Want to get naughty with me?
Secrets To The Wind: Chapter 5 
16th-Dec-2007 12:45 pm
This is one of two new chapters I worked on while I had no internet. Chapter 6 isn't finished yet though.

Title: Secrets to the Wind
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Severus
Rating: rated per chapter; this one - PG13
Warnings: per chapter; this one - language
Summary: If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.  ~Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created by JK Rowling. I claim no rights to these, only my original plot devices and any original characters I've created from my own mind. I am not making any money from this story.
Author's note: Yeah, another freaking plot bunny bit me. I'm beginning to hate those bunnies. Takes place in Seventh year and completely ignores anything and everything after Book/Movie 5. I'm taking serious liberties with the plots and time lines at the end of OotP.

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Part 5

-After Dinner-

After getting the Slytherin password (just in case) from a Prefect, Harry and Iggy made their way to the Headmaster's office for a meeting requested by Dumbledore.

Minerva and Severus were already in attendance and seemed to be in the middle of a huge screaming (on Minerva's part) row from the looks of things. Dumbledore was sitting in his chair, sucking on a lemon drop and smiling at his two teachers as if it was the most amusing thing he'd seen in a long time. Harry eased himself and Iggy into a dark corner of the room and watched the drama.

"...he can't stay in Slytherin, especially with a baby, Severus. Those with Death Eater parents still at large would do anything to get their hands on them both! And what's he doing with a baby in the first place?"

"You seem to be under the impression that I would let undue harm come to one of my own." Severus replied back in a calm voice.

"Have you forgotten who it is that was just placed in your house?" she countered.

"Doesn't matter." Severus stated. Minerva sputtered.

"Doesn't matter? What do you mean it doesn't matter? You've done your best to belittle and malign Harry the moment he stepped foot through the door!"

"And I admit I was wrong about him."

Minerva looked like she had been smacked in the face by a Bludger. She looked at her employer.

"Albus, you must see that Harry being in Slytherin cannot be condoned!"

"I agree, Minerva, but there is nothing I can do."

"You're the headmaster! Of course you can do something! Put him back in Gryffindor where he belongs!" she demanded.

"My hands are tied on this Minerva. The Founders put that stipulation in place when the school first opened and it's been in the Hogwarts Charters ever since. The Board of Governors saw fit to leave it in place. It's a practice not often used but it is still valid. If any students asks to be resorted then I have to grant it. And Harry is now where he should have always been, despite my unease about it."

"What do you mean, 'where he should have always been'?" she hissed like the cat she was.

"He means that I wanted to place Mr Potter in Slytherin his first year but he asked me not to, having just met Mr Malfoy and learning that it was a Slytherin who killed his parents." Herbert answered from his place on the shelf next to Fawkes' perch.

Minerva was gob smacked, "So we're going to let a moldy old hat tell us what to do?"

"Need I remind you of a certain 'Ravenclaw' who asked this same MOLDY OLD HAT to be put in Gryffindor?" Herbert sputtered indignantly. Minerva glared at The Hat before she turned back to Albus.

"Albus, surely Harry understands that he cannot stay in Slytherin." she hoped.

"He's not. He has requested his own rooms this year and I've granted him the permission."

"And the baby? Whom does he belong to? He can't take him to classes with him. It's dangerous."

"I am capable of watching my own child, Professor." Harry finally spoke, stepping from the shadows where he had hidden.

"He's yours? Where's his mother?" she asked.

"He has no mother." he replied.

"Harry, you can't take him to classes with you. I won't allow it." she told him. "And what do you mean he has no mother? All babies have a mother, regardless!"

"I'd like to know the answer to that myself." Dumbledore added. Harry looked at Severus.

"It might be wise to tell them, although you are under no obligation to do so." Severus told him. Harry nodded and took a deep breath. A small hand on his cheek drew his attention to Iggy.

"White, Daddy. Da air is white." Iggy smiled at his dad. It was Iggy-speak for "Everything is okay, Father. You can trust them with this."

Harry kissed the small nose before turning to look at his mentor and former Head of House.

"Iggy has no mother because I'm the one who gave birth to him." Both Minerva and Dumbledore gaped in shock.

"T-That's not possible!" Dumbledore exclaimed.

"And when have you known Potter to do anything but?" Severus asked, a small smile playing about his lips.

"How, Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it, if you don't mind." Harry replied, a small frown on his face. Unseen by the other two, Severus had placed a comforting hand at the small of Harry's back and was rubbing gently. "And I'm sorry, Professor, but Iggy is my responsibility. I will not be leaving him alone for any reason."

"He could get hurt!"

"And I will deal with it if the situation arises. I'll beg you to stay out of my business." he scowled, totally annoyed at his former Head of House. Iggy squirmed to be let down and Harry placed him on the floor where he immediately ran to Severus and attached himself to his leg. Severus looked down at him and gave him a soft look. Minerva panicked.

"No, no Mr Potter! Back away now!" she stated, moving to pull him away. Iggy only clung tighter. Severus surprised Minerva when he picked up the toddler and wrapped him in his arms. Iggy lay his head on Severus's shoulder and dropped off to sleep.

"What-" she gaped, looking at Harry for an explanation.

"Severus is Iggy's Godfather. Why would he cause him harm?" Harry told her.

"I'd rather cut off my arms and never brew potions again." Severus stated.

"I think I need to sit down now." Minerva stated, moving to do just that. She missed the couch entirely and fainted dead away on the floor.

"Oh dear. I do believe the poor woman's had a shock." Albus grinned.

"You don't say." Severus murmured.

"Severus, if you would be so kind as to escort Harry and young Ignatius to their living quarters. I will send Minerva to Poppy."

"Good night, Albus." Severus nodded, turning to leave.

Harry looked down at McGonagall.

"Never fear, Harry. She'll be up and about in time for classes on Monday. Have a pleasant weekend."

"Good night, sir." Harry nodded, following Severus out the door.

- - -

Once alone in the corridor, Severus looked at Harry and they both burst out laughing, causing a few Sixth year Gryffindors to stare at them in shock before they ran pell mell back to Gryffindor to spread the news.

By morning it would be all over the school that Severus Snape and Harry Potter were seen laughing in the halls...together, a young toddler sleeping securely in the arms of the Evil Potions Master.

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