September 4th, 2013



[No Subject]

Remember when I said that two characters was going to be it, that I wasn't going to be picking up anyone else? Yeah, that didn't last long because Kate is a sneaky little enabler who knows exactly what kind of guy I like to play and because I love her, of course. Anyway - this is Callum Lowsley, an OC. He's Grey White's errrr - companion? I think that that is the best way to go about describing what they are without falling into certain tropes that Cal isn't too fond of, lol. He'll be the ball toss guy, because putting him in the coochie tent was just a very, very bad idea.

Shortly put, Cal is a social misfit, pro-feminist, artist and werewolf who's obviously far too brilliant to be normal, so he comes with certain issues. Issues that might make him spew his mouth off every once in a while - and so just so you know, it's nothing personal and I will tone it down big time. Long story short? He's an 'owned' werewolf who was treated like an animal in the days of the upcoming moon - which was still a sight better than being forced into the dogfights. So, he's got issues there too. Major issues.

And last but not least, he's here to be played with everyone, and I'm open to everything! So please don't be shy. <3