October 31st, 2008

[info]regulus in [info]blurred_lines

RP Log: Regulus & Bellatrix

who → Regulus Black & Bellatrix Lestrange.
what → His dear cousin Bella was hurt, so Regulus wants to visit and see how she is...without actually daring to ask how she is. Naturally, Bella cannot resist the temptation to intimidate him. We know the drill.
when → Friday, 31 October 1979; morning.
where → Lestrange Manor; Norfolk, England.
warnings → None.
status → Complete.

For most of the week, what exactly had happened on the Saturday between Regulus's brother and oldest cousin had been a mysterious matter, shrouded in uncertainty... )

[info]jamesopotter in [info]blurred_lines

who → Regulus Black & James Potter.
what → James isn't happy that Sirius is hurt and he takes it out on his favorite cupcakey target.
when → Friday, 31 October 1979; afternoon.
where → Quality Quidditch Supplies.
warnings → Language.
status → Placeholder.

It's a trap! )

[info]savaged in [info]blurred_lines

PLACEHOLDER for narrative.

Summary for the DMLE: Tabitha walked up to a house in London and knocked on the door to an old woman's house, breaking in when she answered the door and killing her. She then stayed at the house for a while, kidnapping and slaughtering trick-or-treaters as they arrived at the house. Once she was bored of that game, she looted the house of any clothes and jewelry she might have liked, taking all the money she could find (and also took some candy -- why not?). She left the house in disarray, and it was clearly rifled through. All the dead bodies were left in the basement, tossed down still in their Halloween costumes.

Total Killed:
  • 1 old woman (house owner)
  • A mother and her child
  • Mother and father and their child
  • Father and his two children
  • August 2009

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