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August 6th, 2011

[info]immoveable in [info]at_the_gates

Who: Leo Gryffiths (narrative)
What: What happens when Haven's head comes close to breaking? He seeks out old mentor and tries to reacquaint himself with peace. ._.
Where: Haven
When: Soon after the Em & Gryff log.
Warnings: Nada. Unless the angst is ridiculous.

those glass-brittle men and women who eked out existence even as magic lit them up like human lightning storm )

[info]temeluchus in [info]at_the_gates

and if you can't run to save yourself, well, then you deserve to be had.

WHO: Temeluchus and Nina.
WHAT: An old friend shows up in the delicious new guise of a seven-year-old, and wields it to her best advantage to wholly fuck with another friend's brain.
WHEN: Fourteen years ago.
WHERE: His suburban home at the time.
STATUS: Continued in comments.

To say Nina had a consistent plan would be something of an overstatement. )

[info]eyesopened in [info]at_the_gates

Who: Toby Randall & Liam Ward [info]richestorags
When: Prior to Tem & Toby's debacle in which she discovers why Lily is sick.
Where: London Diner.
What: In which there is vague jealousy where there ought be none and phone numbers exchanged in what is possibly the most civil scene between these two, ever. And this is part one. -_-

I freelance in an over-saturated market during a recession. )

[info]eyesopened in [info]at_the_gates

Who: Toby Randall & Liam Ward [info]richestorags
When: Prior to Tem & Toby's debacle in which she discovers why Lily is sick.
Where: London Diner.
What: In which there is vague jealousy where there ought be none and phone numbers exchanged in what is possibly the most civil scene between these two, ever. And this is part two. (we hate ourselves)

the role he took on real as day set wounded pride half-healed over just beyond reach, just within sight )

[info]thedramatist in [info]at_the_gates

it's five am & you're on some corner again. soaking wet and there's no taxi with your name.

WHO: Jim Chatterjeee and Talia Sullivan.
WHAT: The city's resident dark knight decides to rescue a damsel who isn't exactly grateful for the help.
WHEN: Sometime, possibly a few weeks ago.
WHERE: On the streets of London at midnight.
STATUS: Continued in comments.

A man with a knife and a woman in a short skirt. If it was a good night all the bastard wanted was her money. London never had good nights. )

[info]richestorags in [info]at_the_gates

Who: Rudo Iekanjika ([info]forgingahead) & Liam Ward ([info]richestorags)
What: Introductions to magic and Market, the more thorough version.
Where: London Market.
When: Last month.
Warnings: None.

'First rule is don’t buy anything without shopping around first.' )

[info]richestorags in [info]at_the_gates

Who: Talia Sullivan ([info]thedramatist) & Liam Ward ([info]richestorags)
What: Welcome home. Kind of.
Where: Liam's flat.
When: Like a bajillion months ago, after Talia came back to town.
Warnings: None.

And now she was home. )