Oct. 24th, 2012


From: oliver.kendall@dalton.edu
To: "Staff Mailing List"
Subject: Halloween?

Hi y'all,

Since it's almost All Hallows Eve again, I figured I'd ask what everyone's plans were for that weekend? The students are having their party and are probably organizing their own and I know a few of us are chaperoning, but I was thinking it might be an idea to go out ourselves on the weekend, if anyone is game? It's been such a long time since we've really done anything as a group, which only plays into the stereotype that we're all old and boring. Let's not become that!

If anyone has any ideas on where we could go that doesn't include Babyl then let's hear them! This time of year isn't just for kids to dress up and have a good time - it's for everyone!


Sep. 26th, 2012


What: Sadie Hawkins Dance
Where: Westlake Country Club
When: Evening Saturday 29th September [Foredated]
Rating: NSFW because Dalton

Aug. 16th, 2012


from: Dalton Academy
to: "Dalton Students"
subject: Updated Schedules

We have the pleasure to inform you that we have brought long awaited changes to the schedule of extracurricular activities. We have put much work into it to meet every student´s need.
  • It has been brought to our attention that due to hectic afternoons, some students were lacking time for proper meals, therefore we have added more breaks to make certain that you get the proper nutrition - we understand you are growing boys, after all.
  • We have scheduled more sessions and longer times for many of the popular activities.
  • Due to lack of interest, we are not opening several sports this year but we are certain you can find other clubs and teams to satisfy your desire for entertainment and self-improvement. At least we can stop embarrassing ourselves now. Last in Air Hockey league three years in row? I think that´s quite enough.
There is also an updated class schedule on the school website. Please, take a moment off your summer afternoon to choose your classes for the approaching school year.

Please note: The schedules are final and no changes will be made to them this semester. If you want to found a new club, you are welcome to fit it in at time where it does not collide with other clubs. If you feel that you are not getting enough training time in a sport of your choice, you are welcome to use the facilities for individual or group trainings when they are not in use by another team (for further information consult your coach). Thank you for understanding.

Yours sincerely,
Dalton Academy

May. 12th, 2012


Show Choir Nationals Weekend

It's that time of year again! This year the Warblers are travelling to Chicago to defend their Nationals victory. Try and add an approximate time to any threads to keep track of them and as always, feel free to add in any other headers if there's something you'd like to play out!
The Warblers, faculty chaperones and supporters left Dalton on Friday around midday, piling into a bus to take them to Port Columbus International Airport (about a 20 minute drive) and then being herded on to a plane to Chicago (good luck with that, adults).

Any students who are members of the Warbler Booster Club are allowed to come with them, with parental permission. Other students wanting to support their friends will also be able to come, with parental permission, but preference is given to the Booster Club as there are limited numbers. Students are welcome to make their own way there and back, provided they have permission. Feel free to have any family/friends/alumni show up to support them.

Nationals will take place at the Arie Crown Theatre with the first performances early Saturday morning. The top ten groups after the first day will go on to perform again on Sunday, with the winners announced late Sunday.

When they're not performing, the boys will be staying at the Chicago South Loop Hotel where there will be two to a room for Warblers, or four to a room for supporters. Room swapping after dark is not technically allowed but since when have these boys paid attention to those sort of rules? If you want to claim roomies, leave a comment! I'll add them in here for reference.

Faculty Chaperoning the Weekend
Arthur Holden, Oliver Kendall, Archer Kennedy, Nathan Grayman, Any others you want to throw in?

Tak & Mocchi
Sebastian & Caleb
Benji & Ron

Evan, Thomas, Mikey and Blake.


Apr. 16th, 2012


((ooc: shh, I'm late because I suck. but please to be assuming these were sent out around the 11th.))

From: benjamin.dubois@dalton.edu
To: "Dalton Mailing List", "Haverstone Mailing List", "Dalton Staff Mailing List", "Haverstone Staff Mailing List"
CC: msinclair.sympatico.com
Subject: Re, Gavin Sinclair: Funeral Arrangements

As many of you have learned by now, Dalton Junior Gavin Sinclair lost his life in a tragic accident this past Easter weekend. The funeral arrangements have been decided and are as follows:

Saturday, April 14th, 2012, beginning at 11:00am at Temple Israel in Columbus, and will be followed by a processional to [____] Cemetery.

All students and staff are welcome. For those of you who've never attended a Jewish funeral service, please read up on the proper etiquette.

Thank you.


From: benjamin.dubois@dalton.edu
To: "Warblers Mailing List"
CC: msinclair.sympatico.com
Subject: Re, Gavin Sinclair: Funeral Arrangements

Hey guys.

Firstly, I'm sorry for how utterly useless I was at yesterday's rehearsal. I'll do my best to get my head back in the game for tonight's. No promises, though.

Mrs. Sinclair has asked that we perform at the grave site, and I figured it was best to run it by you before giving her the go ahead. I was thinking Amazing Grace, but that can be put up to discussion tonight. Please, if you have other suggestions, bring them with you. Solos would also be determined tonight, but I think it's fair to say we all have a decent idea who should have them.

See you tonight, and I hope everyone is holding up okay,


((ooc: and because I needed closure, here is the funeral program.))

Feb. 17th, 2012


What: Valentine´s Day Dance
Where: Haverstone Ballroom
When: Saturday February 18th 2012, evening [Foredated]
Rating: TBA

Feel free to add any more thread headers you need. For Dalton, the chaperoning staff are Jeanette Bell, Lincoln Hemmingway, Nathan Grayman and Raphael Leclarc. Others can feel free to attend as well, however.

Feb. 4th, 2012


from: jeanette.bell@dalton.edu
to: raphael.leclerc@dalton.edu, nathan.grayman@dalton.edu, elliot.atkins@dalton.edu, oliver.kendall@dalton.edu, lucas.miller@dalton.edu, jack.barry@dalton.edu, padraic.barry@dalton.edu, constance.freemont@dalton.edu, lincoln.hemmingway@dalton.edu [insert all the NPC teachers here]
subject: Valentine´s Day Dance

email to above-mentioned )

from: jeanette.bell@dalton.edu
to: sebastian.smythe@dalton.edu, blake.caffrey@dalton.edu, evander.olson@dalton.edu
subject: Valentine´s Day

email to Sebastian, Blake, Evan )

Feb. 1st, 2012


from: jeanette.bell@dalton.edu
to: “Dalton Mailing List”
subject: Valentine´s Day!

Dear Dalton students!

I hope you´re all doing well, are healthy and I hope you´re all getting a lot of love... In case you´re not, that´s what this month is for! We have February ahead of us and that means Valentine´s Day!

I know it´s not everyone´s favorite holiday, but I´m sure we can make it fun together. Here is my plan for it.

On the actual Valentine´s Day (which is Tuesday, February 14th if anyone has forgotten), I´ll be (together with anyone who volunteers to help and you´d better volunteer, because then you won´t be subjected to the censorship I am, as a teacher, obliged to do) taking over the Dalton´s intercom. In the days preceding this, there will be boxes around the school where you can put your love notes - be it anonymously or signed, to your significant other or someone you just secretly admire. Those messages will be broadcast during the breaks and lunch on 14th.

On the following Saturday (February 18th), we´re organizing a small dance together with the Haverstone Academy. Nothing formal, just a little fun thing because we´re tired of pretending you don´t run to clubs in Columbus every chance you get and we´d like to offer you a safer alternative. More details as the time approaches, but there´s no need to get your formal clothes ready. Just your best jeans.

And don´t forget - Valentine´s Day has originally been the day for celebrating friendship. If you´d rather acknowledge your friends rather than romantic love, that´s completely okay too!

If you want to volunteer to read the notes with me (or better, instead of me), there are perks to it - you´ll be excused from classes for the whole day and if you´re in my class, I´ll take your activity in account when you´re struggling with the art. Send me an email if you´re interested!

Lots of love,

May. 12th, 2011



Who: Everyone going to Nationals
What: Everyone at the hotel at Nationals
Where: Hotel at Nationals!
When: Friday evening, May 13-Monday morning, May 16
Rating: NSFW, in the long term, I'm assuming...

The Dalton Caravan has taken up two floors of this swanky hotel. Each faculty chaperone is in charge of no more than six boys. Warblers are two to a room, non-Warblers are four to a room.

First person to post in a room thread should put all the boys in that room in the subject of the post, please.

For morning threads, put them under the previous night. Monday morning threads would go under Sunday night, for example.

Warbler Room Pairings:
Aaron and Toby
Ben and Benji
Blaine and Raf
Colby and Jack
Kurt and Xander
Leonard and Ron
Noah and Vince
David and Wes

Non-Warbler Rooms:
Gabe, Scotty, ???, and ???

Faculty Room Pairings:
Holden (Benji, Leo, Raf, Ron, Toby, and Vince) and Hemmingway (Colby, Xander, Jude, Wes, Mocchi, and Scotty)
Ruby (Noah, Aaron, Jack, Ben, Kurt, and Blaine) and ???


May. 9th, 2011


Who: Faculty and Staff
Where:Conference Room
What: The Faculty Meeting of Dooooom
When: Monday after classes
Rating: SFW, I should imagine

Since Connie didn't have a fixed schedule,she found herself to be the first person to reach the conference room that afternoon.  She flipped on the lights and set her tote bag down on the table with a sigh; she was really more than a little nervous about this one.  Unable to settle down for more than a moment, she decided to start the coffee pot, to have something to do. 

May. 7th, 2011


From: constance.freedmont@dalton.edu
To: all faculty
Subject: action on cyber-bullying

So, what are we doing about this as far as disciplinary action? Should we call a staff meeting for Monday?


May. 2nd, 2011


To all faculty

From: austin.bennett@dalton.edu
To: "Faculty Mailing List"
Subject: Cyber-Bullying at Dalton

Greetings all,

By this point, I am sure you have all had a chance to see the alarming anonymous post on Noah Braxton's journal. This outbreak of cyber-bullying is quite alarming, and I feel we need to act swiftly to ensure the students still feel safe and accepted on our campus. Any and all suggestions you have for how we can heal this injury would be most welcomed.


President A. Bennett
Dalton Academy
Westerville, Ohio

((OOC: I don't want this to be mods telling you what to do. Let's have some faculty action here!))

Apr. 29th, 2011


From: constance.freedmont@dalton.edu
To: all faculty
Subject: excused absences

Good morning!

Please be advised that Benjamin Dubois has been excused from his classes this morning.  He may also miss this afternoon's classes, as well, but he will try to make it to those.

Also, Raphael Nelson will be excused from classes on Wednesday.

And, yes, I'm going to excuse Eoin for his mental health day. 


Feb. 23rd, 2011


Welcome Home Mocchi

Who: Blaine and lots of others
What: Welcoming Mocchi back from Japan. And Briar. And celebrating the adoption of Mocchi by Connie. And lots of things.
Where: Dalton Academy, near the front gate
When: Wednesday, February 23, evening, 6:20ish
Rating: SFW

Nurse Connie texted Blaine that they were loading the car, and Blaine sent out a mass text to everyone whose numbers he had. Mocchi's leaving Columbus now, 30 min. to arrival! Meet at the gate! And then he bundled up and headed out into the cool evening air to see who would actually show up.

Jan. 21st, 2011


Who: Alphonse and the rest of the staff
Where: Teacher's lounge
What: A potluck!
When: Friday, January 21st, lunch time
Rating: SFW

Alphonse set his bag upon the table and hefted a large tray out. He set it upon the table and removed the lid, smiling as a sweet custard-y smell wafted into the air. Set in small bowls was homemade crème brulée. Each bowl had been placed in alternating colors, either orange or blue, and topped with a sprig of mint and a strawberry. As if the custard or caramelized sugar weren't sweet enough, Alphonse thought to set a bowl of whipped cream to the side.

According to his watch, it was but a minute until the bell rung.

Jan. 16th, 2011


From: alphonse.kirkland@dalton.edu
To: (staff mailing list)
Subject: informal potluck

Dear Faculty Members,

If I may be so bold, I'd like to invite everyone to participate in a potluck this Friday, Jan. 21, during lunch. I believe it would be a good chance to make my acquaintance with all of you without having to weave through schedules.

Main Dishes: Atkins-Kendall
Desserts: Kirkland-McQueen
Drinks*: Miller-Schwartz

Please RSVP by Wednesday, Jan. 19.

*Of the non-alcoholic variety, please. :)

Thank you very much for your time,
Vice Principal Alphonse Kirkland
(567) 419-8412 ext. 1125

P.S. Please don't feel obligated to make something from scratch. I know we all lead busy lives, and if it's store bought, I'm quite positive that none of us will hold it against you.

Jan. 2nd, 2011


From: harry.johnson@dalton.edu
To: elliot.atkinson@dalton.edu, eric.barrison@dalton.edu, jack.barry@dalton.edu, darren.colt@dalton.edu, constance.freedmont@dalton.edu, oliver.kendall@dalton.edu, ezra.lee@dalton.edu, natalie.lowens@dalton.edu, rayner.mcqueen@dalton.edu, lucas.miller@dalton.edu, padraic.pearson@dalton.edu, jonah.schwartz@dalton.edu
Subject: SOS (Save Our Students) )

Dec. 16th, 2010


((OOC  Sent Wednesday morning))

From: connie.freedmont@dalton.edu
To: "Dalton Staff"
Subject: Student excused from class

Please excuse Tomohisa Chikamatsu from classes today.  (He's  been in the infirmary overnight with the flu.)  I will let you know about Thursday.


January 2013




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