April 15th, 2009

[info]ex_iago979 in [info]bearandbarnacle

Event: Hey! Who turned out the lights?

The sun rises, except that it doesn't.

Oh, yes, it does, the rushed evening edition of the newspaper assures everyone. If it hadn't, that would mean the planet had stopped, and inertia would provide that everything on the skin of the earth was torn away and flung shrieking into the darkness of the void. Judging by the continued existence of Margate, that has not happened. Yet there's no explanation for the darkness. All day, the sky is black, not even the stars present as they'd be in an eclipse, just a vast unsettling sphere of pure space. At night, the moon does not appear to rise either.

The strange thing is that the temperature doesn't change. It's just ... well, dark. The stores sell out of torches in record speed. Even their light seems a little less penetrating, weak against the pressing darkness. When the street lamps get turned back on, it helps some, but not as much as it should.

Blackness settled over Margate before anyone was awake to see, and now it blankets the town in alarming invisibility.

As usual, post to comm with character's reaction. The tag is "darkness". By the way, all -- if there's an event or topic you'd particularly like to see, feel free to drop us a line. Have fun!