February 1st, 2010

[info]war_ensouled in [info]bearandbarnacle

Gaav: Event: Heat Wave

Now this is the way it should be, Dynast be damned. This is his weather, his heat, even if it's not his normal locale. Val told him of the darkness last year, the heavy rain, and now this. Balance in Her world, he supposes, and he expects this means next their will be blankets of snow. Or perhaps an eruption of flowers everywhere.

But now it's his and he's going to glory in it. So he's changed out of his normal yellow trench coat and trousers and heavy boots. Instead he's wearing a yellow Hawaiian print shirt, tan shorts, and leather sandals, his long red hair caught on a summer wind, as he walks down the beach front road.

[info]ex_iago979 in [info]bearandbarnacle

February Topic: Ivonka's favorite icebreaker at parties ...

I am informed that Iago will be returning soon. Then this is the last of these godforsaken topics I must give, yes?

If you must have something, tell of your weapon of choice. Then order, eat, and get out.

Um ... what she said! :D Tag is "weapons."