September 6th, 2013


[No Subject]

Sascha here with a third and final! (no really)

This is Stiles Stilinski of Teen Wolf. He's 17, human, and is chuffed to be in charge of the hot dog stand (though would kinda rather me home 'k thanks magic parallel universe that looks like the shittiest time in American history).

He should be in school and keeping the world safe from bitter werewolves and vengeful druids but no. He's living in a tent! Tent 10 be precise.

He'd love to make some friends (if he haaaas to be here) and he'd probably also be looking for a father figure. (Or his actual daddy even)

Don't be afraid to say hi. He's a nice guy.

He'd be especially interested in a chat with his new tent-mates.

I'll just go back to rocking the mini-plague.

A couple of things..


This is a quick note to remind the few of you that haven't voted in the poll regarding journals/network that we'd appreciate it if you did. :)

I was hoping to get some new jobs up today but I haven't quite got there. I have done one of two planned 'big' FAQ updates though - adding a section to cover the couple of 'how things work' OOC posts we've had. So it's nothing really new to most of you. The conversations and arrival sections have been updated a little as well. The next update will address IC/Management issues a bit more, but that probably won't be until next week now. And I'm not sure the jobs will be either. Long day tomorrow and undetermined day on Sunday for me, and Nina is working all weekend also. So we're probably going to be even slower than normal, sorry. But once we have these couple of things out of the way we should be in a better position. Thank you for being patient with us. :)

Have a good weekend everyone!
Nina and Sara