Posts Tagged: 'persephone'

Jan. 8th, 2014



[No Subject]

While the science behind this is quite neat, please do it so in a responsible way. I don't want to get texts from my ER nurse friend, bitching about how people are stupid.

Jan. 2nd, 2014




Welp, I don't know about all of you, but my NYE was fan-fucking-tastic. No regrets about having to toss that pair of heels either, they were absolute shite if they broke that easily. Much love to my favorite coworker for giving me a ride.

You guys, if you haven't checked out PelleK then go go go and do it now. His voice... his eyes... looks like I'm booking a trip to Norway eventually.

Dec. 30th, 2013



[No Subject]

Looks like I'll be spending New Year's in Israel.

צה"ל דורש הנוכחות המיידית שלי. אני אחזור בשבוע וחצי.
The IDF requires my immediate presence. I'll be back in a week and half.

Keep the businesses afloat until then, will you?

Dec. 28th, 2013


[No Subject]

This time of year always feels strange to me. Even though I grew up in Canada, we didn't celebrate the Western traditions. Christmas was just another day for my family and so it is for me. I do enjoy having the day off from work though, that is always nice.

For me the big holiday will be January 31st, Chinese New Year 4712, the year of the Horse. That doesn't mean I won't enjoy celebrating on December 31st though. I like celebrating the New Year twice.

Dec. 26th, 2013



Raise Your Glass

Come 12:00AM on January 1st I better have either another person or a bottle of vodka on my lips.

Dec. 18th, 2013



Every Snowflake Is Different

Anyone else getting real sick and tired of all this forced Christmas cheer?

Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays, but being told what I have to sing at work is pretty frustrating. Therefore, management shouldn't have been surprised when I sang the Christmas carols I like and not the ones they wanted. Not everyone wants to rock around the Christmas tree, some of us get our holly jollies off elsewhere, you dig?

Dec. 16th, 2013



[No Subject]

Even though the Powers That Be at work have outlawed any sort of decoration for any holiday due to some hijinks with a plastic pumpkin, a batch of chemicals, and the fume hood last year, some enterprising and reckless coworkers decided to disregard this ruling.

Today I walked into the lab and saw this.

Picture underneath the cut )

It's our Chemis-tree. I think it's cute.

My lab partner and I have a bet going on how long it's going to last. She says tomorrow, I say Wednesday.

Dec. 15th, 2013



[No Subject]

I just saw a commercial for Versace's Eros cologne. WHAT. IS. THAT? Ugh. There is a picture of some woman on the bottle. I couldn't figure out what that was supposed to be. Apparently, it's Medusa. What is she doing on something with my name on it? That doesn't make any sense to me. Humans...

So, Christmas is soon. Have you gotten my gifts yet?

Dec. 11th, 2013



[No Subject]

Jennifer’s 1993 Bat Mitzvah T-Shirt: Mystery Solved. Exciting stuff. And it makes me wonder what happened with mine. Is the overstock languishing somewhere in my parents' basement? Has it been donated or otherwise been put to good use?

I might have to call them and find out.

[No Subject]

But we are forgetting the important things in life. Britney Spears has offically arrived on the strip. How exciting.



[No Subject]

blabla odin is dead blabla stabbed blabla no suspects. who would have thought that it's so easy to kill the allfather.

this is like real life csi~



[No Subject]

Not sure why people are offering condolences or pretending to care. He will be back. And just as wonderful.



[No Subject]

That was an interesting development...

Dec. 10th, 2013



[No Subject]

Boo hoo hoo. Poor Odin is dead, let's all mourn for him.

I for one am glad to see that loathsome bearded idiot dead. I only regret that I hadn't been the one to devour him.