November 1st, 2008

[info]makethemproud in [info]bearandbarnacle

Teddy Lupin: Event: Pumpkins

Teddy was at the table of the small but cosy flat he shared with Victoire, wand drawn and expression thoughtful. He liked to help carve pumpkins with the Weasleys during previous Halloweens and it was a practice in precision with magic, besides.

One pumpkin sat before him, clean and bare, as the young man thought of what to do this year. But then he smiled, raised his wand again and began, swishing and flicking, pointing and a bit of prodding. The pile of shavings and chunks was levitated off to one side as he worked. Teddy leaned close as he worked the more delicate details, tracing the surface of the pumpkin with his wandtip, lightly scoring it. At last, he finished with a finalising tap and it immediately started to glow from within.

He broke into a pleased grin, and hoped dear old Dad wouldn't mind the pumpkin tonight.

[info]sunnyshadow in [info]bearandbarnacle

Xellos: Topic: Poetry: Partei!

The walls are decked in harvest leaves, mellow-bright gourds on the tables, nuts and dried fruits scattered in glass bowls. One table is loaded with mead, cider, wines, and sake, fruit and loam-tinged, another cozily cluttered with cups, dry tea and strainers, and an enormous, bubbling carafe of water. He steps out for a moment, leaving the others setting out plates of frosted gingerbread and pfeffernuesse, glowing-ripe fruit and cheese, pulling tables into a loose circle.

The largest tree in the area is an oak, and at this moment, a glorious vibrance. No Flagon tree-forest, spreading forever and smelling of holiness and spiced sap, but it will do. What he hangs on it, a cluster of dark berries and bright red on a small wreath of supple birch branches wrapped, for the first time, with coppery-bronze ribbons along with the gold, has no precise meaning, wasn't crafted for the look, and his prayer, as he secures it on a branch and rests his hand on it, is no paean or plea.

He opens his heart to the year, and to the gold.

And then, at an easy pace, he moves back to the restaurant, and hangs the sign up on the door.

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