Want to get naughty with me?
Ideas for Christmas fic 
7th-Nov-2007 10:07 am
I got an idea for the Christmas fic last night while I was at work. But I need a bit of help with something.

Gifts for Harry.

What do you think?

Now here's the kicker. It's got to be things he's always wanted when he was growing up with Dudley but he never got to have because Dudley got all the presents and he didn't.

I need about 10 to 12 gift ideas, and they have to be muggle. No magical gifts whatsoever.

I guess I should mention this story takes place 7th year and I'm ignoring HBP and DH. Voldy bit the dust at the end of Harry's 6th year.
8th-Nov-2007 02:32 am (UTC)
My first reaction leaned towards things like video games and a computer but when I thought about it I think Harry would appreciate less material things. Not that a material things wouldn't be nice...

I think things like picnics or someone cooking for him being some things that would touch him deeper. As for something solid? Maybe a pet of some sort. If it were jewelry, it would need to have a connection to him, like something related to his family. Or a photo album of his family.

Don't know if that works with what you've got planned but since you asked ~_^
8th-Nov-2007 07:07 am (UTC)
Some good suggestions there. Thank you.
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