February 2014



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Who: Sister Grace (and Jesus)
What: Sister Grace is a vigilante! Okay, no, not really.
When: The evening of 24 September 2011
Where: A side street in Westminster, not but a few blocks from home.
Rating: Pretty PG

The marvels of God are not brought forth from one's self. Rather, it is more like a chord, a sound that is played. The tone does not come out of the chord itself, but rather, through the touch of the Musician. I am, of course, the lyre and harp of God's kindness. )


WHO: clyde ([info]aeaeae) & chas ([info]cabdriver)
WHAT: in which clyde is on a quest and chas is a total bro
WHEN: from just after this until last night
WHERE: hither and yon and then casa de chas

i was gonna make love to you but then i got high )


WHO: clyde ([info]aeaeae) & estelle ([info]behatted)
WHAT: in which clyde is bored and then she is not, estelle is always more than she seems and children should be seen but not light-fingered.
WHEN: this evening into early tomorrow morning
WHERE: alllll over london

push it, p-push it real good )


now there's a buzzing in the wires.

WHO: Catherine Gryffiths, a market-goer, and a mugger.
WHAT: A Librarian on the prowl finds more than she expected.
WHEN: Tonight!
WHERE: The backstreets of London.

They were two figures, inconsistently lit by the bouncing web of fire brandished in the urchin’s hands. Magical fire licking at the adult’s jugular, hovering an inch from his throat. )


WHO: Rudo Iekanjika & Fabio.
WHAT: Dog-walking turns into witnessing a strange crime.
WHEN: Monday, early evening, just after dark.
WHERE: On the way home from Peckham Rye Park.

Rudo needed to hire a dog-walker. This was getting ridiculous. )


Published in mainstream London news