February 2014



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Who: Domni ([info]clockwrksoldier) and Jamie ([info]thesecondfirst)
What: Dinner 'date'.
Where: A fancy Italian restaurant, yo.
When: April 29th. Hella backdated.

Friendship? Slippery slope, that. )


Who: Domni Ambrozyak [info]clockwrksoldier and Jamie Ward [info]thesecondfirst
What: Two strangers meet and make awkward chit-chat. Perfectly normal, right?
Where: The Brooks Building, eighteenth floor.
When: Tuesday afternoon.
Warnings: Okay. Just a curse word or two. Very well-behaved children in an elevator. Pity.

Stupid elevator doesn't know who it's messing with... )


Who: Jamie Ward ([info]thesecondfirst) and OPEN
What: He's putting out his overly-large and awkward feelers.
Where: The Market
When: Midday Wednesday
Warnings: TBD

What could possibly go wrong? )

{{If you own a booth, feel free to catch Jamie looking at your wares and try to pitch a sale at him! Mock him! Embarrass the hell out of him by having him run smack into one of your characters. His experience at the Market is entirely a blank slate. Feel free to ooze your creative juices all over it.}}


Who: Jamie Ward ([info]thesecondfirst) and Clyde ([info]aeaeae)
What: Someone needs a reality check.
Where: The streets in front of Liam Ward's flat
When: Shortly after this.
Warnings: TBD

Wah, wah, wah. )


Who: The brothers Ward ([info]thesecondfirst & [info]richestorags)
What: Jamie has had a family crisis and is seeking the kind and compassionate refuge of his brother's flat...kind of.
Where: Liam's rotating door motel flat
When: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: TBA; sibling spats?

He always -had- been too clingy. )