February 2014



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Who: Ephraim Sullivan
What: The last six months
When: An aggregate

His head is pillowed on the thin cushion he's kept there, and Sully rolls onto his back, his suit rucked up and his bony ankles and his thin wrists exposed and folds a hand behind his head to think it over )


Who: Theo Rhyme and Ephraim Sullivan
Where: The Shamrock Inn
What: Displays of magic, 'manly' prowess and the nigh-certainty of swearing from the aforementioned teenage werewolf.
Rating: See above.

He was not the most noticeable of candidates for notice in the Shamrock. Perhaps that was why he came )


Thread: Group Party

Who: Morden Garrard and his party guests.
When: Backdated to Late on Thursday evening, continuing off into the embrace of eternity.
Where: The Circus, at an indeterminate place in London...and, more generally, in space and time.
What It's Morden's 444th birthday! Which means that good times are to be, as he throws the party to end all parties. As it turns out, it's also the party to end all civilisation as we know it! Expect loud noises, flashing lights, accidental damnation and other such nastiness as the most hedonistic shindig in England kicks up a notch.
Warnings: Well, nothing too bad at the moment. But anything goes, as the old song says, and things could (and hopefully will!) get bad fast.

The party had started approximately fifteen minutes after sunrise when he'd poured his first glass of gin... )


i am a bird in god's garden and i do not belong to this dusty world.

WHO: The Sullivans.
WHAT: Time to get down to business & find out why the nice Jewish girl decided to convert.
WHEN: Christmas morning.
WHERE: Sully's flat.
STATUS: Complete!

for a day or two, they locked me up in this cage of my own body. i did not come here on my own; how should i return on my own? and he who brought me here will take me back again to my own country. )


Who: Marguerite Durand and Ephraim Sullivan
What: Afternoon stroll.
Where: About London.
When: Today
Warning: TBA

And the beat goes on. )



Who: Ephraim Sullivan: repeat appearances by Talia Sullivan, brief cameo by Kadin Castle & Liam Ward!
What: His sister is back but who she is and what she's been doing is up for debate
When: Montage

she hated having them, habits: things that marked her out as ordinary, she cultivated new ones she’d seen and liked. )


put some meat on the barbie!

WHO: Anyone neutral or good!
WHAT: Dominic Munroe demands merriment and good food to celebrate some birthdays.
WHEN: Sunday, June 12th, during the day.
WHERE: Haven, the rundown old church in Westminster.

For all that their home is known as a sanctuary, Haven runs the risk of becoming too austere and monk-like at times. Its quiet risks being too quiet and sacred; its innate churchness sometimes seems inextricable and inescapable.

But today is a day for celebration and socialisation, in whatever form they can make it. Voices are raised in laughter, cracking what normally stands as silence around a sacrosanct churchyard. The makings of a summer party have been installed in Haven's overgrown garden; it was evidently well-tended in the past, but the plantlife has now grown shoddy, trailing rampant over its boundaries. A beaten, slightly-rusty barbeque grill has taken up residence at the corner of the garden -- the grill's seen better days, but by the beaming expression of the man tending it (bright-red 'KISS THE CHEF' apron and all), it seems to be doing its job well enough. The sound and smell of sizzling meat fills the air, and food has been laid out on a long wooden table. Chairs are scattered throughout the flattened grass. The organisation is a little makeshift and a little second-hand -- but that's only fitting for the venue, isn't it?

[Feel free to tag in below and start your own sub-threads with each other!]


Left tied to Em's doorhandle )


Wide-eyed and up in arms, my little brother was a solemn one.

Who: Ephraim & Talia Sullivan.
What: One half comes back to town; the other half welcomes it back.
When: The beginning of April.
Where: Sully’s apartment in Soho.

No guilt, just the way her heartbeat fell into step with his own, and that was Tali and it didn’t matter how long it had been — he didn’t know, he’d been working with pastels then, a series of sketches all smudgy colour and splashy graphics — because she was here now. )


Who: Jamie Ward ([info]thesecondfirst) and OPEN
What: He's putting out his overly-large and awkward feelers.
Where: The Market
When: Midday Wednesday
Warnings: TBD

What could possibly go wrong? )

{{If you own a booth, feel free to catch Jamie looking at your wares and try to pitch a sale at him! Mock him! Embarrass the hell out of him by having him run smack into one of your characters. His experience at the Market is entirely a blank slate. Feel free to ooze your creative juices all over it.}}