September 16th, 2019




Who: Peter and Gamora
What: Catching up
When: Backdated to the weekend
Rating: Green

Peter. I have so many memories inside of my head, so many versions of me that I don't know who is whose anymore but I... I am your Gamora. )




Who: New Asgard
What: a royal wedding
When: around the 15th
Rating: Green

How can I put in words something only a heart knows? )




Who: Talos & Darcy
What: DRANKS (and showing off talents)
When: Recently?
Where: A cozy bar in NYC
Rating: Green
Status: Complete

I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue. )




Who: Asgardians, invited guests who are close friends of Asgard or Mr. Mischief
What: a week of wedding feast and Asgard's new regents (last day)
When: after the wedding
Rating: Green
Note: Read ooc note under cut. Tagged characters on invite list. Ends Oct 1st

Eat, drink, and be merry! )




Who: Thor and Jane
What: Talking about the future part 10239432
When: Immediately after the wedding ceremony
Rating: Green

You're right - I don't want to be queen. That's not a job I ever wanted and I don't know what that means for us )