Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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A [userpic]

[info]reese_icons Icons, graphics, and banners of Reese Witherspoon for your own use or as a PB for an RP character. Posts are friends locked by default, and you'll need to join to see all of the icons.

[info]aristocons Random icons I've made, most recently including penguins, rats, and the art of Hieronymus Bosch. I'm also icon for PBs, including Josh Lucas, Gavin Rossdale, Suri Cruise, and others. If it doesn't fit in [info]nsfw_icons or [info]kitty_icons, and I made it, it goes there! Posts are friends locked, and you'll need to join to see the icons.

[info]nsfw_icons Brainchild of [info]ardath_rekha, this community features icons that are not safe for work and focuses on erotica and kink. Our rules can be found here. Because of the explicit nature of the icons and graphics, you must be 18 or older to join. When you put in your request to join, we'll go to your profile page and see if your FULL birthdate indicates that you're of age: your year of birth MUST be displayed. If your date of birth isn't displayed we won't let you in. So make sure your birthdate is visible when you apply, and at least until we've given you access. If you receive a rejection notice after applying, it's because you are either not 18 OR you do not have your date of birth displayed in your profile. "Watching" the community will not allow you to view posts unless you're also a member.

[info]kitty_icons Any feline icons and graphics (housecat, tiger, bobcat, etc.), whether drawn or photographed, are welcome here. Have a cute kitten or cat that you've iconned? Post it here! Membership is open and you can find a list of our rules .

[info]dear_mun Dear Mun is actually the brainchild of the wonderful canadabear at LJ, and is replicated here at IJ with her permission.

Are you a puppet in need of a sounding board to persuade your mun to do -- or not do -- something? Need a place to thank a kind and generous mun or perhaps instead to vent your rage at the plans for you they have in the works? Of course, we can't be held responsible for any repercussions that might ensue from your negotiations with them. Then again, you won't know if they can be swayed if you don't at least ask! You can find a list of rules here.

[info]multiversenexus A roleplaying community where you can have characters (pups) ask questions and get advice from the Nexus! If you're familiar with dear_multiverse or sages_of_chaos on LJ, this is the place for your characters! All pups, with the exception of living, real people, are welcome. Original characters, Fandom characters, AU versions of characters. There is no application process. As long as you follow these rules, you are welcome here. We would prefer that any questions from a mun account should be posted in [info]multiverse_ooc. This is a fictional setting, and that's one of the fastest ways to blur the IC/OOC line. You can find a list of rules here.

[info]arthritis is the creakiest joint in IJ! *riffshot* Discuss any of the more than one hundred types of arthritis here, find support, and share frustrations and success stories with others.

[info]the_80s_rocked is a community to reminisce about the 1980s, including fads, movies, television, music, fashion, news, events, and anything else of note that happened during that decade.

[info]greece is for anything relating to Greece, Greek language, Greek food, Greek archaeology... well, you get the idea!

[info]archaeology is a place to discuss archaeological topics and news, no matter the continent or time period.