Want to get naughty with me?
*Fic Drabble* Silence Is Not Gold 
12th-May-2008 02:17 pm
Title: Silence Is Not Gold
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100 words exactly!
Summary: Throughout the dawn of time, there is one thing that will drive any sane man absolutely insane. And that's being ignored.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's note: For prompt #75 from my [info]hpfanfic10x10 table – silence. I forgot I had this table lol.

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"Are you going to talk to me?"


"I didn't mean to do that to you."


"How many times must I say I'm sorry before you'll believe me?"


"Well say something, damn you!"


"Oh I get it...the silent treatment."




"All right, I give! You win!"

Draco smiled and looked at his boyfriend.

"That was all you had to say, Harry." Draco grinned, holding out his hand. Harry gently placed the pilfered Snitch in Draco's palm and leaned over their brooms to kiss him gently.

"Prat." Harry snorted as Draco's team mates whisked him off the field for their celebration.


HPFanfic10x10 Table

071.Explode 072.New 073.Mystery 074.Fracture 075.Silence
076.Oppose 077.Ancient 078.Misery 079.Delirium 080.Practical
13th-May-2008 04:43 pm (UTC)
ROTFLMAO! I can soooooo picture this scene happening! Draco sitting on his broom, arms crossed, and waiting in silence!

Nice job!
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