February 2014



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coffee, tea, or me?

Who: Domni Ambrozyak ([info]clockwrksoldier) and Vasya Yevgeniy ([info]leanmean)
What: Hijacking Vasya for a lunch date and makeouts, yo.
When: July 6 (Backdated)
Where: Random coffee shop, and then random pub. Whoo random!
Warnings: Nothing, really.

He was warm and solid and part of her mind registered every hard muscle and clean line of his body against hers. Somewhere, a highly trained synapse wondered just what he did. She told that synapse to sod off. )


Who: Domni ([info]clockwrksoldier) and Vasya ([info]leanmean)
What: Forced into a dreaded blind date, Domni finds salvation in a hitman and a spilled drink.
Where: Generic fancy and fashionable restaurant/bar
When: July 1st
Rating: Nothing worse than a bit lot of innuendo

So a Librarian and a hitman walk into a bar... )


Who: Olivia Leonard ([info]hicsuntleones) and Vasya Yevgeniy ([info]leanmean)
Where: Some chic place and then a sketchy park
When: Humpday Wednesday, Evening of April 13
What: Random dinner date with random chitchat and other... random things.
Warnings: NSFW. Liberal use of naughty words! Handjobs! Going down, and not the elevator sort of going down. Also: a complete lack of romance, fond feelings, and general normality. Your innocent eyes have been warned; we are here to sexify your Sundays.

Bad ideas for late-night park activities )


i can't wait to die.

Who: Clyde ([info]aeaeae) and Vasya Yevgeniy ([info]leanmean)
Where: Vasya’s apartment
When: 10 a.m.
What: Vasya takes a shower and Clyde bears witness.
Warnings: He’s naked and she’ll never be legal... so it's a good thing she’s dead.

Know what the dead do? Watch the living. Especially in the shower. )


Who: Toby Randall & Vasya Yevgeniy
What: Mother & daughter park antics interrupted by a Russian
When: First week of February
Where: Regent's Park.
Warnings: Dapper men with accents?

The diner was a dim memory this afternoon, a jangling-bell and warm-greasy smell sense-memory that could be gratefully forgotten as the wheels of the pushchair crunched over gravel and did their best to swerve (battered old thing, hauled with casting-about anxious look out of a skip; fine after being wiped down and washed with anti-bacterial soap, besides, Lily so bundled up with blankets inside she'd not even notice). Cool-cold air buffeted the small figure pushing, blew away what shadows of sleep and fatigue clung to her and ruffled banner-bright blond hair streaming as she wrapped her hands white-knuckle tight around the handles, pushing forward and walking with heavy-headed purpose so as not to fall forward and asleep on her feet. The park was not empty, gray skies spread out overhead but not cold enough to make the place abandoned and the hour was one for the shuffling, often-stopping walk of mothers patiently hand in hand with toddlers making world-discoveries, or white-headed, dignified couples arm in arm. The slow scrunch of wheels heralded parked brakes and with difficulty, Toby bent forward, eased apart blankets that cradled small-inquisitive girl-child who peeped out at the world like the centre of a flower and lifted her out.

They sat there, then, sodden wooden bench from the night's rain cushioned by thick duffle-coat and a soft-steady stream of babble interspersed with quiet words could be heard - as if overhearing a conversation, interchanged between the young woman who bent her head low to hear, who pointed out the ducks on the pond beyond the railings, tossed stale bread out toward the water as baby crumbled crusts between busy little fingers, anxious to do her part. The Randall girls were too caught up with one another on this day (one of so few recently, without parting, without work as a hard slog and sleepy baby with pink cheeks and rage-filled impotent wail at having her chubby arms removed from wrapped-around mother's neck) to notice footsteps or intrusion, with the soft splash of water from shaking duck's wings and the hum of small nothing-conversation enjoyed, faces turned occasionally up toward weak sunlight.


Unless the thunder strikes

Who: Misha ([info]iamnotkoschei) & OPEN
What: Drown them out by talking to the living? Living isn't a requirement for anyone dropping in though
Where: A coffee shop somewhere in London.
When: Noon-ish, February 1 2011.
Warnings: I'm guessing that's going to depend on who joins him ;D

A man won't cross himself. )


so proud of my private hell

Who: Olivia Leonard ([info]hicsuntleones) & Vasya Yevgeniy ([info]leanmean)
When: Evening of January 6th, 2010
Where: Random Snobby Lounge Where People Pay Too Much For Liquor, London
What: Olivia knows about his spot of trouble out in Montparnasse.
Warnings: TBD

The light was low enough, the clientele expensive and boisterous enough, that Vasya could blend until he truly wanted to be seen. )


Who: Toby & Vasya
What: A cheerful waitress is an absolute shock.
When: The 23rd December - a few hours after this
Where: London Diner
Rating: N/A

Call it what it was, good day briefly bobbed its head into bad )


Who: Toby Randall & Vasya Yevgeniy
What: Sort-of-non-talking
When: Sometime after the rainy rescue
Where: London Diner
Warnings: N/A

Vasya preferred Tolstoy in the original Russian )


Who: Toby Randall ([info]eyesopened) and Vasya Yevgeniy ([info]leanmean)
What: Toby gets an offer to share a cab, courtesy of a diner regular.
When: backdated Monday, November 29th
Where: Central London
Warnings: N/A

Two choices: refuse the offer (with its faintly imperialist overtones: if he’d ordered coffee like that, she’d have dumped it over him) and sit out, waiting for an over-crammed bus to jostle the bones in her body and for the screams of other children to set her teeth on edge, or -- submit. )