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Feb. 10th, 2009


The Curious Case of Rashel Jordan

WHO: Galen Drache & Rashel Jordan [Open to Keller & Quinn]
WHEN: Day or so after Quinn/Rashel telepathy fun times
WHERE: Black Dawn
SUMMARY: Galen said he'd test Rashel out, so he tests her out, rawr (not that way).
STATUS: incomplete

he was never one to turn down a request from Keller )

Feb. 2nd, 2009


telepathy is fun!

Who: Quinn and Lucas (open to probably Rashel, Keller, and Galen. Thierry if he's not dead :))
When: a day or two after arrival. Say after the Quinn/Rashel thread.
Where: Lucas' room
What: Quinn's been volunteered for something more productive than making rude comments!
Rating: PG
Status: incomplete

Rashel liked to volunteer Quinn for things. )

Jan. 31st, 2009


Thread: Quinn and Rashel

WHO: Rashel Jordan and John Quinn
WHEN: probably about a day or two after the rescue team arrives?
WHERE: Black Dawn
SUMMARY: Rashel wants to talk to Quinn about the weird telepathy thing that happened with Keller.
STATUS: incomplete

Rashel didn't know what to make of it )


day after

WHO: Galen & Lucas Drache
WHEN: Day after rescue team arrives
WHERE: Black Dawn
SUMMARY: Galen goes to check up on Lucas, because he's family and someone has to.
STATUS: complete

he didn't ask to be drawn into this )

Jan. 26th, 2009


WHO: Hannah Snow, Blaise Harman and Thierry Descouedres who may or may not be dying.
WHEN: In the midst of caring for the survivors of the Titanic castle strike.
WHERE: Black Dawn
SUMMARY: Hannah thinks Thierry is knocking on deaths door. Thierry says he's not and says Blaise can fix it. Hannah needs to find Blaise like...NOW. Right this second.
RATING: PG-13, at least I think. Hannah isn't prone to swearing.
STATUS: complete

Hannah was on a mission. )

Jan. 24th, 2009


Thread: Just when you thought it couldn't get worse.

( WHO: ) Hannah Snow and Thierry Descouedres
( WHEN: ) After the Aidan rescue and attack on Black Dawn
( WHERE: ) Around and about the castle (or what's left of it)
( SUMMARY: ) Thierry's worrying himself sick, and understandably so. Trouble is that he's sick to begin with.
( STATUS: ) Complete.

Thierry wasn't sure if he could feel any worse than he did right now. )

Jan. 23rd, 2009



WHO: Black Dawn survivors and LV Aid team
WHEN: Dawn
WHERE: After the Attack @ Black Dawn
SUMMARY: Daybreak tries to pick up the pieces.
RATING: R [Gore]
STATUS: complete

Galen had never been so livid. )

Jan. 9th, 2009


Thread: Castle Attack

WHO: Sienna, her cronies, and everyone at Black Dawn (tags should be added as people come into the post)
WHAT: Paying a visit
WHEN: About the same time as the Aidan's rescue. Hooray for divided attention.
WHERE: Black Dawn

Planes were certainly quieter, less bumpy, and her hair wouldn't be so messy, but she wouldn't be able to feel the wind blowing past her, or get a clearer view of the four dragons descending upon the castle. )

Dec. 20th, 2008


Who: Morgead and Jez
What: Morgead is bored. He tries to read some Shakespeare. He doesn't take to it very well.
Where: Black Dawn, of course. It is their own personal prison.
When: After it's discovered Hannah is gone.
Status: incomplete
Rating: TBD.

It was one thing having to live in a crowded, isolated, old castle. It was another thing entirely having to live in an EMPTY, isolated, old castle )

Dec. 15th, 2008


A letter from a runaway

To: Everyone at Black Dawn
From: Hannah Snow
What: A Letter found on Hannah's pillow

Dear everyone at Black Dawn, )

Dec. 11th, 2008


Christmas comes to Black Dawn

WHO: Maggie Neely and Delos Redfern
WHEN: After Maggie breaks her foot. Sad day.
WHERE: Black Dawn
SUMMARY: Maggie comes to Black Dawn to please Mr. Grumpypants. She brings a few things with her to torture get her darling prince into the christmas spirt
RATING: PG unless Delos discovers what Maggie's got in her bags. Then he might curse.
STATUS: In Progress

Maggie was not amused )

Dec. 9th, 2008


business time

Who: Quinn and Rashel
When: after Quinn gets his new orders from Thierry
Where: Quinn and Rashel's Room With A View at Black Dawn
What: Quinn has orders to go to LV. He's getting ready to go. Telling Rashel what's up is also smart.
Rating: tame. PG?
Status: incomplete

Quinn didn't know the exact moment he started taking orders from Thierry. )

Dec. 5th, 2008


Thread: Keller and Rashel

WHO: Rashel Jordan and Raksha Keller
WHEN: Shortly after Rashel asking about aspirin
WHERE: The... kitchen in Black Dawn. They've got a kitcheny place, right?
SUMMARY: Okay, so there's a baby panther and a baby human and they're really twin sisters and are separated at birth. And then they meet over aspirin. Small world, huh? No kidding. Well, because I'm assuming that we're still going with the twin thing? Des?
STATUS: In Progress

Ugh. )

Dec. 4th, 2008


Who: Hannah Snow and whoever else feels like joining in
What: Sulking at Black Dawn
When: After Thierry leaves
Where: Wandering around Black Dawn
Rating: It's Hannah. Nuff said.

There was only one thing to do when one felt sulky, and that was to walk around in the best pair of slippers ever made. )


A Gift my ass....

Who: Thierry
When: Sometime After Thane's Thugs leaves presents (and possibly after talking to Hannah...)
Where: First Black Dawn, then Las Vegas
What: He goes to see what's up
Why: He's da boss and the presents were left for him….
Open/Closed: Closed
Status: Completed

Thierry got an urgent message from Las Vegas and he had to admit, it was disturbing as all hell. Someone had left bodies….bodies with messages stuffed in their mouths…on Thierry's damn doorstep. And he was pissed. Livid. Severely MAD. And he was also concerned. Worried, and a little unnerved. Who could have done this? And why? Well, the list of people who knew Thierry, knew his position among the Circle, knew what he was trying to do, was long. Very Long. And not to say the least, disturbing.

He kissed Hannah goodbye, and left Black Dawn for Vegas. When he got there he asked to be shown the corpses, and the notes immediately. He wanted the notes checked for fingerprints and spells right away before anyone else handled them. Thierry was calm, directing orders right and left, and making sure that no one panicked. He could panic, but he didn't appear to be panicking and that made all the difference. Right?

When all the hullabaloo had died down, Thierry went into his study and locked the door, with strict instructions that he didn't want to be bothered unless someone had vital information on this situation.

He paced in his office, occasionally, staring out the window, or sitting on the edge of his desk. He could only stay still a few minutes because he was worrying whether Hannah was okay, if she was still upset with him, and wondering what the HELL was going on here.

Again, the list of people who wanted Thierry's head on a platter was long. And he knew it. But the cryptic threats…their tone rang a bell. 'Death couldn't stop me.', 'I'm still watching.', 'You belong to me.'

There was only one person who ever believed that Thierry belonged to them. One person who would say that and say that death hadn't stopped them; That they were still watching. Maya,. But she was dead. And there was no mistaking that death. He saw it. It happened before his own eyes. And there was NO WAY that she could be back. NONE.

But the her voice kept playing those messages over and over in his head. He could hear her saying them. And it unnerved him to his core.

They needed to find out who did this and and they needed to do it - fast.

Dec. 2nd, 2008


Who: Thierry and Lucas
What: A meeting
Where: Thierry's "Office" at Black Dawn
When: After his talk with Aradia
Why: He needs to find out some information
Open/Closed: Open (especially to Whitcombe and Hannah)
Rating: G probably unless there's swearing
Status: In Progress

Thierry looked at the answer from Lucas and nodded. Good. he thought. Now I can at least see if there is any information to pass back to Aradia.

He closed the cover of his lap top, still kind of surprised they could get internet at all here at Black Dawn, but then again, the people he worked with never ceased to amaze him when they were set tasks like that of putting together a secure network to keep all the cells of Circle Daybreak in communications with one another.

He wasn't sure if Lucas would come right up, but he hoped. In the meantime, he thought. Getting up from his desk and pacing to the window and back, he thought. Something was plaguing him about the prophecy and it just seemed like it was dancing around his head and every time he thought he might have caught it, it scurried away and left him frustrated.

STRICKEN FROM THE RECORD. We're going to redo this at a later date.

Nov. 30th, 2008


thread: quinn and lucas

Who: Quinn and Lucas Drache
Where: Black Dawn grounds
When: a day or so after Rashel and Quinn arrive
What: Quinn finally meets the 4th Wild Power. Let's see if this is as hilarious as we think it'll be.
Rating: probably tame, PG-13

Quinn, honestly, didn't make that many useful contributions to Daybreak. )

Nov. 22nd, 2008


thread: quinn and rashel

Who: John Quinn and Rashel Jordan
Where: Black Dawn
When: sometime after Lucas is found
What: Quinn and Rashel arrive at Black Dawn to regroup
Status: just started

Rashel didn't really take vacations. )

Nov. 17th, 2008


WHO: Delos Redfern and Lucas Drache
WHAT: Schooling the new guy.
WHEN: Shortly after the rescue mission, so let’s say September 20th.
WHERE: Black Dawn, outside
RATING: Who knows!
STATUS: Incomplete.

They would stand here and bleed and try until they passed out if they had to. )

Nov. 4th, 2008


Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig!

WHO: Maggie Neely and Delos Redfern Neil Patrick Harris cameo
WHEN: Afternoon on November 4th
WHERE: an ambiguous spot at Black Dawn
SUMMARY: Returning after a visit with Maggie's family
RATING: I'll tell you when I know
STATUS: movin' right along.


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September 2009



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