September 16th, 2008

[info]saintagnes in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Aggie & Moody
When: 15 September
What: Shootin' the breeze
Where: St Mungos

Rating: PG for fucks and depressingness
Status: Complete

You know the part about life is just a waking dream; well I know what you mean but that ain't how it seems right here, right now )

[info]culling in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Barty and Andromeda.
Where: Antonin's room; Spell Damage Ward, St Mungo's
When: Monday night, 15th September 1979 (backdated a bit).
What: After visiting hours, Barty's where he technically isn't supposed to be. Andromeda pokes her head in.
Rating: PGish, probably.
Status: Placeheld!

[info]aconstantvigil in [info]blurred_lines

[placeholdery type thing]

Who: Moody and Alice
Where: Moody's place
When: Saturday night during BFOB; late, because Elisa and I are failcakes.
What: When everyone else is fighting, all that's left is to worry.
Rating: PG
Status: In progress

Because their strength of belief is stronger than ours. Because they believe that things can change, more than we do. Ask a hundred people my age if the current situation is fixable, they'll say no. Ask a hundred twenty-year-olds, and they'll be up in arms, fighting for a better future. )

[info]notamuggle in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Team Fred (Or Frank and Ted, if you're so inclined)
What: Frank is a Good Friend and brings Ted lunch
Where: MoM, Offices of Werewolf Support Services
When: Midday, 16 September 1979
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete, Logged

-witty text to go here- )

[info]hi_mynameisbeth in [info]blurred_lines

RP Log: Beth & Agnes

who → Beth Frobisher & Agnes O'Hare.
what → Beth drops by Agnes's room after work to see how she's doing.
when → Tuesday, 16 September 1979; 5:38pm.
where → St Mungo's; Agnes's room.
warnings → None.
status → Placeholder.

August 2009



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