February 2014



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Who: Daniel ([info]differentasian) and Vincent ([info]caughtinthefray)
What: Double homicide, possible kidnapping.
Where: Nice suburban middle-class neighbourhood. Take your pick.
When: (slightly backdated to) Wednesday morning.
Warnings: Usual stuff that comes with police investigations.

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Who: Ether and OPEN
What: an oddly intriguing lamp in an old second-hand store!
Where: a second-hand store in London
When: 23rd December

Trish's Trash And Treasure was one of London's eccentric little thrift stores, tucked away between a trendy café and a hairdressing salon. It was open all hours, staffed by a rotating staff of six odd, chatty young people, and pricing tended to be along the lines of "whatever the person at the counter feels like charging". Despite somewhat odd business practices, it managed to stay open, largely thanks to a streak of good luck with regards to finding old antiques and selling them for high - but reasonable, given their value - prices. Whatever the shop's secret, it was open tonight, with a new theme in the front window: Arabian Nights.

There were lamps and cushions and all sorts of paraphernalia in the front of the shop. This lamp, though, sat towards the back on a shelf filled with bric-a-brac, almost as an afterthought.

It was not a particularly impressive lamp, except for the age that radiated off it. But there was something about it, all the same.

It should have been shinier in this light.


I know we ain't got much to say before I let you get away; I said, are you gonna be my girl?

Who: Daniel Lee ([info]differentasian) and Vincent Lee ([info]caughtinthefray)
What: Ongoing investigation takes the Lees to Madam’s doorstep.
Where: Scotland Yard
When: (slightly post-dated to Monday 13 December 2010)
Warnings: N/A

Now you don’t need that money when you look like that, do ya’ honey? )