Posts Tagged: 'angie'

Sep. 8th, 2013



[No Subject]

Hello all! This is Angie back with character number two, Oliver Queen/Green Arrow from Smallville. For those familiar with Smallville, he's set in the AU future from season nine's "Pandora." So for him, the Kandorians (super powered aliens from Krypton, where Clark Kent/Superman is from) have taken over earth, which is under a red sun. He and the Chloe he knows have been leading a pocket of resistance fighters for months, but things recently went south. Right before Ollie arrived here, Tess Mercer and Chloe killed and Oliver was facing the entire Kandorian army alone with his trusty bow.

He's up for plots and interactions, and he's going to be the carnaval's archer. Good news for Allison -- he never misses his target. ;) Of course no one here but Chloe will know that.

As always, Anna [info]neverhurthim is also available for plotting and stuff if anyone is interested, too.

Aug. 31st, 2013



[No Subject]

Sooo, does anyone else need music in order to write effectively? I can do without it, but I seem to do better with it because it helps set the mood. That being said, I'm trying to build a playlist for this game to listen to when playing! So far I have the following:

Carnival -- Natalie Merchant
Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves -- Cher (and also the version by Lisa Loeb)
Carnal Carnival -- Here Comes the Mummies
Carnival -- Mojo
Carnival of Rust -- Poets of the Fall

As you can see, right now this playlist is TINY. I'm dying to add to it. Any suggestions for songs that would fit the theme of the game?

Aug. 15th, 2013



[No Subject]

Hello! I'm Angie, and I'm bringing in Anna from The Vampire Diaries. For those not familiar, she's a vampire, but she tends to fall more along the "neutral good" line than the "evil and soulless" kind of vamp. I'm pulling her from season 3's "Ghost World" where she was dead, a ghost, and temporarily corporeal thanks to a magic spell. And now she's here. She will also need blood in order to survive so if it's okay with the mods and if any of your pups don't mind being fed on, let me know and we can work something out!