May 27th, 2009

[info]naught in [info]blurred_lines

Old School Thread

Who: First Gen Death Eaters, Snape
What: Firefighting!
When: Immediately following this
Where: Nott Pile of Ashes, Suffolk
Status: Old School Thread

Aeneas was drenched, though Salazar only knew how much of it was water and how much was sweat. "Aguamenti!" he cried, over and over and over, desperate to save what he could of his home, of the generations upon generations of glorious Pureblooded Nott history. The eastern half was completely gone, but he would not let the fire take any more of his home if he could help it.

[info]pickledpepper in [info]blurred_lines


Who: Pepper and Kingsley, Claudette and Aeneas Nott
Where: Nott Manor, Suffolk
When: Burning Day! Tuesday May 26
What: Burninating the countryside, burninating the Minister's house
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

It was getting to the point where Pepper was unconsciously associating leaving camp with fire and explosions. )

[info]isentropic in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Albion's Planning Committee
What: Planning out how to hold the womens' centre hostage
Where: Gairloch
When: 24 May - 30 May 1980

Rating: PG
Status: OOC log

Discussion/comments are open to anyone in Gairloch, but should be facilitated by Aloysius, Elle, Amycus, & Sam

Key points:
- Dates and times
- Getting people in
- Defence
- Keeping people inside
- Getting away when all is said and done

[info]isentropic in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Albion's Public Relations Committee
What: Planning out a statement to the press and a list of demands
Where: Gairloch
When: 24 May - 30 May 1980

Rating: PG
Status: OOC log

Discussion/comments are open to anyone in Gairloch, but should be facilitated by Amelia, Aloysius & Gawain

Key points:
- A list of reasonable demands that can be completed in the duration of the hostage situation (3-4 days)
- A statement to the public to explain why these actions were taken

August 2009



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