May 15th, 2010

[info]ex_iago979 in [info]bearandbarnacle

May Event: Out with the Bathwater

On the doorstep of every household of the less mundane residents of Margate, on the morning of the fifteenth, there is a wicker basket.

Inside the basket is a baby.

The baby is small, vaguely shimmery and ethereal-looking. The baby cannot die. However, it must be taken care of or it will cry. Piercingly. Endlessly. And no throwing the baby out with the bathwater or leaving it for someone else to deal with, either; it'll just show up again when you least expect it. And cry. Piercingly. Endlessly.

[Insert your own bad meme joke here. Suggestion: "In Soviet Russia, baby makes you!"]

Inspired by high school health classes everywhere.

As always, participation is optional -- hence, since we have a lot of multi-player households, unless it's cleared with the other residents in advance, whoever chooses to find the baby is responsible for its care.

Tag is "changelings," though this mod held out for "enforced parenthood."