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May. 20th, 2011


im & then a thread

Who: Phil and Jakoby
Where: Their rooms and then the gym
What: Phil confesses to almost kissing Henry, there's talk of Burlesque, and then roommates exist, so they sneak into the gym to sex
When: May 19th/May 20th night/early morning (ignore timestamps)
Rating: NSFW

you know how much I love you, right? )

May. 15th, 2011


Who: Phil and Jakoby
Where: Their rooms
What: Random chat; little bit of summer and future talk. Not super relevant to plots but we haven't had a chance to do much with them lately, so, yeah.
When: Early Sunday morning (May 15th)

May. 4th, 2011


Who: Phil & Jakoby
What: "So are we on talking terms yet?"
When: Wednesday, April 4th, through out the day
Rating: SFW

hey are you going to talk to me yet

Apr. 19th, 2011


Who: Phil & Jakoby
What: comfort
When: Late April 19th/Early April 20th
Where: Phil's room
Rating: Undetermined

After spending the past 24 hours at the hospital, Jakoby didn't even register that the smell of antiseptic had started to seep into him. He probably ought to have showered, but when he got back Dalton - shortly before midnight, - all he really had the energy to do was walk to Phil's room and knock gently. He didn't want to be alone tonight - not that he'd notice for long; he was all but dead on his feet.

((ooc: i have no idea what just happened o.o i logged in as jake - set up the entry and even definitely picked icons from jake's set, but it posted as benji, but when i went to the view your entry page i was logged in as jake. Wtf ij. Let's hope it works right this time.))

Apr. 17th, 2011


Who: Phil & Jakoby
What: Phil should probably mention his new RA position (and potential roommate.)
When: Sunday, April 17th, shortly after checking his email.
Rating SFW

hey guess what

Apr. 12th, 2011


Who: Jakoby & Phil
Where: Phil's dorm room
What: Jak notices Phil's new battle scars.
When: Tuesday, April 12th, late evening
Rating: NSFWish

Phil raised his sleeve and frowned at the red lines. He didn't want to say no to Jakoby tonight, but he didn't want him to worry either. He sighed and figured it'd be best to come clean. He walked to the door and left it unlocked. Leaning against the wall--No, that hurt like hell. He groaned and stood around, waiting for Jakoby to show up.

Apr. 6th, 2011


Who: Jakoby & Phil
Where: Jake's room; Johnson 202
What: A discussion on marriage. ...Really.
When: Tuesday, April 5th, late afternoon/early evening
Rating: SFW

I'm going to wait until you're 18, and then I'm going to buy you a pretty little ring )

Mar. 24th, 2011


Who: Jakoby & Phil
Where: Phil's at his brother's hotel room and Jak's... wherever.
What: Drunk-dial. Phil's completely wasted. Yeah.
When: Friday, March 25th, 3 AM
Rating: probably NSFW-ish

I feel like the worst friend in the world. )

Mar. 11th, 2011


Who: Jakoby & Phil
Where: Phil’s room
What: Jakoby stealing his boyfriend back from the videogame world.
When: Friday, March 11th
Rating: SFW?

Jakoby knew that Phil had been distracted with his gaming, but that’s all he’d thought it was. And sure it was stupid, but Jakoby couldn’t help feeling a little bit ignored; not that he could blame Phil, really – he’d be the same way if he were reading a new series or had a bout of inspiration to write. But now... He wasn’t even sure what to think anymore. How long ago had all this happened, and why hadn’t Phil told him? (And how could he act so semi-calm about it????) He shouldn’t have been alone if he was trying to deal with something like this, so Jakoby didn’t hesitate before heading down to Phil’s room and knocking on the door. As much as he hated the thought of confronting dead family issues, he couldn’t let his boyfriend do this alone.

Mar. 1st, 2011


Who: Jake & Phil
Where: Jake's room/Wherever Phil is
When: before first period
Rating: SFW?

Good morning, birthday boy :)

Feb. 24th, 2011


Who: Jakoby & Phil
Where: the library
What: Phil is a weak, weak man.
When: Thursday, February 24th, after these texts.
Rating: NSFW

It didn't take all that long to get to the library, not with the proper incentive backing his steps. Phil sat down across from Jakoby and smirked. "I thought you said you were working hard." He tugged at Jak's papers and gleaned over them, snorting at the scribbles over the pages. It turned out that he was a damn good distraction. Whether or not that was something to be proud of was another story. "Want to take a break?"


Who: Jake & Phil
Where: around campus
When: Thursday, February 24th, 2011; evening
Rating: NSFW

hey you

Feb. 21st, 2011


Who: Jakoby & Phil
Where: Dalton//a restaurant in Columbus
What: Spending Valentine’s Day together.
When: Monday, February 14th, after class (backdated)
Rating: SFW

hello, are you free tonight? i like your looks, i love your smile )

Feb. 20th, 2011


Who: Jake & Phil
Where: Jake's house/Phil's room
When: Sunday, February 20th, 2011; evening
Rating: NSFW

Good evening, beautiful.


Who: Phil & Ron
Where: Phil's room
What: Catching up and whatnot. Phil being a dork in the non-judgmental presence of Ronald Martin.
When: Sunday, February 20th, morning
Rating: SFW

Phil kicked his chair away from the computer, rolling for the door. He unlocked it for Ron before skidding all the way back across the room. This Evanald business had to be sorted out once and for all. He would not rest until he had all the facts (maybe even some of the more intimate details), and he would hoard this information to himself until he became so ecstatic that he blurted it out. His excitement meter was already nearing the quota.

Feb. 7th, 2011


Who: Jake & Phil
Where: around campus
When: Monday, February 7th, 2011; evening
Rating: SFW

I really don't like you sticking your neck on the line for O'hara like this. Why don't you just leave it all with Tech?

Feb. 5th, 2011


Who: Jake & Phil
Where: Phil's Room
What: They... really need to talk. So hopefully they're gonna.
When: Saturday, February 5th, 2011; evening
Rating: SFW? Potentially with a language warning.

After taking a few minutes to change and otherwise make himself generally presentable, Jakoby slipped out of his room and made his way down the hall to his b--- Phil’s room. He didn’t know what to expect from this but he knew what he was hoping for – if he hadn't been too scared to let himself hope, that was. Scared that this was just going to be Phil telling him to fuck off, straighten up and go take a hike, that it would be the final chance to fix this. That it was, without a doubt, over. Done. Time to move on.

He took what was meant to be a calming breath before knocking, nervously biting at his bottom lip as he waited for Phil to answer or give him permission to come in.

Jan. 31st, 2011


Who: Jak & Phil
What: In case Phil didn't make himself clear, it's over.
When: Jan. 31st, late evening after texting
Rating: SFW

Without so much as a greeting, Phil said into the receiver:

"I'm breaking up with you."


Who: Jake & Phil
What: Jake’s concerned by Phil’s post and just really wants to try and make things better :( May cause more harm than good.
When: Monday, January 31st, late evening
Rating: NSFW for language, probably?

I’m sorry. You’re probably mad, hurt and upset, I GET that but I’m worried about you. You don’t have to believe that I care, but I DO and you don’t owe me anything, but I’m still going to ask: promise me that you won’t do anything stupid.


Who: Fletcher & Jakoby + Phil
Where: Jak & Fletch’s room.
What: In a moment of weakness, Jak screws everything up.
When: Monday, January 31st, evening
Rating: NSFWish due to implications...?

I don't know what to think of you... you fucking whore... )

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