September 5th, 2013



[No Subject]

Hey everybody! My name is Joan and I’m bringing ya’ll the questionably moral Julia Denning from the 2012 movie, The Tall Man (trailer).

If you haven’t seen the movie then you can check up her history here, but for a quick, short, I tried peeps I really did, but it got wordy >.> run down...

Mini-ish Bio )

Now back to the kind of present. For the last two years she’s been on death row, waiting for her execution. Alone and trapped by her secret. Separated from all those she loved, but letting the strength of her convictions carry her to the final day when they strapped her down. She was minutes away from her death when Management acquired her. So while Julia is going through the motions she is struggling internally over what her purpose is and the fact that she’s still alive after mentally preparing herself for death. With all the good she’d thought she’d done years ahead of her Jules will have to find something else to keep her together or fall apart.

She’s the new popcorn vendor, lives in tent 11 and is also a medic. So lets get some plottage on folks ♥



[No Subject]

Just a head's up to my thread partners! I know I'm usually lightning-quick on getting my tags done but I've got an annual meeting for my agency today that is going to last until forever o'clock. I'm going to try and ping people back if I get a few spare moments, but likely I won't be able to write until I get home tonight around 9pm (which is usually way after ya'll have tucked in for the night).




[No Subject]

Hey gang, Fi here with her last character.

Katherine Pierce who lived in 1930's as a vamp is going to be pulled back after she became human.

She'll be the Hooping girl.

All plots would be love!

We need your input!

Hi everyone!

So the thought was put to us by a player, that they're feeling the loss of network related IC interactions in this game. That something like a network/text messages is a big part of many games and important too for smaller bits and pieces of character development.

Originally we developed the idea of this game specifically without a network or network-like device for characters, one because it simply didn't fit in with the time set in game (lol nophones) and two because we wanted just to try a game without a network – folks here simply don't have a lot of time to themselves, work goes on throughout the day and into the evening, not to mention shows, animal care, rehearsals and so on. We do want this to remain a logs/threads based game and we'd also prefer that's how folk enter the game, rather than a 'wtf where am I' network-type entry.

Other games, where characters do not own filthy MUGGLE phones have personal journals where characters can see public entries, or set private entires and then comment back and forth with others. It would be the same concept here. Every character receives a journal, every character can read/make public entries in their own journal and others can comment by writing back, which is in turn read by all.

The suggestion to us was a really fair point and we decided it wasn't a decision for us to make without seeing what folks here think of it! Do you think the game would benefit? Would it make conversations redundant? Or notes? Should we have ALL the things? Keep in mind we're 100% open-minded about this, so vote honestly.


Poll #7273 Network
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Should we introduce network-like IC interactions through journals?

View Answers

No. Leave things the way they are!
10 (43.5%)

Yes to journals. Remove notes and conversations.
0 (0.0%)

Yes to journals. Keep notes and conversations.
9 (39.1%)

Yes to journals. Scrap notes, keep conversations
2 (8.7%)

Yes to journals. Keep notes, scrap conversations.
2 (8.7%)
