February 18th, 2009

[info]ex_iago979 in [info]bearandbarnacle

Event: "You'll sing like a bird when I'm through ..."

There are many strange customs in this world, and we, who belong to this and others, bring many strange customs with us -- yet this custom, I think, we can all share with equal ... fervor.

Bring us a song for our entertainment. They call it karaoke, I believe. Come! who's first?

First: Many apologies. Your fearless mod fails at keeping track of the date. (offers hands for caning)

Have your character sing a song (or play one, or just recite something, for those who can't/won't sing). Please provide a link as well -- YouTube clip, online mp3, download (which will Of Course be deleted after listening in accordance with international law disclaimer disclaimer blah), however you like to do it. Tag is "karaoke night." Have fun!