November 18th, 2008

[info]mylifeishard in [info]bearandbarnacle

Zelgadis Grayweir: Other: Moving House

It's not something Zel ever thought he'd be doing. But he had the money- gems and gold hidden magically away: payment for playing bodyguard to lords, helping defeat trolls and demons, agreeing to be Amelia's protector and her father/king by proxy. The market for gemstones here was good, not given to the added benefit of protection spells put onto the larger jewels but enough that he was able to acquire sufficient funds for this.

Jack had said it was important- proof, apparently in his culture, that Jack had grown successfully into adulthood, accepted and stable. This added to the potential of Jack worrying less about L hearing them at private moments and therefore being less restrained, Val not being able to consume large amounts of sugar that was stashed everywhere, and having a place that was more home than Zel ever had, maybe one that would help Val to find comfort and security in this worlds as well...

And here Zelgadis was... buying a house.

It was hard to find the right one, one that stood on its own, private, with the large back garden (also private)- what with all the attached houses, terraced houses, converted houses, flats, etc in Margate. Not to mention that they were constrained to the limits of the city and many houses he found had taller neighboring buildings that could see right into the available property. They were an odd enough trio without having to worry about dealing with nosy neighbors, curious lookers-on, easily shocked old women who would only stare at two men kissing in their own garden. Let alone Zel's preference of bathing under the stars, Val's preference of running around with as few clothes on as possible (something he'd done before his rebirth as well), Zel's tendency to levitate small animals around the garden for Val to chase and catch in hopes of strengthening his wings. And if Zel and Jack decided to have sex outside of their bedroom? Privacy was imperative.

But finally he found it. Showed it to Jack and Val. Earned their whole-hearted approval (Jack immediately started planning shelves in the workshop and Val bounded to the large curtained off window in 'his' room and everyone wrinkled their nose at the spare room's decor). So Zelgadis paid the very startled looking owner and his equally startled looking property manager in cash.

And now they had a house. With a large back garden, a separate place for Jack to work on his assorted projects with less of a risk losing parts to the 4 year old former-mazoku-returned-to-dragon's hunger for causing havoc. Provided Jack remembered to lock the doors.

Pictures )

Just in time too, considering the angry look of the clouds rolling in over the city.