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Jul. 24th, 2009


Mutant's Ball

Who: Open to all mutants
When: Friday Evening
Where: Green Block Cafeteria
What: The Mutant's Ball has begun!
Balloons and paper streamers floating down on us She says, You've got a minute left to fall in love )

Jul. 20th, 2009


Describe Life

Who: Violet OT Deadpool
When: Late afternoon, July 20
Where: Red Block; Violet's temp cell
What: Deadpool comes by to poke his head in and ask about the pirate adventure Violet has almost managed to forget about.

Life, the merry go round without an off switch )

Jul. 15th, 2009


The world has already fallen down.

Who: Violet OT Anole
When: Mid-morning, July 15
Where: Red Block; Violet's new cell
What: Violet is informed of what's really happened.
Notes: I know my posting is going to be slow, but at least this way I don't have to backdate things. :-P

Some things are better left unsaid. That doesn't make the reality any different. )
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Jul. 11th, 2009


When in doubt....

Who: Violet OT Anyone else in Medical
When: Evening, July 11
Where: Medical Ward
What: Violet wakes up and starts to drift back to sleep. Feel free to wake her up.

Sleep is a great antidote for pain )

Jul. 10th, 2009


A rather sad effort at controlling the situation

Who: Open to anyone
When: Friday, after the destruction of Blue and Yellow Blocks
Where: Anywhere necessary, primarily outside the destroyed Blocks
What: Disaster reaction thread
How did Jerico react when those walls came tumbling down? )

Jul. 8th, 2009


You've got to learn to laugh at yourself...

Who: Violet OT Deadpool
When: Mid-morning, July 8
Where: Blue Block
What: Violet gets some footage of the end of her fight and decides to share the funny parts.

Some things were still funny, no matter how painful they were to others. )

Jul. 5th, 2009


Violet versus Pixie

Who: Violet versus Pixie
When: July 4th Tournament; Round Two
Where: Obstacle Arena
What: Violet takes on Pixie.

Purple and Pink, trying to avoid the red. )

Jul. 4th, 2009


Violet versus Python: The Toll of Terror

Who: Violet versus Python (NPC)
When: JULY 4th Tournament; Round 3
Where: The Asphalt Arena
What: Violet takes on Python and loses, but she gets a little of her own back.

Sometimes, you just really want to throw in the towel, but the towel won't LET GO )

Jun. 26th, 2009


A Tribute to the King

Who: Violet OTA
When: Afternoon, June 26
Where: Outside of Blue Block
What: Violet's having a good time celebrating the death of the King of Pop.
NOTE: Lyrics come from Michael and Janet Jackson "Scream".

Violet could, so long as she was in a good mood, find any reason to dance. So what was the reason today that she was dancing around and singing at the top of her lungs (she wasn't that bad of a singer either)? Apparently, someone had died.

Now normally the death of a person who has effected your life would cause tears and other issues of being upset, but when a singer died, well, that wasn't quite the case unless you were immediate family. Violet was not immediate family to Michael Jackson, so she could certainly dance and sing because he was dead. After all, why waste a perfectly good opportunity to sing songs that she knew all the words to?

Whose radio she was using, she didn't even know. They had turned the thing on and left it on the bench near Blue Block, probably intending to come back. They hadn't come back yet and in the meantime, Violet was swinging her hips and singing as if tomorrow wasn't coming. The truth was that you had to live each day on Revolve as if your life was about to end, there was no telling exactly how long you were going to survive. You might live for years, you might die in your next fight.

"Stop pressurin' me," Violet truly did know all the words to just about every song that Michael Jackson had ever put out. She'd only been listening to him almost her entire life. "Make me wanna scream."

There were a few people who had gathered around, happy to watch someone having a good time apparently. Or maybe it was just to see Violet dance...the girl was good at what she did.

Jun. 20th, 2009


Who: Wade Wilson NPC guard (Karl) OTA, Violet
What: His first venture out of the medical ward in a week
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Medical ward, Blue block
Why: Because he's been in quarantine for a week and has cabin fever?

Live each day as if you will die tomorrow... )

Jun. 19th, 2009


Who: Ava King OTA (passers by and whatnot!)
When: June 18th, 2pm or so
Where: Blue Block, Ava's cell.
What: Ava's first full day on the block.

She was no one now, just like them. She was property, taken for her most basic functions. )

Jun. 10th, 2009


Who: Violet OT Gambit
When: Evening, June 10
Where: The Blue Block cafeteria
What: The pair try to make sense of their lives as they've come to be now.

I need someone to teach me how to breathe again. )
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Jun. 1st, 2009


Who: Violet OT Abigail Redel
When: Evening, June 3rd [Vacation Day]
Where: Starts in Blue Block, turns into the Pirate Cruise
What: Violet and Abigail get caught up in Mia's little happy spree and end up sent to the land of the Jolly Roger. Won't this be fun?

The Pirate Cruise )


WHO: Violet & Wanda OT Anybody (specifically D)
WHEN: Night May 29th [backdated]
WHERE: Blue Block; Violet's Cell
WHAT: Violet's been allowed to return to the island, but only for a short period to grab some things and make amends if she can.
NOTES: Since she's not going to be staying and open for interaction much, I'm kinda squashing things into a single thread. Hope that's okay.

Putting your trust in me is a bad decision. )

May. 25th, 2009


Who: Violet OT Mastermind
When: May 25th
Where: One of Wyngarde's homes
What: Jason comes by to check on Violet's progress.

Let them be afraid )

May. 24th, 2009


Who: Violet
When: Evening May 24
Where: One of Wyngarde's Houses
What: What do homicidal maniacs do on vacation?

Insanity is to repeat the same action with the hope of a different result. Madness...well...madness simply is. )

May. 12th, 2009


All systems of control have flaws.

Who: Dr. Evelyn Larson OT Jason Wyngarde [Mastermind], Violet [Cameo]
When: Evening Tuesday
Where: Beginning in Medical, moving to the Hotel dining room
What: Dr. Larson is charged with seeing if Violet can be rehabilitated and reaches out to an outsider for assistance.

The question is how big. )

May. 9th, 2009


Who: Violet & Ethan (NPC) OT Shy
When: Late Night Saturday
Where: Ethan's Lab
What: Ethan finally steps across the last line and Violet makes him pay for it with his life.

The pain of the heart is always so much worse than the pain of the body. )
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May. 5th, 2009


Cinco de Mayo

Who: Anole, Violet
When: Cinco De Mayo! early afternoon
Where: Vi's room, Blue Block
What: Vic is bringing candy to check on an old friend
They’re having a big celebration It’s on the 5th of May. )
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May. 2nd, 2009


Familiarity may breed Contempt

Who: Violet versus Gambit (Round Five)
When: May 2, Saturday, Tournament Day
Where: One of the Arenas
What: Friends are forced to go toe to toe.

But Contention tests Friendships )

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