses it off enough that it goes into a rage and has to be put down; this is all up to you guys and each decision and outcome bears with it a different set of rewards and punishments! :D

I popped up a rudimentary TIME LINE and plot detail post. There are two threads under it: upcoming events (it says plots, and I'm full of fail but you get the idea...) and event suggestions. These should be fairly self-explanatory, yeah? Feel free to bombard us with q's and suggestions here or there. As far as the upcoming events I've got up there now, if you feel like we should be giving you more time to tag and post and play with them, don't hesitate to give us a holler. I just ballparked some stuff and they're definitely easily adaptable.

We added a blurb to the FAQ about the pendants that includes an image and its capabilities -- in case you like having a visual idea of what's hanging around your characters neck, you heathens. The blurb looks like this:
Do you mean these? They are what allow students and staff onto the Talanton campus! Simple as that. They are tied in with what powers the barrier that keeps Talanton between two worlds. They are gold and vary in sizes from being as small as a thumbnail to as large as Flava-Flav's clocks; your character wears the size they choose. Each one has Talanton's symbol on it, shown in the link above. If removed by the wearer, they will be unable to cross the threshold either to or from Talanton's campus.

And back around to an IC week ago, when we started the first major Plot Thread. It's still chugging along, but we've decided that the character involved had had memory suppressions, in order to explain their lack of talking about what happened afterward. I apologize for not making it clear; anything that happens in a designated plot-progression is fair game for your characters to blab about, guys. We don't want you to make anyone too uncomfortable to play within the parameters of what their character would do! So, we'll call this one another Eri-whoops and mark a note down for next time as a thing to NOT do. This goes for the threads we've been tagging into with the generic NPCs recently, too. I'm working on putting a bunch of crap together, so I'll be hitting those of you I've got tied up shortly. We're trying to find a good balance between keeping an element of surprise and choice on your parts and making sure you have enough info to backtag while moving forward in other threads. Any suggestions are welcome \o/

The BESTIARY is also open for business. We started you off with a couple of entries, but the rest will be up to you! Feel free to add whatever you like; even if it's not something a character has seen, this will help populate the forest and beyond it. There's a whole world past the forest with ecosystems and environments galore. Go crazy.

Jun. 30th, 2012



Hey everybody, I'm Dove, bringing in this fabulous androgyne, Haruka Tenoh from Sailor Moon. In case you're not familiar with her canon, my app is over here for your perusal. Haruka is a sixteen-year-old race-car driver (lol) with wind powers, and although she is female, she is often mistaken for a pretty boy. I encourage these shenanigans. Haruka will also flirt with any pretty girl she sees, so you'll all get to know her really fast! XD

You can contact me on AIM @ picarats or on plurk @ dropsofviolet, or email me at moresakeplz @ gmail. I look forward to playing with you all!

ETA: Forgot to add, I'm still working on icons (enjoy the uh one I have) so intro might not be right away!

new blood~

Hey folks!

My name is Bex, and I'm bringing in an aged-down version of Kate Beckett from the ABC show Castle. I've been playing grownup!Beckett for about 8 months now and I'm pretty excited about getting to explore her as her a kid without all the trauma in her life that made her who she is on the show.

Her app is here, and one of these days I'll get a HMD post up on her journal. If you are so inclined, my plurk is here as well.

Looking forward to playing with everyone!

p.s. she has the lamest super power ever and will spend a long time denying that she has one and insisting she doesn't even go here.

Jun. 26th, 2012


a few notes.

After a couple of drops, there are some roommates freed up. Any of you singles that want to combine, let us know! (yeah yeah that's a long shot, right?)

Also, there is an opening for the Defense teacher, if anyone is interested in filling it in. Let us know and we'll make an IC announcement at the next day start post this Sunday :)



hiatus :(

Hello peoples.

I have to take an unfortunate hiatus as my internet at home as DIED and since it's not really mine? I can't just fix it, I have to depend on the person two floors above me to fix it. So... Hiatus.

Dean, Jo, Johanna, Haymitch, Piper & PJ will all be on hiatus for, IDK, let's say two weeks. If it's longer than that I'll just spontaneously combust.

Here, have a gratuitous shot of Alex Pettyfer's perfectly formed & rippling pectorals in and effort to parlay my shittiness into something lovely.

Jun. 24th, 2012


a few changes...

Afternoon, folks!

Kristi and I have been making changes here and there and decided to do some things differently based on the pace of the game at this stage, and in order to make the structure and mechanics easier for everyone.

→ Talanton contacts teachers to work at the school, pretty much in the form of a phone call, letter, email, etc.
→ No one can enter the campus without a pendant. Family, friends, etc, may get into the old hotel with you but no further. Having said that, if you have a plot idea that would involve a powerful character breaking in, we'll definitely consider ways of getting around this. But please don't do it without chatting up Kristi or myself so that it doesn't become common and arbitrary.
→ Any characters entering the game that possess powers (be they genetic, or magical, etc.) will retain them. But please keep in mind the following:
- the character's full powers may stay instated. however, any students will be weaker than staff and staff NPCs. any staff will be weaker than NPC staff. this is not to say that were a student member to fight and npc staff member that they would lose. however, their chances are far reduced.
- you can use this structure to help with characterization! a big part of the lives of people who have discovered they have powers is learning to use them, and what has happened to the character in the past because of the powers. be creative, and remember that choosing an ability that fits with the character's history/personality can help with the process.

→ Guided plot threads are an experiment. Characters thread as usual, but using hints and guides from a mod that provides a checkpoint every so many comments, they're designed to reach a goal -- what that goal is depends on what the characters decide to do during the thread. We run these to start plots, to reveal important information about the world of Talanton and to throw characters together who might not otherwise have a reason to interact closely. They're starting off small, with just a few characters per thread. They aren't as intimidating as they look, and we want them to provide players with the sense that they have an effect on the world they're playing in. That alongside character development and building CR comes forward motion and worthwhile exploration. It may take a little getting used to. Narration and self-reflection on the character's parts is not discouraged, but it also demands a good amount of action, decision-making and communication between muns.

Activity Checks.
We've decided that bimonthly activity checks might work out better, given the 7:1 ratio between IC/OOC days. Everyone seems sufficiently active, in that you're all consistently tagging threads and we'd like to make sure you're not being penalized for that, so. Keep on trucking -- our second activity check will be on the third Friday of next month, July 20th.

We're setting both of these at 3 per application cycle.

Weekly NPC Posts.
To help everyone keep their days in line, we're going to start posting on Sundays to mark the start of a new day. These are pretty much your normal morning announcements over the loudspeakers at school. You can't reply directly to the Headmaster here, as it's not a conversation.

You can see the first one up now at the IC community. We're going to steer away from that dedicated bulletin board post in favor of this format -- so you're encouraged to comment to it with any announcements or mingles you'd like to make public.

In addition, you can use it to visit any NPCs office and have a chat!

Some things we'd love some feedback on:
→ Would you like a dedicated plot post?
→ Would you be interested us setting up more personally-geared plots?
→ Any questions, suggestions, or comments in general

Jun. 11th, 2012



Hola, my little chicas! Eri, again. I know, I'm sorry!

I'm doing a thing and deciding to declare a blackout hiatus to try to get out of whatever my funk is! Hopefully a short one, I'm shooting for about two weeks (6/11-6/24), but let's hope one will do. All my guys will be on autopilot, with godmodding ability to canonmates. (Though seeing as just a couple days will pass, I'm sure it's not necessary...)

I'll still be here if you guys need something modly from me, like if I need to fix something -- and for the ongoing plot thread, but I need to take a full break from RP otherwise! So don't hesitate to shoot me an email if you're having a problem.

I'll only be reachable via email (zombitard@gmail) if I need to pay attention to anything! Plurk won't do you any good!

Jun. 7th, 2012


dropping (4)

Hey everyone, Eri here! I think I'm the first official one to do this. I need to drop a few characters so I can focus a little better on the others! [info]commarogue (Faith Lehane), [info]coolthebeans (Donna Noble, [info]seek (Castiel) and [info]girlwhobeatyou (Irene Adler) are heading home. They'll have let their roomies friends and roomies know that their parents decided to pull them out for stupid parents-just-not-understanding reasons.

This isn't to say they won't ever show back up if I come around and no one else has brought them in. Otherwise, feel free to recruit folks to fill their spots :D
Also! This leaves Johanna Mason, Cassie Holmes and Piper McLean without roommates. Congratulations ;) If you guys want to consolidate them together (Miss Rachel Berry is roommateless too, so we can make it even!), give us a shout and we'll work something out.
I'm still around with Effie, Hardison, Santana and Jack!

eta: I'll do my best to keep trucking on any ongoing threads the dropped characters are involved in! It might be slow going, so if you'd like me to focus on something specifically, let me know \o/

Jun. 5th, 2012



Hey there!

Have a brand new to Talanton mun with a Lana Lang from Smallville!

I'm very excited about playing here and very new to navigating IJ.

You can reach me at or Maisfeeka on Plurk.