September 15th, 2008

[info]ex_iago979 in [info]bearandbarnacle

Event: The Case of the Curious Cleanliness

You come home and you find that your house is clean. Utterly clean. 1950s-advert-housewife-on-speed clean. No white-gloved mother-in-law could find anything on your top shelf to frown about.

If you had a system of organization, it has been completely redone. If you didn't, now you do. If you have houseplants, they have been watered, misted and pruned. If you have pets, they are fluffy and freshly bathed, and if their fur is long enough, it has been daintily trimmed. If you had laundry to do, it is complete and the clothes are pressed, folded and smell faintly of pleasant herbs. If your closet was sorted by season, it is now ordered by color. If it was ordered by color, it is now sorted by season. Your bed has hospital corners. Your kitchen sparkles.

In short, your house is as clean and neat as a catalogue display. You didn't do it. And you are pretty damn sure that you left it locked.

Welcome to our second event, and the beginning of the oddities of colliding universes! For this one, you will make a post to the community detailing your character's reaction. Have fun!

[info]mylifeishard in [info]bearandbarnacle

Zelgadis: Event: Cleanliness

Coffee. Definitely coffee. Which requires going to the kitchen- He still hasn't quite given in to the urge to have a coffee pot in the bedroom.

Zelgadis rolls over in bed, carefully extracting himself from the sleeping form previously half on top of him. He sits up and looks around for the soft ivory trousers he wears and, finding them folded on the dresser, pulls them carefully on over the irregular grey pebbles marring his blue stone skin. Then he pulls on a grey shirt laying next to it. He's long since lost the habit of running a hand over his hair after dressing- nothing's going to move the wires.

Morning brew-ha-ha. )