February 2014



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and while I'm alive, I'll make tiny changes to the earth.

WHO: Marion {+ OPEN to anyone wanting some reality manipulation in their vicinity!}
WHAT: The djinni awakens to a dream and stretches its newfound powers.
WHEN: Day two; early morning.
WHERE: Her godforsaken apartment, then Market.

On Thursday night, Marion went to bed early. On Friday morning, the ifrit awoke. )


Thread: Group Party

Who: Morden Garrard and his party guests.
When: Backdated to Late on Thursday evening, continuing off into the embrace of eternity.
Where: The Circus, at an indeterminate place in London...and, more generally, in space and time.
What It's Morden's 444th birthday! Which means that good times are to be, as he throws the party to end all parties. As it turns out, it's also the party to end all civilisation as we know it! Expect loud noises, flashing lights, accidental damnation and other such nastiness as the most hedonistic shindig in England kicks up a notch.
Warnings: Well, nothing too bad at the moment. But anything goes, as the old song says, and things could (and hopefully will!) get bad fast.

The party had started approximately fifteen minutes after sunrise when he'd poured his first glass of gin... )


Who: Mr. Fritz Hart [Narrative]
What: An afternoon of shopping; or, what to get for the vampire who has everything?
Where: London, out and about.
When: This afternoon.
Warnings: Subtle demonic influencing, hinting of bad things to come.

She was a lovely young woman, hardly more than twenty-two... )


because i dont have enough logs.

WHO: Hayyel (Holly Short) and OPEN
WHERE: The Hierophant
WHEN: This day in history, October 10
WHAT: A challenge accepted, a challenge met, and Hayyel finds the bar Where Everyone Will Know Her Name. Which is possibly an issue.

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Who: Furtur
What: Mucking up your weather.
Where: Tower Bridge.
When: Monday morning, with the effects lasting until sunset on Wednesday.

Oh, great and wondrous world. )