September 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: Aug. 31, Evening

So, Michael... when is the baby due? lmfao



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: August 31st, Evening

I do hope all of you Hufflepuffs are ready for school tomorrow! We're going to have a wonderful year and I know you will all try your best.

Oh and just for the record I have absolutely no need of plastic surgery to look this fabulous, it's all just naturally bestowed! I think somebody at the Scribbler may simply have a case of the green eyed monster.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: Sept 1st, Evening

I'm surprised at just how much I've missed the school. Hogwarts really is a home away from home, and I've missed using my magic! It's great fun to be able cast a spell when I want to summon something, like my rabbit's food, rather than trying to lift that big bag. My bunny's loving the school though and has managed to scare all the cats around her.

[Private to Hunter]

I'm going to miss you in bed tonight. Have you spoken to the headmaster about what to do for the full moon coming up?



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: Aug 31st, Evening

I am not, nor have I ever been, a pimp for my own child. I make enough money from my job and I'm writing to support us. She would never need to do such a thing and when I find out who wrote that, you will not like what I have to say.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: Aug 31st, Evening

Am I the only one that loves my rumor? I wish I was really running for office. Oh well.

[Private Nari]
I know I am NOT the father. :)



[No Subject]

Type: Owl to Belle
When: Aug. 31st, afternoon

Can we talk on the train tomorrow? I need to talk about my mystery man.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: 9/1/2015, Morning.

Well that Scribblr thing was just a bit on the hurtful side. I mean... talent less? Ouch, I would like to point out I'm quite good at the potions building. I'd find that to be a substantial talent.

I am, as it were, not gay either. I don't really find this insulting, and don't understand why that needs to be classified as 'poor Peter', if I were it wouldn't really be a bad thing would it? I'm not, though, my biological make up and social experiences and norms have not really attributed to that and, as thus, have not found myself attracted to the male spectrum.

As for the other remarks, I'll let the world worry about those in due time and not bother commenting on a rather inappropriate topic.

All of that said, I hope none of you took any of the attacks on you too seriously; this is merely gossip, a trivial and weak minded individual who must boost their own self-confidence by playing against your own, and creates their own fun through the degradation of others. It's tiresome, but it happens. Don't let it bother you...

Instead enjoy your day! Welcome back to school students, I look forward to making all of you suffer in potions. Bwuhahaha--I don't play off the evil very well, do I?