Posts Tagged: 'sara'

Dec. 4th, 2013


[No Subject]

Hi everyone,

I should probably have mentioned this earlier, but I started a new job this week so I was getting organised for that and am in the midst of learning new things and getting settled in and such at the moment, so I've been (and will probably continue to be) a little slow on things. Because of this and my finishing up in a month (and my complete failure during November), I'm going to drop Ned and Korra. I'll still play Carl if anyone wants some NPC input/interaction, and hopefully get back on track with the updating things (sorry for being late with the AC!). So, yeah. That's why I've been even slower than normal.

Sorry and thanks!


Oct. 22nd, 2013


Back and Intro!

Hi folks!

This is Sara. Again, sorry for not being around over the weekend(/today c.c). I was busy getting signatures from the lovely lady who provides this character with a voice. *preens* And I've been slowly (sorry) getting through things today. We did have another round of drops, but we're happy to keep things chugging along - there will be a new destination and plot post at the end of the week. We might also get your thoughts on something during the week.

Now, for the intro. This is Korra. For those of you unfamiliar with Avatar: The Last Airbender and/or The Legend of Korra, she's the current generation's Avatar. That means that she's capable of bending (elemental control with some cool martial arts moves) all four elements. She also has the ability to tap into her past lives and gain wisdom and strength from them, although she's not so great at that. (Think of her as.. spiritually enhanced.) I'm bringing her in from.. (S1 SPOILERS) ) She can be pretty fiery. Opinionated. Frustrating. She's nothing if not passionate, but her heart is generally in the right place. Her duty as the Avatar means a lot to her. But she is still a teenager, you know?

herpderpedit: She's been assigned the role of acrobat, which I'm not sure she's too happy about and in tent #2. :E

Anyway. I'll be doing some stuff for her tomorrow for me, as it's getting late and I'm getting rambly.


Oct. 18th, 2013


Weekend Hiatus

Hi guys,

I know I owe a tag or comment or two around the place. I may or may not (sorry!) get to those tonight. :E Then Nina and I are at a con over the weekend, so I may not be around on Ned until Sunday/Monday and we might not get to mod things till then either. I hope you all have a good weekend though, and feel free to poke us about things even if we're not around. We'll get back to you when we are! (And possibly answer things on our phones while standing in line.)


Oct. 3rd, 2013




This is Sara and this is Ned, who she didn't promise. :E She may have recently marathoned Pushing Daisies. c.c Anyway! For those of you unfamiliar with the series, Ned here owns a pie shop where he makes and sells rather lovely pies. In addition to that, he helps a private investigator - Emerson Cod - solve murders for profit. He does that by bringing the victims back from the dead for one minute to question them. Because he can do that. If the dead he brings back stay alive for longer than a minute, however, something else must die in their place. He does this a lot with plants, but not so much animals. It's not a power he advertises and he'll certainly try to keep it to himself here. That said, if anyone wants to plot some dying craziness at any point - I'm more than happy for it.

Ned will be joining the cook staff here. He'll serve you with a smile when he's less terrified of being here. And your fruit and vegetables might just seem a bit fresher now that he's here. Also pie. Who wants pie?

He will have been informed by Art/Carl that there are undead folk here. Given that he makes dead things undead(/alive again) and undead things dead again, he's probably going to avoid /all/ the touching. But if he's around people more often (Hal, for example) he'll probably ask them if they are so he can be extra careful with the not touching.

Erm. I've put up an open with him just arriving and panicking, so if anyone's character wants to deal with that. Good luck? XD


Sep. 20th, 2013


Some failure on my part..

Hi folks,

This is Sara. Just letting you know that, for the moment, I'll be dropping my cast (which is only Meyer and Rook in game). I know it sounds terribly dramatic but it really isn't. Not long after we started I became a lot busier than I anticipated and prior to that I was determined to get some mod things out of the way before jumping in.. and I never quite got to the jumping in. I thought putting up some notes to establish their presence would help me, but then I wound up missing the boat on things I wanted to do and these characters are new to me.. so I felt at a bit at a loss as to where to go after that. It's been worrying me a bit. XD So the best course seemed to be to take a step back and start again. Which I will do. But for the moment I'm going to concentrate on getting some mod things out of the way (there are a couple of OOC things we want to get going, as well as fixing up existing things in the mod journal, etc.). I will still attempt to be in game with an NPC though.

As for the blood stuff I may or may not have gotten rolling, assume that before he disappeared Rook spoke with Julia (and any other medical folk if they came and found him). So whether the medical types want to take charge there. Or the vampires. c.c Or if the hunters want to shut the idea down. >D I think I'm pretty much obligated to bring in the vampire first when I do, though, so if things haven't come along I'm sure he'll get them going again. Though feel free to talk about it here or anywhere. (And people are free to think the worst has happened to Rook instead of Management just getting sick of all the letters he's been leaving him/it.. ;)

Anyway! I'm going to catch up on Carl (sorry!) over the weekend and hopefully get some other things sorted/started so I'm on track. Then expect a snarky vampire in a week or two. :E

Have a good weekend everyone!


Aug. 31st, 2013


[No Subject]

Aaand... we're back?

Hello! This is Sara, and provided IJ doesn't have any more hiccups, we'll get things going shortly. I did intend to post this earlier though, but what can you do? XD Anyway, here I am, shuffling around my characters at the last minute. c.c

I am putting the (usually) lovely Richard Harrow ([info]still_at_war) aside for the moment.. which is sad. :E I know I had some plans with some of your characters and him, but hopefully we can make new plans with new characters, of which there are two. (And, really, I was going to be pretty awful to him.)

I still have James Ford (aka Sawyer) from Lost over at [info]wise_guy who I might not actually be bringing in till the start of fortnight number two, as I don't want to put too much on my plate over the next couple of weeks. That also gives me time to fix up my spreadsheet with job numbers that are no longer relevant because we added more jobs, and roll something up for him.

At [info]no_care I have Dominic Rook. He is from the later seasons of the UK Being Human. (Apparently I don't even need to be enabled, I can do that myself.) He is in charge of the Department of Domestic Defence, a government agency that is about to be dissolved due to budget cuts, something he isn't really able to come to terms with because of the department's importance.. and the fact that it's his life. Also, how will Special Branch cope with vampires and werewolves and ghosts when they don't have the information, experience or resources to deal with them? He's spent his entire adult life monitoring, cleaning up after and sometimes interacting with supernatural beings. He'll be handy to any those with something they want cleaned up. He is one of the Freak Show + Bally Talkers and I assume he'll have a slight problem at first with being a bit too factual. :E I will be interested to see if he's capable of making friends here though.

And here ([info]a_safe_bet) is Meyer Lansky from Boardwalk Empire. He was an actual gangster, but I'm going with Boardwalk Empire's representation of him. He's pretty young to have gotten as far as he has in that world. Right now he's under the.. tutelage, if you will, of Arnold Rothstein. He's learned a lot from him and will do so for a little longer. They're not always the easiest lessons, though Meyer is the careful one. He's very good with numbers and is generally quite measure in his decision making. But he's also very resourceful in a pinch. He'll try to achieve things through words and deals over violence (himself, anyway.. he's happy for others to do the violence). He does recognise when there is a need for violence, though, and will act accordingly. Basically, he's a resourceful guy who will be looking for opportunities. He'll definitely start running a card game at some point and probably try and get betting on sports matches started/more organised. Amongst other things. He's generally quite pleasant though. He will be on the game that isn't rigged - the coin pitch. That said, it still takes skill to pitch a coin directly onto any of the squares that get you anything half way decent.

Okay, enough from me for now. Time for the more important things!

Aug. 26th, 2013



[No Subject]


Aug. 15th, 2013



Intro and things!


Now that there are a few more people than just Nina and myself I thought I'd get to introductions. I'm Sara. I'm one of the mods, though you probably worked that one out, but if you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to contact me.

This is James Ford, more commonly known as Sawyer.. except in Lost's Flash Sideways where he's usually referred to as Jim, and that's where he's coming from. In the Flash Sideways he's an LAPD detective, but still his charming self. He'll have a (probably inappropriate) nickname for your character, don't you worry about that! I haven't given him a job as of yet, I'm hoping you all manage to snag something you're happy with for your folk and well, I can't imagine he'll be ecstatic about any of them. He's my only one for now, but we do have some NPCs who I'd love for people to interact with!

I'm working on a few things today. NPC info is coming! But I'm getting some pictures together (along with some words) to give you an idea of what your character will be provided with when they arrive. Though in the meantime, if you're interested in old carnival/circus photos here are some I really like ).

I think that's it for now. Welcome! Feel free to introduce yourself/your characters. There will be more posts here, including some information on where we'll be starting, as we get closer to the 31st.
