July 15th, 2008

[info]seaside_nymph in [info]bearandbarnacle


Against their better judgment, the owners have allowed their young daughter to create the application form. It is below, translated from multicolored crayon with their clarifications in brackets.

What is your name?

How do we find you? [An email address, please.]

Who do you want to be when you come here? [What character are you applying for?]

Where are they from? [What fandom?]

How old are they?

Why are they here?

Do they like teddy bears?

Tell us about them! [Your character, not the bears.]

Have THEM tell us about YOU!

If they got attacked by communist vampires, what would they do? [... uh. What she said.]

What will they wear to my fancy dress party?

Do you know anyone here in Margate? [Are you coming from the same universe as any existing character? If so, you should have already sought permission from their player!]

Be certain you have read our Rules first. Then submit your application as a comment to this entry. All comments are screened.