February 2014

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February 13th, 2012

[info]marionnette in [info]at_the_gates

and while I'm alive, I'll make tiny changes to the earth.

WHO: Marion {+ OPEN to anyone wanting some reality manipulation in their vicinity!}
WHAT: The djinni awakens to a dream and stretches its newfound powers.
WHEN: Day two; early morning.
WHERE: Her godforsaken apartment, then Market.

On Thursday night, Marion went to bed early. On Friday morning, the ifrit awoke. )

[info]corinths in [info]at_the_gates

by the teeth marks you made on bones from the ice age.

WHO: The Corinthian {+ erstwhile victims, feel free to create your own individual sub-thread!}
WHAT: The nightmare goes out to play and makes a bloody mess while doing so.
WHEN: Days one through two.
WHERE: All across the streets of London.

He's happy as a fucking clam. )

[info]ex_soup24 in [info]at_the_gates

Who: Viktorus Petraitis
Where: Haven and then the streets of London
When:Day One; February 9!
What: Nightmares become lucid dreaming aka tori is taken over by his demon pals, sort of. Narrative, but definitely open for interference!!
He stepped out into the manmade hell )

[info]disintegrates in [info]at_the_gates

Scars Run Together

Who: Nives Gagliardi & Marko Velazquez.
What: Nightmares and the beginning of the Odyssey to Haven.
Where: London Diner.
When: First night.
Warnings: Shit is bananas. B-a-n-a-n-a-s!

and everything heals given time, and everything dies given time, and the scars run together, mixing the nerves with the blood... )

[info]penemue in [info]at_the_gates

I was watching him crawl back over the wall when

WHO: Penemue, Ohya, Ahya
WHAT: A thunderclap, a charge from the Heavens
WHEN: The night of the party, after everything well & truly spirals out of control
WHERE: The Clock Tower of St. Paul's Cathedral, London

BANG! CRASH! And Lightening Flash )

[info]whiteapples in [info]at_the_gates

Open Thread: Central London

WHO: Anyone out and about in London!
WHAT: Fantasy/Nightmare Land
WHEN: The night of the party, after everything well & truly spirals out of control
WHERE: Central London (Zone 1!)

For everything beautiful (the pool of molten gold in Hyde Park, the unicorn spotted in Trafalgar Square), there's something ghastly (gaping chasms in the ground, shadows stalking the streets), and for every good samaritan there's a hungry predator. Delicious!