February 2014



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Close Watch

Who: Nives Gagliardi & Ophelia Ziegler.
What: Post Traumatic Cuddling.
When: [Backdated] February 16th; Evening
Where: Haven. Ophelia's Room.

oh I'm sure / no harm will come to you no more / 'cause I find myself in your hands / don't you be so hard on yourself... )


Who: Nina & Ophelia Ziegler
What: Past tense nightmares to be shared.
When: The first night of burning.

Let go. )


backdated to the seventh

Left for Nives at Liam's Flat )


put some meat on the barbie!

WHO: Anyone neutral or good!
WHAT: Dominic Munroe demands merriment and good food to celebrate some birthdays.
WHEN: Sunday, June 12th, during the day.
WHERE: Haven, the rundown old church in Westminster.

For all that their home is known as a sanctuary, Haven runs the risk of becoming too austere and monk-like at times. Its quiet risks being too quiet and sacred; its innate churchness sometimes seems inextricable and inescapable.

But today is a day for celebration and socialisation, in whatever form they can make it. Voices are raised in laughter, cracking what normally stands as silence around a sacrosanct churchyard. The makings of a summer party have been installed in Haven's overgrown garden; it was evidently well-tended in the past, but the plantlife has now grown shoddy, trailing rampant over its boundaries. A beaten, slightly-rusty barbeque grill has taken up residence at the corner of the garden -- the grill's seen better days, but by the beaming expression of the man tending it (bright-red 'KISS THE CHEF' apron and all), it seems to be doing its job well enough. The sound and smell of sizzling meat fills the air, and food has been laid out on a long wooden table. Chairs are scattered throughout the flattened grass. The organisation is a little makeshift and a little second-hand -- but that's only fitting for the venue, isn't it?

[Feel free to tag in below and start your own sub-threads with each other!]


Who: Spencer Moran  ([info]slowly_dying)  & Ophelia Zeigler ([info]forserious)
What: Will “Work” for Food. Honest.
Where: generic supermarket
When: June 7th

Cranky... )


Truth, we don't wanna hear. It's too much to take.

Who: Loki Hughes ([info]wantyougone) & Ophelia Ziegler ([info]forserious)
What: It's Valentine's Day, but who cares about that? Grocery shopping is much more fun - at least to these two.
Where: London
When: 14 February, 2011
Warnings: None/tba

Don't like to feel out of control, so we make our plans ten times a day. )


Who: Leo Gryffiths and Ophelia Zeigler
What: Talk of seals, demons and what to do if you have to kill a person
When: After the Andley epic fight, Sunday.
Where: Haven

Haven had spread sound thin in recent days, had reached around to find some replacement for stubborn silence that had swept in and invaded with the vacating of one resident, but where Haven had fought, he had slid into it with ease, as if it were a long-put-off but well worn piece of clothing that fitted better than what he had been wearing. In Em Andley's absence, Leo Gryffiths had made more of an appearance, as if by being present and in person (however long his strides, however the set of his shoulders warned not to stop him, not to call his attention to anything) Haven was somehow as it was always, even as he snapped sharply at someone daring to ask about the Christmas decorations going up. No one asked because no one wanted to ask and because if Gryff had made himself available to sign things and to be pointed toward problems, then that was unexpected but certainly not unwanted. Where he had actively avoided being drawn in to the intricacies of Haven's day-to-day life, now he was in the thick of it -- distant, yes and with that difficult look, the one that said you needed good reason to come up and talk to him, the one that kept people at bay more effectively than if he was locked up in his office and tinged the air with the faint taste of threat, but head and shoulders high above the tallest of its residents and always looking around.

He watched to begin with, this waif of a girl who was shy and hesitant-happy in the sanctuary created for people like her and who held at her heart its potential destruction. Gryff watched those who slid away discreetly, who peeled back from her odd sayings and her odd doings and whilst looking for the possible signs and symptoms of potential devastation with dread leaden and heavy in the pit of his stomach, he found only a young woman more lonely in the Andley absence but who drifted on a little brokenly nonetheless. But observation had its limits and there was no other to push in and pursue the inquiry with happy artless words, and it was Gryff who cleared his throat one morning and gestured awkwardly, beckoned her across from the common-room.


You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be and I don't want to go home right now.

Who: Ophelia/Nina ([info]forserious) and Zadkiel ([info]_agape_)
What: Angel meets not-demon. To smite or not to smite?
Where: Haven.
When: (slightly post-dated to) November 30 2010.
Warnings: N/A

I don't want the world to see me because I don't think that they'd understand. )


Who: Ophelia and Nina [info]forserious
What: A discussion of angels, threats, Emily Dickinson, and murder most foul.
Where: Haven.
When: November 26th.
Warnings: Snark and Idle Threats.

I am nobody. Who are you? )


Who: Em Andley ([info]wordsaremusic); open to Ophelia or Gryff.
What: Good morning, world.
Where: Haven. Gryff's galley kitchen.
When: November 21, 2010.
Warnings: None.

Morning rolled around. )


And all the roads we have to walk along are winding.

Who: David Riedmaier ([info]_machiavellian_) and Ophelia Ziegler ([info]forserious)
What: First meeting.
Where: On the border of the Market.
When: August 11 2010
Warnings: N/A

Maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me. )