Posts Tagged: 'melpomene'

Jan. 2nd, 2014




Welp, I don't know about all of you, but my NYE was fan-fucking-tastic. No regrets about having to toss that pair of heels either, they were absolute shite if they broke that easily. Much love to my favorite coworker for giving me a ride.

You guys, if you haven't checked out PelleK then go go go and do it now. His voice... his eyes... looks like I'm booking a trip to Norway eventually.

Dec. 11th, 2013



[No Subject]

Let's be frank here for a moment. I don't care for the Norse much, but regardless of whether Odin's death is part of the largely undefined descriptions of either good or bad, it matters. Right here and now.

So I'll be polite and offer my condolences for the loss of the All-Father to whomever it concerns.

Dec. 10th, 2013



[No Subject]

I cannot help but feel a sense of surprise when people like me die, especially one like Odin, whom I can only equate to someone as strong like Zeus


I have been in town for a few months now, we should go out for tea or drinks.