Posts Tagged: 'character:+ariana+dobson'

Jul. 23rd, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: July 23, mid-afternoon

Most of the summer has passed me by without really being aware of it! I can't believe it. I've gotten some very exciting news over the summer, though. I'm to be the new Gryffindor prefect this upcoming school year. I couldn't be more thrilled! It's such an honor. Grandfather says that only people with integrity are chosen for it. I'm not really sure if that means that I qualify really, but I guess...someone saw something in me that merits leadership? I don't know. Most of the time I'd rather hide behind my books. They, at least, I know what to expect from.

I've been out riding on horses a bit this summer too. I'm getting pretty good! It's so peaceful out there. I met a girl new friend, too. She's got pretty blond hair. Saved me once on my horse when I was about to make a fool of myself. Guess it's not hard to do, though, since I'm not really all that athletic. I mean, I manage on the Quidditch team and everything, but that's only because I practice a lot. And I can come up with some really good plays, apparently.

Umm...I think I've babbled enough here. Hi everyone? How is your summer?




Type: Journal post
When: July 23rd, 1pmish

I hadn't realize that summer is almost half way over until I got a letter from the school with my O.W.L. marks. I'm still amazed that I survived those two hellish weeks. I also got this neat little thing that I'm writing in. Magical Journals I think it's called. I feel like because we have to write in them that this is summer homework. Do we get graded? Is the threat that these things will turn into some kind of monster true if we don't write in them? Do I want to find out?

Anyways since I did so well on my O.W.L.s Dad has finally gave in and decided to let me get a pet. His biggest mistake in agreeing is letting me decide what I should get. He should know better by now.

Off to Quinque Alley to see what I can find!