
User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 08-12-2009 @ 23:45
Subject: Farm; Wednesday; Sadie and Gabe Part 2
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Tags:gabe, sadie

This is part two. )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 08-12-2009 @ 23:44
Subject: Farm; Wednesday; Sadie and Gabe
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

Sadie still wasn't sure if she should be doing this, but it was too late to back down now. She was already at Gabe's door and she had already knocked on it. If she left now, he'd see her going down the stairs and walking across the farm, so she was stuck.

Farm reunion thing. )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 07-01-2009 @ 23:57
Subject: Midian's place; Wednesday night; Sadie and Midian
Security: Public
Tags:midian, sadie

Knock knock knock.

Sadie stood on Midian's doorstep, looking down into the box she was carrying. It wasn't huge, just big enough for her to carry comfortably for a few blocks, but it was pretty full. Mostly it contained clothes, and Sadie was sure she could still smell Eli on them. For that reason alone she was loath to give them up, but keeping them was extremely unhealthy. Eli Potts didn't exist and never did. She shouldn't be hanging on to that. So she was giving it back. She was giving them all back. In a really indirect way.

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 06-30-2009 @ 23:08
Subject: Bakery; Tuesday night; Sadie and Midian
Security: Public
Tags:midian, sadie

The pie turned out pathetic. Awful. It was burnt and caved in on one side and it looked nothing short of inedible. As it pointlessly cooled, Sadie sat on a chair in her kitchen and stared at it for a long time. She even cried at little at one point. She couldn't show this to Midian. It was the worst pie ever. Ketty wouldn't even had made something that bad, and that was really saying something.

Sadie gets kinda crazy and puts the moves on poor Cappa. )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 06-30-2009 @ 23:05
Subject: Grocery store; Tuesday afternoon; Sadie and Gabe
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

Gabe definitely saw the amazingly traumatizing dynamic of having betrayed an entire town, failed to redeem himself adequately and then be forced to live in said town. He was surprised anyone at all had been willing to give him a job, let alone provide a place for him to live that wasn't in the middle of town. He was grateful for it, and he pretty much did nothing but work his days away anyhow. Every now and then he was sent into town to make a delivery, which usually meant he returned with a new bruise and or wound. He couldn't blame anyone, really.

Post-re;ease encountertown! )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 06-12-2009 @ 21:40
Subject: Jujube; Friday night; Sadie and OTA
Security: Public
Tags:celia, sadie

It took over two months for Sadie to finally gather up all of Gabriel Roberts' belongings from her apartment. She had been putting the task off and finally she decided that she could not longer deal with having the ghosts of another guy hanging around her living space. Job was more than enough. So she grabbed a big shipment box from downstairs and went around the apartment gathering items here and there. Pictures, gifts, toiletries, clothes from his Drawer, all of it went into the box with the least amount of lingering possible.

When she was finished, she closed the thing up and taped it shut. And then she stared at it. She didn't know what to do with it. Sell the items? Donate them? Burn them in a ritualistic fashion? She had no idea. Eventually she took the box off her bed and shoved it in the back of her closet. She was going to have to give this some thought and that needed some fresh air. She grabbed a light sweater and left the apartment to go downstairs, intent on going for a walk.

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 05-03-2009 @ 11:58
Subject: Placeholder 2
Security: Public
Tags:midian, sadie

((And another one.))

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 05-03-2009 @ 11:57
Subject: Placeholder
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

((I probably should have posted this earlier in the week, but oh well.))

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 04-12-2009 @ 21:58
Subject: Base mess hall; Sunday evening; Sadie and OTA
Security: Public

The arsonist was still at large, which meant Sadie was still stuck on the base. It was pretty torturous. No, make that extremely torturous. She was stuck on the base and without work to distract herself, she had nothing to do but think nonstop about her lying spy ex-boyfriend, who happened to be somewhere on base as well. It was awful. And on top of that, she got pity and sympathy faces from nearly everyone she saw when they weren't just flat-out gawking. Yup, there she was! Silly little naive Sadie, all broken-hearted and pathetic.

So that sucked. At least she had her baking lessons with Midian to look forward to.

Tonight she managed to dodge meeting her parents for dinner. They were stuck on the base as well, and tended to be somewhat suffocating at times. But now she was alone and sat in one of the corners of the mess hall, picking at the mashed potatoes on her plate. She wondered where Eli was and what he was thinking right now. She'd long since given up chastising herself for wondering things like that.

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 04-09-2009 @ 21:42
Subject: Cappa bakery; Thursday afternoon; Sadie and Midian
Security: Public
Tags:midian, sadie

Midian told Sadie she should stop by the bakery after the place closed. There was still about an hour to go before that time, but Sadie didn't want to wait. She wanted to get off the base ASAP and go do something distracting with someone who was nice and wouldn't put her through any sort emotionally-taxing trial. So after the interrogation and a good cry, Sadie left (with an annoying military escort that was sure not to attract any attention) to go to the bakery.

Intense baking lesson. )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 04-09-2009 @ 21:39
Subject: Base; Thursday morning, Sadie, Gabe, Ketty
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, ketty, sadie

They never had taken Gabe out of the chair in the interrogation room. He'd gotten one glass of water, and then had eventually given in and used the cup as his toilet. It was either that or piss himself and really, he already smelled pretty rank. At some point a guard had been gracious enough to remove it. Gabe was surprised the guard hadn't just dumped it on him. With the cameras on him, they hadn't taken any more swings at him, but he'd fallen asleep with his head hanging down and dark bruises and little scrapes around the edges of the shackles from the weight of them chains and the shackles.

Sadie is used for interro bait! )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 04-08-2009 @ 23:25
Subject: Jujube; Wednesday night; Sadie, Midian, and then Ketty
Security: Public
Tags:ketty, midian, sadie

The Double Z had been closed since the night the Spy Formerly Known as Eli went on the run, which was last Saturday. The natives had been getting antsy, and now that the bar was back in business, Dave was busier than ever. He'd spoken to Sadie before the bar opened for the evening, but he hadn't seen her since she retreated back up to her apartment. He figured it was just as well. Sadie was still in bad shape, so it was better for her to avoid the curious, gossipy patrons for now. Of course, she'd still have to face them at some point.

Ahab came up to the bar and ordered a glass of the Double Z's best whiskey. Dave grabbed the bottle off the shelf and looked down at the counter as he unscrewed the cap. As he lifted the bottle to pour some out, a hush fell over many of the bar-goers in the area. Dave furrowed his brow and looked up. He followed their gaze to see Sadie, who, with her hair slightly mussed, clothes wrinkled, and bags under her eyes, looked like she had just rolled out of bed.

Mmmm, cheesy bread. )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 04-07-2009 @ 22:26
Subject: Hospital; Tuesday afternoon; Slate and Sadie
Security: Public
Tags:sadie, slate

Sadie was back at the hospital. She was there to see Slate. She knew Ketty was no longer in the room with him as she was on duty, and the Mayor was probably dealing with Mayoral stuff regarding the prisoner. So Sadie was free to see Slate in private, which was perfect.

When she got to his room, the door was open. He was still in bed, of course, but facing her. She looked at the beeping machines around him for a few moments, sending a silent prayer of gratitude up to the heavens for keeping him alive, and then knocked lightly on the door frame.

Sorry you got shot. )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 03-12-2009 @ 23:51
Subject: Sadie's apt; late Thursday night; Sadie and Gabe
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

When they'd finally gotten back to Sadie's place, she'd insisted that Eli take a shower. She would be fine on her own for a few minutes as he cleaned up after...all of that.

In the meantime, Sadie went into her room and sat on the end of the bed. She'd intended to get changed, but she only got as far as unhooking the bracelet on her wrist before she started staring off into space, thinking about that scene a few hours before in the hospital room.

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 02-19-2009 @ 22:26
Subject: Double Z; Thursday night; Sadie, Gabe, anyone else
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

Four days after Ketty's birthday came Sadie's birthday. This was something that had annoyed Sadie her whole life. It always seemed like Ketty's birthday was such a big deal, and by the time Sadie's rolled around, everyone was tired out. It was totally not cool.

But ever since Sadie had become associated with the bar, February 19th was party night. Everyone was invited, and a lot of people came. People liked her, yeah, but this probably also had a lot to do with the large amount of free alcohol that Sadie graciously provided.

And despite the snow, this year's party was pretty popular. Sadie was having a pretty awesome time. Her favorite band in town played a set, they let her sing along on a few songs, she drank a bunch, and she had an awesome boyfriend who was totally in love with her at her side whenever she wanted to lay some birthday kisses on him. So yeah, awesome.

But every party had to come to an end. This one wasn't quite over, but it was getting late and a lot of people had left to trudge home in the snow. At the moment there was a crowd a little smaller than the regular Sunday night crowd. They were still having a good time, though. Sadie was behind the bar, pouring herself a new drink.

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 01-09-2009 @ 00:12
Subject: Firehouse; late Thursday night; Gabe and Sadie
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

"I still don't understand how you don't completely die of boredom sitting around here," Sadie shook her head. "When I'm not around to be entertaining, I mean."

She and Gabe were at the firehouse. It was Sadie's night off at the bar, which inconveniently fell on an evening where Gabe was on call for firefighting duty. The two of them barely saw each other lately as it was, so Sadie decided to pay him a visit.

She'd been there about an hour already, and now the two of them were in the kitchen, getting a snack.

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 12-31-2008 @ 11:10
Subject: Wednesday night; Jujube; Sadie and Gabe
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

Working the bar on New Year's Eve wasn't exactly a relaxing job. But Dave wanted the night off, so Sadie couldn't really deny him a little break. It worked out all right, as she kept Gabe close by so she could still hang out with him as she served customers. The unfortunate thing was that there was hardly ever a lull. But seeing as Gabe was a customer himself, Sadie made sure to give him extra attention.

"Do you need anything?" she stopped in front of him with a smile after handing a few off-duty soldiers a pitcher.

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User: [info]kettyshep
Date: 12-05-2008 @ 23:19
Subject: Sinai Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony; Ketty, Slate, Sadie, Midian, and Gabe
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, ketty, midian, sadie, slate

The Sinai Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony tended to be a weekend long affair. It started early Saturday with a bazaar - the town square was full of small tents and stands of merchants selling specials and discounted merchandise, food, etc. There were all kinds of activities for kids to take part in while their parents wondered. It was generally a jolly time despite the colder temperatures. The lighting ceremony would take place at night, with the Mayor lighting the tree. Sunday's activities were the same as Saturdays, just carried over to extend the celebration into a two-day weekend event.

Random tree stuff! )

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 09-03-2008 @ 21:56
Subject: Phone call to Eli; Friday afternoon
Security: Public
Tags:gabe, sadie

Dave wanted to pick up more hours, so Sadie suddenly had Friday night off! It was pretty fantastic. After getting off the phone with Dave, Sadie hung up and called Eli right away. Hopefully he was free. Also there was something she needed to ask him that she kept putting off.

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User: [info]sadieshep
Date: 08-19-2008 @ 20:40
Subject: Leaving Shepherd General Store; Thursday afternoon; Sadie and OTA
Security: Public

Sadie really should have known better than to stop into her dad's store to pick up some small necessities. She was bombarded questions and guilt trips about Eli. Her parents wanted to meet him. Why hadn't they met him yet? Was there something she was trying to hide? Her mother was bugging her father nonstop about having him over for dinner. Did Sadie want her father to just march into the firehouse one day and introduce himself? If he was so great, then why didn't he patronize their business?

Some tape and a pair of scissors. That was all Sadie had gone in to get. She ended up leaving a full forty-five minutes later after giving in an agreeing to a parental-hosted dinner with Eli. She didn't give her father a when, though. She said she had to ask the guest of honor when he would be available first. That bought her some time, at least.

She shut the store's door behind her with a sigh and stepped onto the street. After taking a glance around, she turned in the direction of the bar.

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