Posts Tagged: 'fenrir'

Dec. 18th, 2013



Every Snowflake Is Different

Anyone else getting real sick and tired of all this forced Christmas cheer?

Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays, but being told what I have to sing at work is pretty frustrating. Therefore, management shouldn't have been surprised when I sang the Christmas carols I like and not the ones they wanted. Not everyone wants to rock around the Christmas tree, some of us get our holly jollies off elsewhere, you dig?

Dec. 11th, 2013


[No Subject]

But we are forgetting the important things in life. Britney Spears has offically arrived on the strip. How exciting.

Dec. 10th, 2013



[No Subject]

Boo hoo hoo. Poor Odin is dead, let's all mourn for him.

I for one am glad to see that loathsome bearded idiot dead. I only regret that I hadn't been the one to devour him.

Another one bites the dust

Well at least he died of stab wounds. If his house had burned down I'm sure everyone would be thinking I did it. Wish I'd thought of it.

But I'll be nice and offer my condolences to his family. So consider yourself consoled.
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first lie.


What a tragedy! O, so terrible! How will this effect the fragile hierarchy? Who will fight for the crown? Will it be Loki, the not!son, or maybe Thor, in all his mighty mightiness! He could just hammer Loki into the ground, but will their beautiful love light the way to a joint kingdom? Stay tuned.

But I think the most important questions we should ask ourselves are: who will inherit the eyepatch? Do his ravens like shiny things? What's going onto his tombstone? Who gets Octohorse?

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