Previous 20

Sep. 1st, 2009


WHO: Sienna, Dragons, Everyone still left!
WHAT: ZEE END OF ZEE WORLD! Or at least the final battle.
WHEN: Two days after Thierry and Co. touchdown in Vegas again
WHERE: Sienna's mansion/compound/fortress

Sienna hated being caught unawares, and that was just what was happening right this second. )

Jul. 3rd, 2009


Who: Aidan McCloy and Rowan Redfern
When: After the Harman store explodes and Kestrel shows? I think?
Where: Around the Harman store
What: Investigating turns up some unlikely results.
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Incomplete.

They'd waited too long )

Mar. 10th, 2009


Off they go

WHO: Raksha Keller, Aidan McCloy, Ash Redfern, Rowan Redfern, and Thistle Galena
WHAT: Got a tip on where Thane is living these days; going to check it out
WHEN: The day after the confusion and while Galen is going to/is at Black Dawn but right after Thane's meeting with Thierry
WHERE: Thierry's Mansion first, then Thane’s place.
STATUS: In progress

Keller had left notes for everyone in their rooms to come and meet her at the garage. )

Mar. 8th, 2009


E-Mail [Lord Thierry]

TO: Lord Thierry
FROM: Aidan McCloy
SUBJECT: About Soulmates

You have 1 new message )

Mar. 7th, 2009


Thread [Aidan and Lys]

WHO: Aidan McCloy, Eirlys Trahern
WHEN: An hour or so after this thread? Or thereabouts.
WHERE: Lord Thierry's place.
WHAT: Aidan needs healed just a bit more to stop him from climbing the walls with boredom, and Lys is happy to help!
STATUS: Complete!

He still got tired far too quickly for his liking )

Feb. 13th, 2009


E-Mail [Lord Thierry and Lady Hannah]

TO: Lord Thierry, Lady Hannah
FROM: Aidan McCloy
SUBJECT: I have a question!

You have 1 new message )

Feb. 12th, 2009


E-Mail [James Rasmussen]

TO: James Rasmussen
FROM: Aidan McCloy
SUBJECT: I have a question!

You have 1 new message )

Feb. 11th, 2009


cure time!

Who: Rhys and Aidan
When: um, after Poppy and Aidan?
Where: Aidan's room, Thierry's mansion
What: Rhys formulated a potion for that silver poison.
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Rhys was busy. )


When You Can't Sleep (Aidan)

WHO: Poppy North and Aidan McCloy
WHEN: After Gillian visited Aidan
WHERE: Thierry's Mansion
SUMMARY: Poppy can't sleep and figures she should visit Aidan. They have a chat.
STATUS: In Progress

She didn't want to sleep. )

Jan. 30th, 2009


the doctor is in

WHO: Gillian Lennox & Aidan McCloy
WHEN: Morning
WHERE: Thierry's Mansion
SUMMARY: Jill's sleep pattern is off, but that's okay, she's wide awake and rejuvenated and checking in on everyone's favorite silver mine captive.
STATUS: complete

she really needed that. )

Jan. 26th, 2009


I'd Give My Life For You

WHO: Karen Wallace & Aidan McCloy
WHEN: After Aidan has somewhat healed
WHERE: A park
SUMMARY: Two friends are reunited only because Karen wouldn't stop nagging until she saw him in person.
STATUS: In Progress

Sniffling, Karen softened her breathing and shifted her gaze to the side – almost swearing she heard something in the distance. What was that noise? )

Jan. 24th, 2009


Thread: Aidan and Rowan

WHO: Aidan and Rowan
WHEN: Two days after the rescue
WHERE: Aidan's room
SUMMARY: Silver poisoning is not fun.
STATUS: In Progress

His hands wouldn't stop shaking. )

Jan. 22nd, 2009


Log: Aidan and Lupe

Who: Aidan McCloy and Lupe Acevedo
Where: Aidan's Room, Thierry's mansion
When: The day after Aidan's rescued? He's not sure, time is a bit fuzzy for him right now.
What: Wolfy reunion omg YAY
Status: complete
Rating: PG

Lupe was out of her mind with worry, )

Jan. 21st, 2009


E-MAIL [ aidan mccloy ]

TO: Aidan McCloy
FROM: Karen Wallace

you have 20 new messages )

Jan. 9th, 2009


To Save Another

WHO: Ash Redfern, Aidan McCloy, Thane, & [ OPEN to everyone who wants in ]
WHEN: After Hannah's return @ Night
WHERE: Thierry’s place
SUMMARY: Time to save the wolf-puppy!
STATUS: Complete

... they were about to go up against Thane of all beings; and who knows who else. )

Dec. 22nd, 2008


Narrative/Thread - open to very bad people

Who: Aidan (and maybe bad people)
Where: He doesn't know! But it's in the cave, still.
When: He doesn't know that either! But it's maybe a day or so after Sienna threatened to cut him up into bits.
What: Aidan would like to go home, please. He doesn't feel too good.
Status: Complete(?)
Rating: Swearing! Wolfy pain and woes! I do not know your strange American film ratings system, but I think that'd make it a 12 over here, possibly a PG12.

Even the dust burned )

Dec. 15th, 2008


Where The End Is Only The Beginning

WHO: Thane, Sienna Dogwoode, & Aidan McCloy
WHEN: 28 November @ Late morning
WHERE: Cave where Maya died that is located near Thierry's place.
SUMMARY: Thane introduces Sienna to his guest.
STATUS: Complete

The real beauty of it all, they were practically under Thierry's nose. )

Dec. 5th, 2008


the investigation

Who: Lupe and OT evil types, any sort
When: night after the gifts are left
Where: Las Vegas
What: Lupe's trying to figure out who's the sick bastard
Rating: might get high with violence, we'll see
Status: incomplete

Lupe promised Lord Thierry she'd be careful. )

Dec. 4th, 2008


the rescue thread

Who: Lupe, OT Aidan or Ash
When: WAY BACKDATED to the...24th? When Ash was stabbed and left for dead :(
Where: Las Vegas desert...small cave
What: So we stop ignoring the poor vampire! Flashback to when Lupe and Aidan find Ash. If this is not okay with Riri or Tracy, let me know. But I thought I'd go ahead and get started, so ML and Ash will meet up again, because I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THAT.
Rating: PG-13? Blood?
Status: incomplete

Lupe took her word very seriously. )

Nov. 25th, 2008


thread: samuel and open

Who: Samuel Lanner and ??? (not to be confused with THAT '???')
Where: The Black Iris
When: after the meeting with Thane
What: Samuel isn't going to get information without going out
Rating: PG-13
Status: in-progress

Samuel Lanner was probably in over his head. )

Previous 20

September 2009



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