Jul. 13th, 2009


Who: Victor Creed, OTA
What: Victor's ears need some rest from the new residents in Green block.
Where: The beach
When: Monday afternoon

Bubbles- ephemeral and so transparent- )

Jul. 12th, 2009


Who: Endless OTA
When: Sunday
Where: Green Block
What: Checking out the new residents in Green Block

ashes, ashes, we all fall down )
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Jul. 7th, 2009


Who: Nox OT Endless
When: July 7th, around 10PM that night.
Where: In the Green Block.
What: Itzal finds himself rather alone and contemplative so he decides to seek out a relatively new face he became fond of. He decides to share a little bit about himself for the first time with someone.
Warnings: Itzal sometimes, although rarely, curses. He does make not so subtle flirtations towards Skye.
You bring out the best in me, sometimes. You know that? )
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Jul. 1st, 2009


Who: Nox + Endless
When: Wednesday, July 1st, around noon
Where: training room
What: Green Block training session

darkness and light )
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Jun. 29th, 2009


Who: Nox, OT Gambit
When: June 29th at about 5PM
Where: Roaming the island beginning around Green Block then moving around
What: Nox is excited about his upcoming fight and really wants to enjoy the few hours he has before it. A charm match may ensue.
Two Charming Devils )
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Who: Nox, OT Evermore
When: June 29th about 10PM, after his most recent fight.
Where: The Medical Room
What: Nox is a little wounded after his most recent fight and needs a little healing. He's feeling rather satisfied with himself and still is seeking to expand his plans.
Devil's can be especially charming )
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Jun. 24th, 2009


Who: Anole, OTA
Where: Outside near the Dirt Arena
When: Wednesday early evening
What: Anole is leaving a fight with a slightly new outlook on things
One wrong word and you're out of sync, talkin' bout a hands on society )
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Jun. 19th, 2009


Who: Phoenix OTA
When: Friday, June 19th
Where: The beach
What: Phoenix awakens in the night.

A voice that goes grrr in the night. )
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Jun. 17th, 2009


Who: Mia OTA
Where: In the area between arenas
When: Afternoon, June 17
What: Mia is trying to get back a ring that she is very sure is hers Aim has taken from her.

"Aim," Mia yelled at the little dragon as she stamped her foot. "Give it back!" The little dragon was fluttering around her head with a small silver ring in his tiny claws. Every time Mia reached up for it, the dragon drifted a little higher. It was playing a game with her and obviously, the woman didn't appear as if she were happy with this game.

Mia didn't know where the silver ring had come from, only that it was hers and she wanted it back. So she jumped and grabbed at it, while Aim dangled it just out of her reach.

This was going on outside, in the sunshine and Mia's voice, while that of a grown woman, had the sentence pattern of a six year old. Her brown/black hair bounced in curls and for those who knew her, something else was strange, instead of her usual three layers of clothes, she was only wearing one layer, a tank top with a giant kiss smack on it and a pair of jeans over little black sandals.

"Give it back, give it back, give it back."

The little green dragon just floated above her head on the breeze, the silver ring caught in its claws.
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Jun. 4th, 2009


Who: Dietre, Carr, Itzal, Mia.
When: June 3rd. Afternoon. Vacation Day
Where: Outside the Blocks, then Victorian London or bust!
What: D's hard on for the Victorian era gets stroked.
Warnings: Eh...No idea. PG 13 for now?

Werewolves of London. )
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May. 25th, 2009


The pain on his face he knew he'd keep...

Who: Nox and Wild Child
When: Sunday, 10PM-ish
Where: Outside the Amusement Park
What: Two opponents meet off the battle field
Warnings: Gibs swears. Constantly.
His hair is long, and it's twisted, it's twisted Around the smile spread cheek to cheek )

May. 22nd, 2009


Who: Nox and Wild Child, OTR
When: Thursday, May 21st, 9:00PM
Where: The obstacle arena.
What: Nox and Wild Child have their first bout against each other. Nox finds himself a worthy opponent.
I hope you're not afraid of the dark. )

May. 18th, 2009


When Darkness Falls

Who: Nox, Daken, random guards on patrol
When: May 18th, Monday, 3:00PM
Where: The beach
What: Nox discovers his first true asset on the island.
Warnings: May be some language.

When resentment has such a pleasant smile. )